
Konami Brings Four PlayStation Vita Titles to Tokyo Game Show

Konami is showing its support for PlayStation Vita at this year's Tokyo Game Show. Impress Watch has the publisher's lineup, and it lists four titles for the upcoming portable.

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Stealth2k4719d ago

if one of em aint suikoden I dont care

Skate-AK4719d ago

I think I read on here that the team got disband years ago. I would love to see a new Suikoden, but then again I don't want what I remember as a kid to be tarnished.

Stealth2k4719d ago (Edited 4719d ago )

The old team got disbanded but the employees still work for konami so they could just put it together again. Remember the last suikoden was only 3 years ago and the team was together.

The fact that they are co developing 3 rpgs means they want back in

tiffac0084719d ago

Yeah Konami did disband team Suikoden, they haven't been together for 7 years. sob*

Bring back Suikoden! D:

tarbis4719d ago

I hope there will be more PSV games coming from Konami aside from those 4.

SamPao4719d ago

Finally Zone of The Enders footage!! :)

Knushwood Butt4719d ago

Gradius VI.

Konami were developing a Gradius title for PS3, but eventually dropped it. I wouldn't be surprised if it surfaces as a Vita title.

kanedaakira4719d ago

Well if they make a Gradius game for the Vita - I may just go and buy one!

CrescentFang4719d ago

New Little King's Story woohooo Time to gather up my harem once more!

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