
Wanderson75.net - Retro Review: Baseball Stars 2

Growing up with sports games in the 80’s and 90’s was so simple. Take baseball for example. You pitched the ball, fielded it, or hit it. As time went on, with consoles becoming more powerful and controllers increasingly complicated, new features such as franchising and player management systems were introduced to entice players to pony up another fifty to sixty dollars for something other than updated rosters, schedules, and statistics. However, many of us simpler folk (the ones that just wanted to play the game) were left by the wayside when managing a team became as much a part of the game as playing it.

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Baseball Stars 2 Review - Nintendo World Report

Finally, a baseball game on Switch that hits above the Mendoza Line.

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HAMSTER will release ACA NEOGEO BASEBALL STARS 2 for Switch, Xbox one and PS4

BASEBALL STARS 2 is a sports game released by SNK in 1992. Get the full experience with intense graphics and passionate announcers! Time to see some exciting baseball.

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