
IGN - Hole in the Wall Review

IGN - If you love YouTube, you've probably seen the clips from the Japanese game show that tasks contestants with squeezing their bodies through shapes in a moving wall. That was fun, wasn't it? Then it arrived on American television in 2008 and I quickly lost interest. Three years later, I find myself posing in the IGN demo room as the unblinking eye of the Kinect sensor stares disapprovingly at my awkward attempts at contortion.

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Bigpappy4778d ago

I saw this posted a few time, but didn't pay attention to it. I had no idea this was another Kinect XBLA game. I don't know how to deal with Kinect reviews, so I have to try every one for myself.

If this game has online play, it could give it some legs. But, the concept itself does not excite me. I'll try it before I knock it though.

dark-hollow4778d ago

Is this a joke?

A game based on that game show?????

Bigpappy4778d ago

I have never seen the game show and have no interest in doing so. But since the game will have a FREE trail, I might as well try it for myself.

BrightFalls764778d ago

"Hole in the Wall"? Give me a heads up when they come out with "Glory Hole" Kinect. Come on, that was too easy ;p


VS Episode 29 - Ray vs. Michael

Michael decides to think outside the box and challenges Ray to a game that will force him to try to get nimble.

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Kinect games go cheap in today's 12 Days of Xbox Deal

Hole In The Wall and Leedmees have been reduced to just 400 Microsoft Points (£3.43) each in today's 12 Days of Xbox promotion.

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Hole in the wall Review (Invision Game Community)

Based on the television show broadcasted on BBC one, Hole in the wall for Kinect is a fun and exciting game for families and friends of all ages to play together. Carefully placing your body into different posistions shown to on screen, you are to try and progress through different levels and get as high a score as you can.

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