
Dota 2‘s $1 Million Tournament Stream Live: Are You Still Hyped or Disappointed?

MS: "Although the game is still in the very early stages of production, it’s clear that Dota 2 is going to cause a fanboy war similar to what we’re currently seeing with Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3. With the original DotA, League of Legends, and Heroes of Newerth already battling it out amongst fans as to which is the superior game, Dota 2‘s wild marketing stunts by Valve in an effort to bring the Dota genre into the public eye are sure to only heat up the war."

Check out the live stream and gameplay footage of the $1 million Dota 2 International tournament after the jump.

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ImSoHeavy4689d ago

even being a fan of valve i'm disappoint

Hufandpuf4689d ago

I rarely see dissapointed Valve fans. this is new.

malol4689d ago

i really liked what i saw
but the games play seems a bit slow and im afraid that may bore me and other ppl that play it
they need to pick up the pace a bit

everything else looks nice

gustave1544689d ago

its a 1 million dollar tournament they are really playing cautiously

JsonHenry4689d ago

Why are you disappointed? I'm not trolling, I promise. I never played the original DotA so I am wanting to know why so many people are saying the sequel is no good. Plenty of people are saying it sucks but no one has elaborated as to why.

wwm0nkey4689d ago

HoN is closer to DoTA than LoL

DoTA2 looks pretty insane and A LOT of fun. If you know the mechanics you would know LoL and DoTA are pretty different.

-Superman-4689d ago

First. Cartoony grahpic dosent make it LoL

Second, Valve said gameplay will be 100% same as Dota, which means its more hardcore than HoN

So ye, Dota 2 >>> HoN >>> LoL

fileman374689d ago

I think the game is insane. Cant wait, but the stream sucks big ***** :)

gustave1544689d ago

well 1.4 million people had something to do with the stream crashing xD

Shackdaddy8364689d ago

I'm so incredibly hyped for this game. It looks awesome!

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Valve: 'Smurfing Is Not Welcome In Dota', Bans 90,000 Accounts

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Fist4achin288d ago

Pardon my ignorance for never having played this, but why even have the ability to create multiple guest accounts? It seems if there is only one account per player then it would eliminate this smurfing issue.

sadraiden288d ago

Probably to get new players hooked on the addictive gameplay loop, more people playing = statistically more people buying battle passes.

Fist4achin288d ago

Makes sense and cents for Valve. Thanks

franwex287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

Why would seasoned players want to play with lower skill players anyway? Just to owned them? They’re n00bs, what’s the fun in that?

It’s like on COD where they do bad on purpose for a few rounds, to then be place with with bad players to then dominate.

SegaSaturn669287d ago

This is human nature. I know people who do this in Dota2, CoD and other multiplayer games. They enjoy the dopamine rush that winning generates.


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