
CS:GO - Doomed on Xbox 360, but Not the PS3

Counter Strike: Global Offensive has just been announced, but how will it fare on the Xbox 360 with Microsoft and their infamous update approval system?

Bigpappy4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

I love predictions. It is another word for 'guess work'.

I did not read the article because the title sounds like a baseless comparison, that only exsist because fanboys fight over the 2 systems.

But don't let me stop yah.

ddurand14731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

seriously. if you had read the article you would have seen what a reasonable, well thought out article it was.

it makes alot of sense. its a shame you missed it. but i guess thats what fanboy tunnelvision will do to you.

Agent_hitman4731d ago

The title is interesting, It's obvious that two words are appropriate for this "Bragging Rights"

gamingdroid4731d ago

You do know that the reason why MS puts a restriction on the patch size, frequency and quality is to ensure devs don't ship you a broken game they intend to fix later by using you as a beta tester.

We don't want patches to fix broken games repeatedly or worse patches to fix patches!!!

Yup, it has happened.

mastiffchild4731d ago

@gamingdroid-you ARE having a giraffe, aren't you? Since when did ANY Bethesda game launch this generation on 360(or anywhere else) than wasn't glitchy as all hell and, for many, plain broken pre patches? If what you say is true then just how bad does a game need to be before MS consider it a paid for beta? All it REALLY means is shedloads of LITTLE patches rather than sorting out en masse surely?

Has MS allowed Valbve to have mods imported to L4D1 and 2 on 360 that game would have been comparable to the greatness it is on PC and as PS3 had us cooking over UT3 mods I fail to see the harm in it happening over Live too and PSN more often in future-why ever not? I don;t think MS have to be so heavy handed in trying to get a bit of every DLC pie on Live do they? It wouldn't cost or hurt them and they'd get great PR from, it.

Allow console gamers to cook over PC mods for some games-it can work and hurts nobody.

Fanboyism shouldn't, either, come into this and /MS have a great chance to show Gabe that what he intimated on Sony's stage last year about closed off Live need not always be the case. Prove him wrong and make a lot of curious 360 gamers happy-and , Sony, do more like UT3. Any news of a WiiU CSGO? Mods allowed with friend codes?

OH, I'm guessing what's in the article as it won't load for my phone for some reason. I always wondered why we didn't get to see more mods brought over to console too.

MrBeatdown4731d ago


You're saying it like it's a good thing.

It's a pretty poor attempt to prevent the release buggy games. If Microsoft is really that concerned about buggy games, they should approve the games pre-release, not limit the amount of fixes. Prevent the problem, not the solution.

fr0sty4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

gamingdroid, I agree with you that it does put pressure on the devs to get it right the first time, however there are certain instances where it can get in the way. We've heard devs say before how they are limited by how much free DLC they can give away on 360, and that's likley because of this regulation saying they can only have so many patches (free dlc would likely be considered in that category). So, it's a double edged sword.

For instance:

""The Free Roam Pack was originally planned as a free download, but due to the platform networks' restrictions on numbers of free packs we can give away (and our promise to bring you the free Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack"..."

Quoted from R* games.

badz1494731d ago

"You do know that the reason why MS puts a restriction on the patch size, frequency and quality is to ensure devs don't ship you a broken game they intend to fix later by using you as a beta tester."


Aggesan4731d ago

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Steam support which the ps3 probably will have and the 360 won't. That's another major reason to favour the ps3 version over the 360.

bayport4731d ago

Is he suggesting that SONY doesn't have a stupid QA process like Microsoft?

Well he's wrong.....PS3 exclusives have to deal with the same bullcrap. It's just how consoles are.

gamingdroid4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )


***If what you say is true then just how bad does a game need to be before MS consider it a paid for beta? All it REALLY means is shedloads of LITTLE patches rather than sorting out en masse surely?***

Obviously it doesn't prevent buggy games, but it certainly makes you think twice about shipping a buggy game you have limited ability to fix.


***If Microsoft is really that concerned about buggy games, they should approve the games pre-release, not limit the amount of fixes. Prevent the problem, not the solution.***

Obviously MS testing their third party games aren't realistic. However, if you read developers report they all speak very highly and how rigorous of MS testing methods and certification process.


***gamingdroid, I agree with you that it does put pressure on the devs to get it right the first time, however there are certain instances where it can get in the way.***

Thank you for being neutral. You are right, it can swing the other way as it has in many instances. Absolute rules are rarely if ever perfect. All I'm saying is with the bad, comes the good.

***Quoted from R* games.***

Why not just add everything into one pack? Which is what R* did.

Also, although it seems reasonable to guess MS since they have a history of being more strict, it was never specified in the original source, which is R* press release. It simply said "platform networks restrictions"... it could have been another platform.

source: http://www.rockstargames.co...

I certainly don't want gazillion patches to a broken game, that said I have seen far too many patches on many games on Xbox 360... so it seems MS is more liberal with some titles than others.

MrBeatdown4730d ago (Edited 4730d ago )


"Obviously MS testing their third party games aren't realistic. However, if you read developers report they all speak very highly and how rigorous of MS testing methods and certification process."

But is it any more realistic to expect that a developer's QA could find and squash every bug and glitch that millions of users could potentially find over a period of months?

Fact is, hindering solutions (the number of patches and free DLC packs) does not solve problems. Sony, as far as I know, puts no limits on patches, yet PS3 games aren't any worse off than 360 games.

If lazy devs releasing buggy games really was a problem, those devs should be held accountable, rather than restricted to how much, and how often, they can fix their game. If Microsoft was really serious about it, and knew a dev's previous game was unusually buggy, they'd bar that developer from releasing their next game on 360 without proving there was significant improvement in their QA.

And, it wasn't directed at me, but you said... "Why not just add everything into one pack? Which is what R* did."

There's a simple answer to that. Because then it can limit the free content to paying customers. Rockstar was forced to bundle free content with a paid expansion, which essentially defeated the purpose of free DLC. You can't tell me that is in any way good for the gamer.

Limits on patches just aren't a good thing. RDR and Team Fortress shows it's a hindrance to devs trying to enhance an already great experience. Fallout: NV and a slew of multiplayer games show it isn't a deterrent or an effective preventative means to keep bugs to a minimum. And PS3 games prove it isn't necessary to keep devs from releasing shotty games.

And worst of all, if a dev is limited in the number of patches they can issue, they will use them sparingly. They can't issue immediate, small fixes because they need to hold off until they can squash a number of bugs. That just means players have to deal with bugs longer, as a dev waits until releasing a patch is worthwhile.

gypsygib4730d ago


Just as many or more 360 games ship with bugs, Crysis 2 for example has a horrible grain bug that Crytek won't fix - probably because it will cost them money to release the patch!

evrfighter4730d ago (Edited 4730d ago )

As much as I hate ps3 fanboys and enjoy it when they nerdrage. Gabe is singlehandedly changing the way we game. If there were one developer that led the way this gen it would be him.

In this case the ps3 will have the full support of Valve. That much is confirmed. The only way It'll work on 360 is if Gabe can get M$ to pry the lid off their closed sytem they have now. If he does that he deserves a statue.

But for some reason I don't see cs doing too well on 360 to begin with. I see 360 gamers as gamers that need their aim bots. They probably couldn't handle the amount of skill that's involved with cs anyway.

PirateThom4730d ago

Microsoft's patch size restriction has nothing to do with QA, it's to do with the fact they have consoles that either lack a HDD entirely or have very limited space.

The patch size limit is just another problem caused by Microsoft's lack of foresight.

Karum4730d ago

Yeah no need for all those patches to fix game breaking bugs and glitches in every COD game that gets released every year.

Basically anyone that plays those games online is an ongoing beta tester.

OhMyGandhi4730d ago

Although Bigpappy sounds rather paranoid in his assumption of a flamebait article, I must admit that the title sounds more biased then it actually is.

great read though!

pixelsword4730d ago (Edited 4730d ago )

@ gamingdroid:

Nice try.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4730d ago
meetajhu4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

dude read the article first. It clearly states Microsoft restriction to allow frequent updates otherwise it will end up being like a broken game like Black Ops or cods. None of the games are 100% perfect even with 10 patches.

gamingdroid4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

You do know that the reason why MS puts a restriction on the patch size, frequency and quality is to ensure devs don't ship you a broken game they intend to fix later by using you as a beta tester.

We don't want patches to fix broken games repeatedly or worse patches to fix patches!!!

Yup, it has happened.

limewax4731d ago

Lol you sure it isn't because after an update is of a certain size, or contains too many free gifts, MS charge you for it? Since, y'know....It's happened in the past

miDnIghtEr4730d ago

But COD Black Ops isn't broken. Maybe on the PS3, but why would you play it on PSN? I've never seen crazy glitches and bugs while playing Black Ops and they hot fix the game all the time.

Counter Strike was doomed ever since it was announced as an Xbox Live arcade game... make it a real game. Not an arcade game.

TKCMuzzer4731d ago

Surely your using 'guess work' in your comment if you have not read the article.

TheXgamerLive4731d ago

myself and the "inteligent" owners of an XBOX 360 would like the system to stay closed like it is now and has always been.
It's arguably the best gaming system there is, much much better than ps3 and pc.
The Xbox LIVE feature is closed and will not go down for months like ps3/psn and pc has no organization for online and always always always has bugs errors etc... and rarely plays a game smoothly.

This is hands down a no brainer and will make more sence to those that appose it in the next couple of years with the next X gaming system.

KratosGod34731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

Your comment is a joke, Right???

TheXgamerLive4731d ago

You mean like you and your bubbles are?

wicko4730d ago

You got the "inteligent" part right, that's for sure.

radphil4730d ago (Edited 4730d ago )

"It's arguably the best gaming system there is, much much better than ps3 and pc. "

I stopped caring at that this point with what the guy said.

It really baffles me how deluded people are saying a static hardware system is better than a constant updated hardware system. I'm talking about him saying a 360 being better than a PC.

Seriously. I showed that statement to other programming co-workers, and they just laughed.

radphil4730d ago (Edited 4730d ago )

Wow....people think a 360 can outdo a top-of-the-line PC?

Glad to know people on this site don't work with technology then.

Either that or it's the same person using 6 accounts to troll.

Quartx4730d ago

People are getting out of hand with the mass disagrees now.

Vip3r4730d ago

"pc has no organization for online and always always always has bugs errors etc... and rarely plays a game smoothly. "

Tranlsation: Herp derp derp derp herp.

Steam, for example is far and away better than XBL. PCs have, are and always will be the better gaming platorm.

Imalwaysright4730d ago

The fanboyism is strong on this one. Overall the PC is by FAR the best gaming system and the reason being FREEDOM. Freedom software and hardware wise. Mods alone kill the 360 let alone that with a € 500 PC i get a machine that runs circles around it. Even Kinect is somewhat worthy on the PC because of mods.

Bonobo123454730d ago

"myself and the "inteligent" owners of an XBOX 360"

LOLZ If that was unintentional its the funniest thing I've read all week.

The_Con-Sept4730d ago

XGamer obviously has never owned an XBOX 360 since launch, has never played a real PC multiplayer shooter game, and will never own a PS3. Why? because he is closed minded. Like the Xbox 360.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4730d ago
theflyindutchman4731d ago

funny how u call this article guess work.
u have your opinion ready without reading it, thats guess work.
it's obvious he did his homework on this one.

Solid_Snake-4730d ago (Edited 4730d ago )

microsoft dont wanna charge for bug fixing updates just content updates.

360 is the console of choice for FPS games. 360 has a better FPS controller. multiplat games sell better on the 360 so why would valve have an issue with CS:GO on xbox.

just another sad day on N4G.


M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4730d ago (Edited 4730d ago )

It isn't unusual for Bigpappy to miss the point of an article and jump to defend the 360 guys.

Guess he's not the only one.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4730d ago
vishant1014731d ago

i believe it will do better on the 360 than the ps3 as the 360 user base has always shown more support for the fps genre i.e cod battlefield, ghost recon.

Drjft4731d ago

Even with the heinous update process?

Thanks for your feedback :)

Hitman07694731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

At least Sony allows updates to come from the devs without making them jump thru hoops and charge money for DLCs they wanted to give for free.

@Bigpappy the fact you're passing judgement on an article and proudly proclaiming "I did not read the article" speaks for itself. You seem to always be judgmental and moody though maybe the problem is your self.


Also PS3 has already proved to work with mods and Steam.

I'm not saying 360 can't do it, because it probably could if MS would allow it, but that's the concern in this article, MS allowing Counter Strike to be Counter Strike.

ClimateKaren4730d ago

He said he believes it will DO better. Portal 2 sold better on the 360 than PS3 & PC, so there is no reason to think this won't.

The PS3 will without a doubt (unless MS becomes a little more flexible with their XBL policies) have access to more features, assuming there is Steam connectivity as with P2, but that has nothing to do with how well the game will sell. Better ≠ do better

wenaldy4731d ago

COD on PS3 and X360 both have shown almost neck to neck saleswise..so what's your point?

Asgaro4730d ago

Why the disagrees?!

He is right: PS3 has nearly catched up to Xbox 360, knowing PS3 released A YEAR later.
Applause for Sony.

The_Con-Sept4730d ago

Exactly. I find it funny how each Call of Duty has only a difference of 1 or 2 million between all three formats. Not 20 to 50 million.

Motorola4731d ago

If PS3 has cross platform play, then I think the PS3 will do better.

Micro_Sony4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

Cross platform play would be a bad idea because the PC gamers would have an advantage with the mouse and keyboard over the PS3 gamers with controllers.

Edit: Yeah but then Valve would have to implement some sort of match making system that puts people with mouse against each other and people with controllers against each other which will cause the community to be divided - plus you will always have those cheaters that will find some way of exploiting this.

Unreal Tournament 3 was the only game I remember having mouse and keyboard support and it worked well - not sure why more PS3 gamers dont prefer the mouse over the controller when it comes to playing FPS on the PS3.

Motorola4731d ago

Yeah but if it was optional, then it would be better. And PS3 ALREADY has Steamworks


PS3 also works with almost any USB or Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, it's up to the developer to implement. If they (or anyone else in the future) really consider cross platform play between PS3 and PC I think it's a must and would be a shame not to support it.

trancefreak4731d ago

@ Vishant we are talking the frequencies of the game being updated, not how many players will be supporting it lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4730d ago
Inside_out4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

Why would you let anybody have free access to your network. If you have some patch, it has to go through M$ first...it's their system and their rules..is Steam any different...Karma is a bitch...keep reading...

If memory serves correct, isn't this the same problem that Valve is having with EA...O_o.

Valve is very,very sneaky. They abandoned the xbox 360 TF2 fans claiming they didn't want to charge gamers...how nobel, but why didn't they let the gamers decide if they wanted to pay or not.

Look, I've defended Valve against EA's criminal activity against valve but what Valve did to the TF2 xbl community wasn't right and I feel they are using xbl and PSN as gateways to pull in more gamers on PC and Steam. TF2 is still played around here regularly and I think Valve owes the XBL TF2 fans an apology. Let them decide if they want to buy the map packs or whatever else they put out, if they paid for XBL, then a couple dollars more is not the end of the world....I would buy it in a second because the game is worthy.

Counterstrike came out on XBox 1 and I expect to see it on 360. 23o++ patches is ridiculous for ONE game...O_o...get it right the first time will ya or at least the tenth or twentieth. :/

4731d ago
Rivitur4731d ago

You have a point the TF2 XBL got screw by the process then Valve sugar coated the situation by saying "M$" was at fault. Knowing that their game was incomplete and needed work that could have been updated during beta testing. Still play it on 360 n pc though <:O

ImpliedDeception4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

TF2 on the 360 was never broken, but having played the PC version for almost 4 years now, I've seen a number of updates that tweak the engine for new graphics/optimizations (All that would probably have translated nicely to the not-too-dissimilar 360 architecture) not to mention tons of fan-requested features.

They constantly monitor how players are playing the game to tweak it, in the interest of fairness and balancing the game. http://steampowered.com/sta... (it hasn't been updated in a bit, but it gives you an idea of what they're doing)

I'd be curious if Valve can monitor the 360 players at all, or if Microsoft restricts that... It sucks that the 360 players feel abandoned, it's an awesome game... but, I can understand not wanting to package updates for a platform that you're not making any money from, on a game platform that you probably can't even monitor to see how effective the changes you're making are...

The_Con-Sept4730d ago (Edited 4730d ago )

Sorry but if you look at how updated the games on Steam are vs the 360... I'm sorry why am I writing this again? Oh yeah because Common Sense is knocking on Inside_out's door but he has become a shut in closed minded gamer.

Sorry but the simple fact is that TF2 has much more support on the PC than the 360. You pay 60 dollars a month to become a closed minded gamer. When will you open your door to the real world?

Same goes to you Microsoft. Looks like NO platform is easy to develop for.

Theo11304731d ago

It's doomed on both, who the hell wants to play a game that requires extreme precision with a controller...

Micro_Sony4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

Bubbles - This game is made for the mouse and keyboard and the developers will have to do some serious tweaking and modification to get it playable on consoles.

Twitch shooter do not work well on consoles FACT.

Hicken4730d ago

And, you know, you can't just plug in a mouse and keyboard, like one of my friends does on his PS3.

Oh, wait...

olLANDSHARKlo4730d ago

Hicken, why are you not playing your great exclusives, you have been on n4g for 2 days straight now, does this console war really bother you that much fanboy. I looked at the times of your post, when are you sleeping? Your sitting on here all day, worried about what people are saying about a videogame console. Are you poor and can't afford both systems? Or are you just a little kid that mommy and daddy got you the console that your friends didn't have, so you have to go on forums and say it's the greatest. You are a weird dude.

Bonobo123454730d ago


LOL yo attack him for being a fanboy, when your just as bad. Looking through your messages it's apparent your an xbot with nothing better to do than come on here to trash the systems you don't like.

what a hypocrite...

Hicken4730d ago

I'm on n4g every day. I work at GameStop, so I try to keep on top of gaming.

As a writer, I spend a lot of time on my computer; even when I should be working on a story, the temptation to go online is always there.

And, actually, my friends got me a PS3 as a birthday present a few years back. Friends who all also have a PS3, by the way, and most of whom have owned at least ONE 360.

Since you've gone through the arduous trouble of actually messaging me on PSN about my playing preferences, you should be able to see the large number of exclusives I've played, from inFamous to Uncharted to Little Big Planet to Gran Turismo.

But I don't spend all my gaming time on my PS3; I spend much of my time on my PS2, where I'm catching up on the 30+ rpgs I have yet to beat. You know what those are, don't you? Games that usually require upwards of 40 hours to complete. There are also a few PS1 games I own that I haven't beaten- as well as ones I like to go back and play on a regular basis, and a crap-load of NES and SNES games I still revisit.
Did I also mention that I draw? Whoops. I'm not too skilled, but I also draw a random little comic I've maintained since 2003, as well as various pieces of artwork for the stories I write (mostly swords; if you like, I can send you scans of some of them).

Oh, I'm also working with a few friends to develop our own game. We're making it with the intention of it being a Final Fantasy, but I've made sure to allow so that it could be changed to eliminate any mention of Square-Enix's flagship franchise.

I'm also a bit of a music nut; though I don't sing or play as much as I used to, I periodically write piano accompaniment(difficult to do, because I've never been good at reading music; as is pretty common in my family, I play by ear), and sometimes write a song or rap.

I spend a good deal of time reading, too. Right now, I'm out of books, but come this next paycheck, I'll be picking up A Dance with Dragons (part of the series that spawned the awesome HBO show Game of Thrones) and Chapterhouse: Dune (if you don't know Frank Herbert's Dune, I feel sorry for you), and I'm thinking of picking up Fool's Fate (book 3 of Robin Hobb's The Tawny Man trilogy) and Ringworld Engineers. And, now that I'm on the subject, I may try and find the other Mission Earth books (by L Ron Hubbard, the scientology guy) since I only read book 4. Kim Stanley Robinson Mars books are critically acclaimed, so maybe I'll grab one of those; The Years of Rice and Salt was a really awesome book. My favorite author, Jane Lindskold, seems to be doing ebooks and short stories at the moment, but I'll read anything she pens. Anne Rice also has a new series. I bought my mom the first book, but maybe I should buy a copy for myself, too...

There are also a few comics I collect, too. Specifically the Warlands, Witchblade, Fathom, and Soulfire(you might be able to tell I'm a Michael Turner fan).

Anime and manga are very big interests of mine; I've watched about 11,600 episodes and movies, and read close to 13,000 chapters.

When I'm not doing ANY of that stuff, I'm either sleeping, eating, working, or hanging out with friends.

But yeah, I guess I DO spend all my time here on N4G, never playing all my PS3 exclusives. Can't imagine why I'd be doing anything else.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4730d ago
Theo11304731d ago

For Those of you disagreeing, explain how it could work aside from unlimited re spawns and Aim Assist that automatically goes straight for the head.

Asgaro4730d ago

@ Persistantthug:

You are kidding me right?
Shadowrun was a game where PC and Xbox 360 gamers could play against each other online.

Xbox 360 gamers got mowed down :D
It was so bad MS never made a game with that concept again, although the technology is all there and ready.

MrDead4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

Should make it a move game for the PS3 its fast and very precise, you just need a steady hand

Also they could add mouse and keyboard support

Theo11304731d ago

If one person in the server has a mouse and keyboard, it'll completely break the game. Also, not everyone will be using M+KB, so it's kind of impossible to implement.

theonlylolking4731d ago

I still dont get why they dont add mouse and keyboard support. It is not as unfair as PC fanboys try to make you believe.

CS:GO is not doomed on the xbox 360 but it wont be as good as the PC or PS3 version.


People keep saying that believing they are oh so good with mouse and keyboard but you know what? I keep playing on PC with a controller (I'm a couch potato and can't really botter to hook a mouse to the notebook) and quite frankly I don't feel at any disadvantage there. Just like I have played online with people using both Move and Dual Shock and it's no big deal. Someone kills you in the game it wasn't because of the 0.02 miliseconds of faster reaction of the better controller, it was because he was better than you, unless the game itself is flawed and one of the option don't work properly.

metsgaming4731d ago

There can always be a keyboard and mouse only server/mode.

MrDead4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )


They might be able to make controller or keyboard mouse only matches as controllers and peripherals are assigned numbers on the PS3 1-4 are for control pads and numbers 5 up are for other things, I think my remote is number 7. The PS3 always knows what controls your using so maybe they could lock you out of matches that are using a different control method to you

radphil4730d ago

I still dont get why they dont add mouse and keyboard support. It is not as unfair as PC fanboys try to make you believe. "

This isn't PC fanboyism talking, but if you played Shadowrun cross platformed, you'd be singing a different tune.



I don't disagree with you, but as I said, if one of the controller options don't work properly it's a flaw of the game, not the controller itself.

Look at it the other way. There's plenty of K/M adapters for both PS3 and 360 so you can use it with any game, but try one and you'll see that K/M will be a disadvantage on a game which wasn't properly designed to use it.

On a game designed to suport both methods I would hardly see a disadvantage on either method, and this comes from someone who used to play PC shooters with K/M daily for almost 3 years not so long ago. A better player, who thinks before shooting, who uses teamwork, who took the time to learn the map design and to get used to his weapon of choice will always be a good oponent, despite the controller he uses.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4730d ago
metsgaming4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

We should be telling valve to include the very rare feature that the ps3 can do called mouse and keyboard support. Its rarely used and this is a perfect game to use it on then there will be no problem. We need to tell valve to do it and then cross platform competitive play can work well. Btw i doubt it but i hope that they could put mods onthe ps3 version like surf? Theo this is how it can work with this feature then it can wipe the 360 version outof the water

Pandamobile4730d ago

Lol at the console guys that think they'd stand a chance against someone with a mouse on Counter-Strike.

M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4730d ago

Hicken, you just OWNED him. I should shake your hand right now.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4730d ago
Agent_hitman4731d ago

Here they come!!!!!... I'll hide

Show all comments (154)

CS:GO fans now frantically dusting off their Xbox 360s as servers are still online

One of the only ways to play CS:GO on official servers is via the Xbox 360 version of the game.

Read Full Story >>
mandf301d ago

4 or 5 players in a game is not players frantically dusting it off

Jin_Sakai301d ago

We all know that videogamer.com went to each and every Xbox 360 owners house to watch them frantically dust off their 360s.

Vits301d ago

I mean it is a 1000% growth in the player-base. /s

mandf301d ago

Enough to write an article though. N4g new owners are insulting us for click revenue

Vits301d ago


Nothing to do with new owners. N4G has always been the trashcan for game news and discussion.

northpaws301d ago

I love video games so much that I never have the time to replay the old one that I have finished, my backlog has only gotten bigger and bigger. I don't get how some people can play one game for years (except for mmorpg)

mandf301d ago

It's an exaggeration to the extreme. A way making an exclusive seen grander than it is.

Profchaos301d ago

Some people do I know someone who only ever plays dune 2000 which is rarely but still

RedDevils300d ago

Those Fifa or COD players do that every years.

Inverno301d ago

Wonder why they've never ported this game over to last Gen and now current Gen. This game would be pretty popular right now, I think.


Players Spent Over $100 Million On CS:GO Cases Last Month, A New Record

About 39.5 million loot boxes were opened throughout March 2023, right after Valve announced Counter-Strike 2. It goes without saying that gamers love gambling, especially those who play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

479d ago Replies(1)
477d ago Replies(2)
OhReginald477d ago

I have about 260 hours on csgo and have not spent a single penny on any of the microtransactions. You can still enjoy it since it's not pay to win.

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‘Counter-Strike 2’ Release Date Nears As Devs Test Source 2

The rumours are heating up and it looks like Counter-Strike 2, the move onto the Source 2 engine for CS:GO, is coming very soon based on testing files found on Steam.

Number1TailzFan500d ago

S&box devs already have access to Source 2 and have done for a while.

DOTA 2 was Source 2 but hardly anyone noticed/cared because it wasn't one of the Valve games most wanted. L4D3 was scrapped because Source 2 wasn't ready and buggy.

Half Life Alyx has been the only official Source 2 game that people notice so far.. The engine still looks pretty good graphically, but it looked far more impressive back in 2014 when the leaked plantation level that was rebuilt on Source 2 (for L4D2) was shown. Too bad it took this long for Valve to do anything with the engine.. with all the money they have I have to wonder what happened. Even a smaller dev studio could've produced stuff within a couple of years.

Richhard1498d ago

Not sure why this hyped tbh, it’s only in updated engine. Same maps, same game. So long as it’s top of steam listings, it’ll be here for evermore.