
PSLS On Location: WWE ’12 Community Event

PSLS writes: "To say that I am just a guy who watches wrestling would be a huge lie. The fact is that I have been a huge fan for as long as I can remember. I still get goosebumps at times when I hear Stone Cold’s classic glass shattering entrance, along with the iconic Rock’s entrance music. I’ve been watching since I was about 7-8 years old, so needless to say when THQ offered to fly me out to Los Angeles this past weekend for a Community Event that included both playing the upcoming WWE ’12 and attending SummerSlam I jumped at the chance. I mean who would pass up being treated like “The King of Kings” (like the Triple H reference?) by a gaming company? I have been playing the Smackdown series since it was first released on the original PlayStation, and I buy it every year. My personal favorite in the series is Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain, though that may change this coming year from what I got to play, just like the series title did."

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stormeagle64783d ago

Damn, that's gotta be the most in-depth preview of a wrestling game I've ever seen. Kudos to you for finding that much to say!

knifefight4783d ago


Varsarus4783d ago

that was before most of us existed..

knifefight4783d ago

Most of you exist BECAUSE of that body slam, my young friend.

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An intro to Biomutant

Alex & Mike talk Biomutant, a game from Experiment 101/THQ Nordiq you likely have not heard of. While the AAA side of the industry tends to homogenization and imitative, cinematic presentation, “AA” games remain creative and innovative in 2021. Drawing on inspirations as varied as Dark Souls, third person shooters & kung fu cinema, Biomutant is Ratchet & Clank on acid, developed by a team of 20 people.

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Are Wrestling Games Getting Worse?

Some of you may know that the latest instalment in the WWE gaming franchise 2K20 was released late last year to generally poor reviews. Some of this was based on graphical issues, but mostly it was due to the many glitches and bugs found – many of which are hilarious to witness.

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Atom6661712d ago

Fire Pro needs more love. The last PS4 title gets regular playtime from me.

I hear that there are financial troubles at the studio, but I'm hopeful for a Switch port one of these days.

The Wood1712d ago

Anyone remember Giant Gram Wrestling on the Dreamcast .....

Rambokind1712d ago

Ah hell yes! That was loads of fun.

Acecalibur1712d ago

Fire Pro just gets better. Buy it.

micdagoat191712d ago

I have Fire Pro for PS4 and PC but it seems more of like a Sim creator rather than people actually playing out matches. I still dont like anything as much as the N64 games

b163o11711d ago (Edited 1711d ago )

Golden Era of wrestling games in the Golden Era of wrestling. I've been contemplating going back and getting a N64 and getting those classic's
WWF Wrestlemania 2000
WWF No Mercy
WCW vs. nWo Revenge

micdagoat191709d ago

Yeah its the only wrestling games I still play consistently for fun.

TheTony3161712d ago

Yes. The last great wrestling game was svr 2006.

addictedtochaos1712d ago

Yes, the WWE ones at least. The last good one was 2K14 and the last great one was Here Comes the Pain.

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THQ's Golden Wii, Meant for the Queen of England, has been Found

Remember THQ? They published such games as Avatar: The Last Airbender, Darksiders I & II, the Destroy All Humans series, Homefront, the Red Faction series, and Saint's Row 1-3. Almost as famous as their games were the THQ marketing stunts, including a Golden Wii.

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Segata2072d ago

yeah ok but can someone find what happened to the Swordquest items on Atari?