
Neocrisis: Deus Ex Human Revolution Review

Neocrisis: Coming from Eidos Montreal, Deus Ex Human Revolution was one hell of a hype machine for some time now. But you know what often happens with big games, did this happen to Human Revolution as well or did the game fly up high.

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BakedGoods4685d ago

What an awful review.

It's only a few paragraphs and terribly written.

4685d ago
Michael-Jackson4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

Short reviews makes you question if the reviewer has even played or finished the game. So do not give this site hits, I'll post the review below without the meaningless few paragraphs.-----

The game does include many side-quests, but many of them require tedious backtracking and it can annoy more than one. Enviroments in Human Revolution are fantastic, though you might encounter some ugly models and textures here and there. Lip synching is off most of the time for some reason, and dialogues themselves don't feel well followed as a normal conversation which can be pretty disappointing for this game. Human Revolution focuses mainly on a morality angle, and unlike some other RPGs, choices you are going to make in this game are not so bad/good handled. This choices will give you different benefits and will steer the direction of the storyline. Fun part about this morality system, is that unlike Mass Effect, it doesn't grab your hand and tell you what choices are good or bad, instead it only gives you the options and you have to decide blindly what you think is best. Gameplay in Human Revolution can be taken on in two ways, you can either engage your enemies and try to get past them, or you can remain stealthy and sneak past them, which in my own personal opinion was kind of boring. Sometimes when I passed my enemies I went back just to kill them from behind, which felt satisfyingly good. The shooting part of the game depends on your stats, like Fallout, but here, you won't depend on randomness to kill an enemy if you hit certain weak points.

The soundtrack in Human Revolution is decent. It fits the atmosphere pretty well. Though they don't add climaxing points to the game, they don't fail to be noticed.

Some annoyances aside, Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a pretty damn good game to finish the month and it brought back the feeling that made the original games so fun. Highly recommended for everyone. ***7.8/10 ***

clarkjudo4685d ago

When the majority of reviews are 9's or higher. A score like this site counteracts the respectability of its credibility as a game site.

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Nightdive would "love to remaster Deus Ex"

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Deus Ex Deserves Better Than Being A Scapegoat For Embracer's Screw-Ups

Hanzala from eXputer says, "After multiple delays, cancellations, and ownership changes, the misfortune of Deus Ex continues; this gem of a series deserves better."

maelstromb129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

One can only hope at this point Embracer will need to generate an influx of cash flow, and what better way to do so than to sell off some of its IPs... namely Deus Ex, to a competent and talented studio capable of delivering a game noteworthy of the name in future. And thinking about it further, I don't know why Embracer would sit on the IP vs sell it if it means staying in business or not.


Five Annoying Video Game Openings in Otherwise Classic Titles

Some games endure despite the average player wishing they could skip that first hour - here are five annoying video game openings in otherwise classic titles.

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Yi-Long317d ago

I liked the Red Dead 2 opening, certainly didn’t feel like a slog to me, but I enjoyed that whole game so for those who were just expecting ‘GTA but with cowboys’, that was probably not the opening they expected, and Red Dead 2 wasn’t the game they were hoping for …

First game that came to mind when I read the title, was Watch Dogs 2, because you’re expecting an open world sandbox game in sunny colorful San Francisco, and instead that opening has you crawling and sneaking around an incredibly boring office building …

PrimeVinister316d ago

Watch Dogs 2 is a decent game but not really a classic. The opening is awful though. You got that right.

I loved the RDR 2 opening hours the first time but going back to restart it is where the rub lies for me.

Yi-Long316d ago

Yeah, I agree it’s not a classic, but it was the first game I thought of where I really thought; Why would you make that design choice!? If you’re gonna do a thing like that in order to teach the player some basic sneaking controls, at least make the location a bit more interesting, like an abandoned theme park or gorgeous temple or whatever, but now the gameplay was restrictive and boring, but also the location itself.

PrimeVinister316d ago

@Yi-Long Definitely true re the worst possible choices being made for the opener of Watch Dogs 2. I did enjoy WD2 overall but that intro is baffling :-D

shammgod316d ago

Red Dead 2 opening was trash