
Gundam Extreme Vs Set for PlayStation 3

Andriasang: Namco Bandai will be porting over the Gundam Extreme VS arcade title to the PlayStation 3, Famitsu reveals this week. The PS3 port is currently 70% complete and will be released on December 1, priced ¥8,380.

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Godmars2904777d ago (Edited 4777d ago )


a_bro4776d ago


Knightofelemia4776d ago

What is this game a fighting game? Or is it like Gundam journey to Jabaro? Either way its a must have its Gundam hopefully it has the Wing Zero in it.

smilydude134776d ago

It does have Wing Zero in it. Along with my personal favorite the Zeta.

It's a shame it most likely won't be coming to the states, though.

r214776d ago

any Gundam game is welcomed! its freaking Gundam!

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Gundam Extreme Vs. Force Screenshots Show Off New Vita Exclusive

Gundam Extreme Vs Force screenshots for PlayStation Vita. 19 screens and box art.

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Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost Guide - Part One

Grant Patterson is going to give you a comprehensive how-to-play in what may be the most fun game of all time. Seriously, if you're not playing Full Boost, you're missing out. This thing is awesome. And everyone needs to know about it.

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Deathdeliverer3320d ago

I have this game on PS3. Had it since launch in Japan and I love it. Very deep tactics.

Iceman X3320d ago

Yeah, i got Extreme no full Boost yet but the 1st game was just as good!!

Deathdeliverer3320d ago

I had that one since launch also. Gundam Epyon FTW

GrantPatterson3319d ago

If you think Epyon is awesome, check out the new Nobel Gundam DLC for Full Boost. YouTube it, even. It's ridiculous.

GrantPatterson3319d ago

Make sure to check this series out, as it'll be expanded throughout the week. This is meant to introduce new players to the game.


Denkiphile Podcast Episode 8 Featuring Ty Mitchell

Davis from Denkiphile: "Fighting game fans are in for a treat as we interview our first guest ever, Ty “ReNiC” Mitchell, who’s done various things for the fighting game community including a vast library of contributed videos and countless Alex victories in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. We discuss his plans for Capcom’s Cross Assault show, his plans for his “Growing the Beast” video series on YouTube, and his thoughts on modern fighting games as compared to some of his favorites like 3rd Strike. In addition to that, the staff discusses the DLC in Final Fantasy XIII-2 and some Gundam Extreme VS impressions. Afterwards, we talk about the recent announcement that Ni no Kuni coming to the US and that Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus‘s port to both PSN and XBLA with online play."

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