
New James Sunderland Voice Actor Troy Baker Discusses The Silent Hill 2 HD Voice Controversy


"TGL caught up with Troy Baker for an interview about the forthcoming HD re-release of Silent Hill 2, a game that sees Troy re-voice protagonist James Sunderland. Troy tells TGL about how he first got involved in the project and what he makes of the controversy that surrounds the voice changes."

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WhiteLightning4776d ago


"why the new voices remain loyal to the Silent Hill 2 experience"

The guy actually thinks this....wow, has he heard the video comparison between the original and the HD remake, the voices are terriable. Not because they are new voice actors and we "can't get used to them" but they are actually horriable to listen to. It sounds like theres no emotion or hardwork been put into it.

chidori6664776d ago

i really had to laugh at this new VA lmao.

this horrible voice acting is totally ruining the experience (for me that is). BUT honestly i couldnt care less.

i have the original -> win!

BubbleSniper4776d ago (Edited 4776d ago )

I have both SH2 and SH2 greatest hits. I have SH3, SH4, SH Origins(PSP and PS2), Play Novel, Lost memories, Homecoming PC and PS3, making of 2 and 3 and of course SH1 black labelx2, one still sealed right next to my still sealed FFVII black label /brag

If I want SH HD all I gotta do is put my disc in or run an ISO ripped from my disc and put my GPU to work after setting it all up. which it is. BIG SMILE

SephirothX214772d ago

I know but you'd still be an a$$hole...

BrightFalls764776d ago

I second the LOL.

For the most part I assume that the majority of people who would be interested in a Silent Hill HD collection are those who have played the originals. As a long time fan of 1,2,3 and yes, even part 4 this was the collection above all collections I was waiting for.

I was dissapointed as many others to find out there would be new voice work but got over it quickly, waiting to see how it turned out. But I have to agree with chidori666, the new actors are awful and since Silent Hill is truly an experience that's a deal breaker.

Looking at my shelf of the first four parts of the series I am happy to play those again in the future and skip the HD "collection" all together. Konami really messed this up big time.

Rashonality4776d ago (Edited 4776d ago )

i think the guy did a decent job, but overall the voice acting is crappy just like the original.

Pozzle4775d ago

I think the problem with the new voice acting is that it just doesn't suit the characters. The old voice acting wasn't the best (iirc James's voice actor was a random guy who decided to audition for the lolz), but at least they suited the characters' personalities. Eddie sounded childish and immature, Maria switched from 'sweet and loving' to 'crazy and psychotic' within a heartbeat, James was clueless and dopey, etc.

The new VAs seem to be trying too hard to make the game more serious, but forgetting that these characters aren't all that serious to begin with. They're all batshit insane and it shows through their voices.

Mr Tretton4776d ago

"So it’s not that Konami wasn’t willing to pay them, he (Guy) wanted residuals, he wanted non-existent money that he felt that he was owed. So Konami has no fault in this whatsoever. And they wanted to use him again. Guy was the one who was outspoken about it and said that unless this happens he wouldn’t do it, so he forced Konami’s hands. So if anybody wants to blame anybody for why they chose new voices, they can go back to the original James and he’s the one to blame."

Mr Tretton4776d ago

"The thing that I have learned, especially with the Japanese companies, is that you never ever speak out. You never bash your employers. You never bash the people who gave you a huge leg up no matter what they’ve done or what you feel that they’ve done. But the fact that he’s talking about residuals being in videogames shows you just how out of the loop he is because residuals don’t happen. They don’t exist."

BubbleSniper4776d ago

lol he is a forward thinker. Games are making more money than Hollywood now. a whole new can of worms is going to be opened and is currently being opened right now. the more KNOWN TALENT from movies that do voice acting or model themselves for games the more money will become involved.

the ESA is one burden of proof.. all we need now is a union for game devs and BOOM

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Silent Hill 2 - Immersion Trailer | PS5 Games

Explore Silent Hill and immerse yourself in psychological horror like never before.
SILENT HILL 2 is available October 8, 2024 on PS5.

hombreacabado10h ago

took a day off from work to immerse myself in silent hill!

90sGamingWasBetter9h ago

I'm not watching any trailers, I'm going to go into this one cold.

jznrpg7h ago

I try to do that for all games. I’ve played this game years ago but only have seen a short snippet of gameplay for the remake. I’m going to wait and play it on the Pro so I’ll have to avoid reviews and such for a month

1nsomniac8h ago

Mark my words, the 3d Spatial Audio will be best in class I reckon on this. They showed they were up to the task with Blair Witch. I think this will beat Returnal.

gold_drake6h ago

i really cant wait. it looks rly good

P_Bomb6h ago

Any word on a performance mode yet?

cammers19955h ago

Really hope they remake 3 and 4.

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Silent Hill 2 Has "Replaced and Remapped" Enemy Locations; Konami "Serious About Renewing Series"

Konami has mentioned that they have replaced and remapped enemies to new locations to give players aa "fresh take on combat."

Inverno25d ago

Shouldn't y'all have remade the first then? Or is series like MGS and 2 canonically the first game?

P_Bomb25d ago

SH2 was a stand alone story iirc. SH3 was the actual sequel to SH1.

Inverno25d ago

Ahh, then I guess we'll be seeing those 2 next. Hopefully they do a bit more than with each new remake. Hopefully they reconsider bringing Silent Hills back to life too.

P_Bomb25d ago

You never know! Guessing they’ll wanna see the receipts first for this one. I’m down for a Silent Hill resurgence!

jznrpg25d ago

Hope this one turns out well.

ROCKY2825d ago

This will be the best horror game of the year !


Silent Hill 2 Remake Length "16-18 Hours," All Classic Endings Confirmed, Various Changes Explained

Silent Hill 2 remake length is 16-18 hours, 20 for completionists. All classical endings confirmed, as some gameplay changes are explained.

GaboonViper28d ago

I cant wait.

"In my restless dreams,
I see that town.

Silent Hill.

You promised me you'd take me
there again someday.
But you never did.

Well, I'm alone there now...
In our 'special place'...
Waiting for you..."

Gamingsince198127d ago

I still have the demo disc from the official playstation magazine that had the trailer to silent Hill, the guitar tune was so good. I couldn't wait for it to release.

Cacabunga26d ago

i have the same with MGS2..
oh those days when pronouncing the word Konami was all you needed to get goosebumps

gold_drake28d ago

so abit longer than the og, thats good.

excaliburps27d ago

Yep, which is good news. The horror comeback is real! Dead Space, Resident Evil and now this! Woo!

P_Bomb28d ago

I’ve never gotten the UFO ending lol. Maybe with a lil’ save scumming I’ll finally get around to it?

P_Bomb28d ago

I was just on there too lol! Good idea.

isarai28d ago

Cant wait to see the graphics on the dog and ufo endings 😆

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