
Best Buy Offers White Knight Chronicles II Pre-Order Bonus Items

Not to be outdone by GameStop’s White Knight pre-order incentive, Best Buy has is offering it’s own exclusive content for White Knight Chronicles II.

Pre-order Level-5′s online role-playing game from Best Buy and gain access to the Knight’s Helm Set. This two-piece set of helmets from the Dark Knight and the Dragon Knight can be worn buy the player’s in game avatar.

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Quagmire4684d ago

pre-order? This game has been out for months, wtf is this, some kind of scam?

reuben4boston4684d ago

It doesn't come out in NA until Sept. 13th.

Quagmire4684d ago

So then why does every electronics store I walk past have WKC2 available for sale?

My friend has it, I've seen him play it.

MaideninBlack4684d ago

The official date for release in North America is the 13th of Sept. D3 confirmed it on Face Book and several retailers, including Best Buy, say the same. If this game was available in the States now, I'd be playing it.

Maybe your friend imported the EU version?

FamilyGuy4683d ago (Edited 4683d ago )

If you've seen it anywhere in the U.S. you can be sure it is an imported copy. BTW, they (Europeans) got no pre-order bonuses whatsoever, I wonder if they'll release any of this as DLC.

Besy Buy is VERY late on this announcement, most who planned to pre-order already did it through games stop, an gamestop has a better bonus anyway.

Tetsuryu4683d ago

PAL territories get the US preorder DLC (and more) for free.


* Black Knight Ticket (free)
* Dragon Knight Ticket (free)
* Moon Princess Ticket (free)
* Sun King Ticket (free)
* White Knight Ticket (free)

I was under the impression that NA would get exclusive DLC (according to D3). I guess it turned out to be a load of BS.

WildArmed4683d ago


Damn, I am jelly they get all of it :(

I think i'll stick w/ my Gamestop preorder thou.


TOP 10 of the Most Beautiful Places in JRPGs

Gameplane: "Many games can astonish players with creative gameplay or emotional stories. Others are remarkable due to the fun we had with them, while some are simply beautiful. These are nine JRPGs, which made us fall in love with virtual places."

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Segata2511d ago

Xenoblade X felt like Avatar as a game visually. The art in that series is amazing.


Sony To Host Level-5 President in White Knight Chronicles II Livestream: Are PS4 News Brewing?

On November 26th Sony Japan will host a livestream on Nico Nico focusing on White Knight Chronicles II.

The livestream will be hosted by Producer Kentaro Motomura and Promoter Yasuhiro Kitao, and will come with an exceptional guest: Level-5 President Akihiro Hino.

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URNightmare3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

This is turning out to be Sony's very own E3 show for the holidays!

Merry Christmas!


Most likely, yes. WKC was a PS3 exclusive.

pedrof933499d ago

Is white knight 2 a ps4 exclusive then ?

breakpad3498d ago

i hope for a localized Yokai Watch for Vita it seems very interesting and 3 milion Japan consumers are not idiots that bought the game instantly

WildArmed3498d ago


WKC2 came out on PS3 as well.

The servers for both games are down now unf. I really wish we see a HD collection of the game. It was one of my most memorable gaming experience from last gen.

I had about 1000 hours into WKC, and 600 hours when they took the servers down in WKC2.

Findingcrybabies3499d ago

I had these games in a backlog for a while, I was very sad to learn that one of the biggest draws to me (MP/online component) had been cancelled.

Fun games, but you need to be careful of how long they expect to support their titles, it seems....not...long.

Minimox163498d ago

Yeah, Im lucky cuz got the platinum of both WKC before that (too many hours lol )

Im with you bro ! MAG!

nX3498d ago

^MAG was next-gen stuff man, really miss that game.

3-4-53498d ago

More Level-5 games = good

joab7773498d ago

This and then Playstation Experience. What? Ni No Kuni 2 please.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3498d ago
guitarded773499d ago

I would take a White Knight Collection for the PS4 and a new game from Level 5 in the chute. As long as they keep servers up for awhile. I think they prematurely shut down servers for WKC on PS3. I know everyone is gonna be crying "Dark Cloud", but I'd prefer a new IP... WKC was originally supposed to be a trilogy, so there is no telling.

WildArmed3498d ago

I understand why they shut off WKC, but I was still playing WKC2 weekly when they shut of fWKC2.

I'm hoping we do see a PS4 HD collection.

elazz3499d ago

These games didn't get high ratings but for some reason I always found the series intriguing? And both games sold well. Maybe they'll make a new game in the series with an updated part 1 and 2

spence524903499d ago

I still have my copy of WKC2. One of the most frustrating games I have ever played. Great though.

gangsta_red3499d ago

White Knight Chronicles was not the best game and got ripped apart by the critics.

Level-5 should make a sequel to the excellent Rogue Galaxy game for PS2. I loved that game!

kratos1233499d ago

Wow people disagreed with that statement.
Man I miss rogue galaxy :-(. It was such a amazing games, all those fantastic characters. I loved all my time with it.

3498d ago
Xof3498d ago

It didn't help that it was one of the first high-prifile bullshot games last gen.

And what was weird about it was not only were those pre-release visuals much better than the final game, so was the UI and combat. And then there was all the DLC-whoring--like charging players to edit their avatars.

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The ten finest RPGs you can get on your PlayStation 3

Digitally Downloaded writes: "There's only a few RPGs left to release on the PS3 now. The majority of development for those scale projects is moving to the PS4... but it is worth noting that quality over quantity and those RPGs left to release on the PS3 include Dark Souls II and Drakengard III.

With that said, I thought we could look back at the PS3 RPGs - both western and Japanese, and which I personally felt were the finest the console could offer. I'm very keen to hear what your thoughts are and which RPGs are your favourite on the console, so be sure to sound out in the comments below!"

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DualWielding3779d ago

Valkyria Chronicles
Resonance of Fate
Kingdom Hearts 1.5. HD Remix

Hicken3779d ago

I really hate when people put Skyrim on such lists. It might have improved, but what shipped on disc- which is what gamers bought- was crap Bethesda knew they could get away with releasing.

Skyrim gets no vote from me.

Then the author says people who like Valkyria Chronicles didn't play many JRPGs on PS3. Which is an observation I don't believe for a second.

StockpileTom3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

I see Valkyria Chronicles as more strategy than RPG but it really does blur the lines. I think it is in a class of its own and I find it to be a true masterpiece which is a term I don't throw around lightly. (I don't even consider any game in the SOCOM series I love so much to be a masterpiece. The same goes for the Souls games which I believe fall just short.)

I really would love the series to continue onto next gen and perhaps add even more RPG elements into it. I don't have much faith in that happening though since SEGA always sends their games out to die with little to no advertising... then they turn around and kill off good series because of poor sales.

[I'm sorry about all the edits- it is hard to compose my words being this tired.]

joab7773779d ago

Valkeria is my favorite...No No Kuni is a close 2nd. After that it gets muddled. Dragon Age is good. Skyrim is a good open world game but I dont love the world leveling w/ you.

Oh...and Kingdoms of Amalur is very good too.

Treian3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

Missing Tales Of Games...

RondoMachete3779d ago

Fallout 3 should be on there,it's the game that got me into RPG's. Still play it and always will,Awesome.

TheSaint3779d ago

Me too, bought it on release and still play it.

McScroggz3779d ago

There are a nice mix of RPG's to chose from on the PS3. Hopefully, Persona 5 will end up being a game that exceeds expectations and is the best of the bunch.

Persona 4 Golden (Vita) is simply amazing.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash3779d ago

Enchanted Arms was my first RPG on the PS3.

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