PAX is all about the people

SG - Not the smelly, dirty strangers. Friends. The people who let you sleep at their house without asking anything in return, the people worth waiting an entire year to see, and the people who cradle you in their arms until the wee hours of the morning. Thanks again, Frawlz … Ala Douche … Darkwonders.

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PAX Australia confirmed: Melbourne, July 2013

GCAP 2012 this morning kicked off with the announcement all Australian gamers had been hanging out for: PAX AUS will be held in Melbourne next year - and the year after, too!

It is the first time the event will be held outside of the United States - and in answer to the inevitable "Why Australia?" Penny Arcade President Robert Khoo reiterated the fact that the Aussies just wanted it more.

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PAX Australia Is Heading To Melbourne In 2013

At this years PAX in Seattle it was announced by Mike "Gabe" Krahulik and Jerry "Tycho" Holkins (Organisers of the Penny Arcade Expo) that PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) would be heading down under to Australia in 2013. An Article posted on Kotaku states that they received an email earlier today from organisers containing, "sales documents" & "booth space rates" But the email also stated that PAX will be held in Melbourne, Australia during the 19th, 20th & 21st of July. This announcement goes on to prove wrong the rumours about the event being set to take place in Brisbane.

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Halo 4: PAX Prime - Interview with Kevin Grace

The Halo Counncil Writes: The Waypoint Community Modcast presents this special interview with Kevin Grace of 343 Industries.

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