
These are the perfect videos to make us warm for the first Counter Strike on PS3 and 360

Counter Strike coming to the PS3 and 360 is pretty big news. This franchise is one of the oldest shooters, but especially one of the most popular. The games didn't sell as good asCall of Duty , but the number of people still playing these games is immense.

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WhiteLightning4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

I just can't beleive a respected game like Counter Strike isn't going to get a retail release. It's not like it won't sell....does anyone think it's just a test run to see if a CS game will sell a lot on consoles incase they make CS2 ?

Although apart from that the game looks amazing.

Kingsora4731d ago

I am guessing the content offered isn't enough for a full price retail game.

No singleplayer is also for a lot of people a reason not to buy a retail game, especially on consoles. All that in consideration, digital platforms are selling good nowadays so with the right marketing and buzz the game will probably still sell buckets.

Ducky4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

Battlefield is also a respected series, it also didn't have a retail release with 1943.

It's a multiplayer game, so it would be assumed that the target audience has a reliable internet connection...
... that, and Valve likes to update their games. A lot.
So even if it was offered retail, if you bought it later, you'd have to put in the disk then wait half an hour for all the updates to come through. =/

gamingdroid4731d ago

1943 was such an old game though... I suppose a cheap retail release would have been possible, but why?

***So even if it was offered retail, if you bought it later, you'd have to put in the disk then wait half an hour for all the updates to come through. =/ ***

I have never had to wait more than a few minutes for an update on the Xbox 360. Xbox Live prevents too large updates (in size) and to frequent releases to prevent too many bug fixes that annoys customers after release.

TheOtherTheoG4731d ago

I don't think any of the Counter-Strike games got a full priced retail release. The original started as a mod, and then got a cut price retail release, like Team Fortress 2 or Portal price, Source was just packed with Half-Life 2. The games just aren't really big, content wise, to offer full price, they'd need to be packed in with something.

I do hope they update it as much as they do TF2. Not saying that I particularly want micro-transactions and cosmetic items, but regular balance patches and new weapons would be great.

noxeven4731d ago

Cant wait for the game, Its gonna be interesting to see what they do

red2tango4731d ago

I used to play CS briefly. Fuck I want to buy this game now.

theflyindutchman4731d ago

wtf is with all the one shot one kill with a desert eagle?
is that normal in couterstrike?
looks like a snipe fest to me tbh.

Fishy Fingers4731d ago

CS isnt forgiving, pretty much any gun will kill you in a single headshot. Anything other than the most basic of pistols that is.

Sniping, well yea it's pretty popular, but many servers dont allow the AWP (green sniper in video) as it's massively powerful.

STONEY44731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

Basically, every weapon in the game kills you in a couple of shots, a single shot to the head is always death. Gunplay is heavily on accuracy and reflexes. In long range fights, you pretty much have to crouch and fire in single or burst shots due to the massive recoil of guns. It's a twitch shooter where shootouts come down to whoever can aim faster, more accurately, and control their recoil, while getting a balance between strafing and shooting. Even moreso in close range fights with the guy who just popped up from around the corner.

Yet at the same time, it's not overly tactical and you have to keep moving to have any sort of success. Sniping (with the Scout at least, since most servers restrict the other two) actually involves a lot of quickscoping, but you have to land a headshot or the other person will probable have time to react. And the assault rifles have good enough accuracy with controlled shots at long range that sniping isn't the "ZOMG I CAMP HARHAR" kind of thing, since you don't have a huge long range advantage.

cliffbo4731d ago

just what we need another first person shooter like we dont have enough of them to choose from.

Cpt_kitten4731d ago

dude its counter strike shut up and respect the awesomeness, call of duty only wishes it could be as good

radphil4731d ago


Yet it's one of the games in the industry that helped jump start the competitive play.

NarooN4731d ago

CS is one of the original FPS games, and was probably before you were even born kid. Shut yer trap and respect it.

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CS:GO fans now frantically dusting off their Xbox 360s as servers are still online

One of the only ways to play CS:GO on official servers is via the Xbox 360 version of the game.

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mandf301d ago

4 or 5 players in a game is not players frantically dusting it off

Jin_Sakai301d ago

We all know that videogamer.com went to each and every Xbox 360 owners house to watch them frantically dust off their 360s.

Vits301d ago

I mean it is a 1000% growth in the player-base. /s

mandf301d ago

Enough to write an article though. N4g new owners are insulting us for click revenue

Vits301d ago


Nothing to do with new owners. N4G has always been the trashcan for game news and discussion.

northpaws301d ago

I love video games so much that I never have the time to replay the old one that I have finished, my backlog has only gotten bigger and bigger. I don't get how some people can play one game for years (except for mmorpg)

mandf301d ago

It's an exaggeration to the extreme. A way making an exclusive seen grander than it is.

Profchaos301d ago

Some people do I know someone who only ever plays dune 2000 which is rarely but still

RedDevils300d ago

Those Fifa or COD players do that every years.

Inverno301d ago

Wonder why they've never ported this game over to last Gen and now current Gen. This game would be pretty popular right now, I think.


Players Spent Over $100 Million On CS:GO Cases Last Month, A New Record

About 39.5 million loot boxes were opened throughout March 2023, right after Valve announced Counter-Strike 2. It goes without saying that gamers love gambling, especially those who play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

479d ago Replies(1)
478d ago Replies(2)
OhReginald477d ago

I have about 260 hours on csgo and have not spent a single penny on any of the microtransactions. You can still enjoy it since it's not pay to win.

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‘Counter-Strike 2’ Release Date Nears As Devs Test Source 2

The rumours are heating up and it looks like Counter-Strike 2, the move onto the Source 2 engine for CS:GO, is coming very soon based on testing files found on Steam.

Number1TailzFan500d ago

S&box devs already have access to Source 2 and have done for a while.

DOTA 2 was Source 2 but hardly anyone noticed/cared because it wasn't one of the Valve games most wanted. L4D3 was scrapped because Source 2 wasn't ready and buggy.

Half Life Alyx has been the only official Source 2 game that people notice so far.. The engine still looks pretty good graphically, but it looked far more impressive back in 2014 when the leaked plantation level that was rebuilt on Source 2 (for L4D2) was shown. Too bad it took this long for Valve to do anything with the engine.. with all the money they have I have to wonder what happened. Even a smaller dev studio could've produced stuff within a couple of years.

Richhard1498d ago

Not sure why this hyped tbh, it’s only in updated engine. Same maps, same game. So long as it’s top of steam listings, it’ll be here for evermore.