
Activision Announces Kinect Enabled Cabela's Hunting Game

XXLGaming writes, "The Big Game Hunter series takes a new direction and utilizes Kinect technology. Not only is the game Kinect enabled, but you'll also get a rifle controller as well for the actual shooting."

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hilyou4773d ago

ENOUGH WITH THE SHOVELWARE ALREADY! microsoft seriously start working on some hardcore titles, cabelas hunting is just pure shovelware! there were like 10 cabelas on wii!

hilyou4773d ago

i know that, but i mean instead of using all their money on marketing kinect they should use it on hardcore games! also they should hav a seal of quality like how nintendo used 2 back in the day! so shovel ware doesn't get RELEASED! gamecube had a seal of quality, but as soon as nintendo dropped it on wii, there was shovel ware everywhere! (rhythm not INTENDED)

Nes_Daze4773d ago

Shovelware may be crap quality, but it attracts the casuals quite easily. Remember Microsoft's last E3 and the games shown for Kinect? They are taking the Nintendo route, and this may hurt some of fanboy feelings but..hey..I rather stick with the company that isn't puting shovelware on the same balance scale as top quality games.

dark-hollow4773d ago

At least nintendo got GOOD casual games that appeal to core gamers too.
Mario kart and wario ware comes to mind!

Agent_hitman4773d ago ShowReplies(1)
from the beach4772d ago

Interesting to see a lightgun peripheral arrive, amid increasing news of games using both sensor and controller (Steel Battalion / Ryse?).

I'd love to see Sega follow suit and bring their modern arcade gunshooters to Kinect, or Move for that matter.

mac_sparrow4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

is it just me, or does anyone else think that a lot of what is being tracked are those big, brightly coloured balls on the gun?

Now if only I could think of where I've seen this solution before....

Whilst not as catchy marketing wise at least this and steel battalions approach will work.

You and the controller... are the controller!

Ju4772d ago

Yep, not just you. LOL.

" Not only is the game Kinect enabled, but you'll also get a rifle controller as well for the actual shooting"

ORLY? I mean, you are the controller, or aren't you.

mac_sparrow4772d ago

just noticed, why the hell is the kid jumping and aiming....

ohhh he's a casual, he must be quickscoping ;)

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XXLGaming | Cabela's BGH: Hunting Party Review

XXLGaming writes, "Hunting Party breaks from the mold of the normal Cabela's games we have come to expect. Plenty of arcade action and fun with this Kinect enabled title. You'll duck, jump and even sneak up on your unsuspecting targets all while using the new Top Shot Sport gun peripheral. But the novelty wears off pretty quickly."

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Cabela's Big Game Hunting Party

Cabela’s Big Game Hunter: Hunting Party’s exhilarating gameplay hits the “bulls-eye” for fun and excitement! You are the controller as you move through the environment by jumping, dodging and weaving around branches, rocks and charging animals, all while shooting your way through each level with the Top Shot Sport. The innovative Top Shot Sport, included with the game, brings a whole new layer of interaction. This first-of-its-kind technology adds a brand new dimension to the game. For the first time in any hunting game, players will have an opportunity to use their whole body and the Top Shot Sport like they would in real life. The Top Shot Sport includes features like pump-action reload, an adjustable stock and pop-up tactical sight. Join up to 3 other friends in riveting versus gameplay, or go it alone with a progressive single player mode that will take you across the world as you make your way to the ranks of the most elite hunters in the world. 29 entertaining and fun shooting galleries that engage the entire family across 4 dynamic regions including: Tanzania, Mexico, Texas, and British Columbia. Single player story mode and galleries, and competitive hot seat gameplay with up to 4 players. Upgradeable perks with customized loadouts, 4 distinct and game-changing power ups that can be found in-game.

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Game Preview for Hunting Season with Cabela - GameZone

GameZone's Joe Donato previews the upcoming Cabela's games, including Cabela’s Survival: Shadows of Katmai,Cabela’s Big Game Hunter 2012, Cabela’s Big Game Hunter: Hunting Party, and Cabela’s Adventure Camp. He also mentions how the lightgun peripheral works with the game.

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athmaus4754d ago

I have never been a fan of Cabela games, but some of my friends love this. Some of these do look intesting