
GameFront: E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy Review

GameFront, "It’s game’s like E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy that remind us how incredible PC gaming can be. It’s worth the cost of entry just to see an uncompromising game from a team that just did everything they wanted with it."

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kesvalk4790d ago

this is game is very mediocre to be honest, with LOTS of gramatical errors, horrible AI and bad interface...

in fact, the only thing they got right, was the shooting...

ATi_Elite4790d ago

Yeh i didn't like it either! Like you said the shooting was great but the game was just not for me.

It tries to be Deus Ex but just doesn't work!

Sidewinder-4790d ago (Edited 4790d ago )

I think it's pretty cool. Persistant character building across singleplayer and co-op if you fancy it.

Plus one hell of a big patch got released today virtually fixing all the bugs me and my friend picked up on, as well as the anoying little things you wouldnt expect.

Think what you want, it's not that bad a game.


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