
TGH: Dark Souls Preview

TGH Writes: Demon’s Souls was a game that many gamers loved the look of, it sounded perfect; a game that was tough as nails, had loads to unlock and discover as well as a deep and rich upgrade system all inside a creative and dark twisted world. For many the reality was in fact never quite getting past that first boss, let alone the second, for some it was a true test of your skill and patience and was worth every penny. Dark Souls will feel exactly the same for everyone.

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ShadyDevil4725d ago

I am honestly afraid of this game after playing Demon's Souls and getting NOWHERE. I feel like a failure. This game will prolly cause suicides.

firemassacre4725d ago (Edited 4725d ago )

im almost done on game 7+, its not that hard if you pay close attention and NEVER, i mean NEVER underestimate your enemies

@shadydevil, that too ;)

ShadyDevil4725d ago

Apparently its more of a strategy game than I thought lol.

Rob9464725d ago

I agree, I want this game but I really think i'm going to suck at it :P might pick it up around January time though.

DragonKnight4725d ago

Don't worry about sucking at it. No one who played Demon's Souls made it through the first playthrough perfectly. You're gonna die in both games. As soon as you accept that, you can then make it your goal to die less. Until you've figured out the nuances of the game.

FanOfGaming4725d ago

Hmm..didn't play Demon Souls though

DragonKnight4725d ago

You're missing out. And the servers go offline in October.

Cpt_kitten4725d ago (Edited 4725d ago )

can't wait

i think the "you died" screen should say "your really stupid for doing what ever you did to get yourself killed" so that way people will stop saying the game is hard and realize that they made a mistake and didn't pay attention to what they were doing

not to mention see that would prolly make me laugh

ShadyDevil4724d ago

Lol true. Oops...fell off cliff...F***. Alright *Grabs souls* kills few guys ...gets low on health..nah I can make it just one more guy left... *steps on a trap and neglects shield* F*** THIS GAME!!! lol

ddurand14725d ago

ive bought, traded in and rebought demons souls a few times. it was my first RPG and it defeated me. im going to buy dark souls and keep it till I beat it though.

Arthas4725d ago (Edited 4725d ago )

Pick it up and test yourself as a gamer. I'm working on the Platinum on DS now. 5 trophies to go!

KingDustero4724d ago

It only took me 93 hours to platinum Demon's Souls. I'm hoping there is a small reward in Dark Souls for having the platinum in the first game. None the less I'm for sure going to platinum Dark Souls.

Hellsvacancy4724d ago

My Platinum save data for DS is on my old fat Ylod PS3, its the 1 save file i miss the most

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phoenixwing126d ago (Edited 126d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson126d ago (Edited 126d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

57d ago