
Sonic 4: Episode 2 info coming “very soon,” says Sega West boss

VG247 writes: Information on Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 will arrive “very soon,” Sega West CEO Mike Hayes has told VG247.

Dart894794d ago

Wait i thought they had cancelled the series due to too much complaining from the fans??

Nitrowolf24794d ago

I didn't know about that, but either way wtf was taking this game so long anyway. Don't understand why they don't release a full Sonic 4 game instead of episode packs

Neoninja4794d ago

Because its SEGA and they're incompetent!

Kee4793d ago

I hope it has new levels and bosses instead of the same recycled stuff. That was my problem with episode 1. And wth? Where were the fire, water and lightning bubbles that were so well established in sonic 3?

Primal Rex4793d ago

Why bother sonic 4 episode 1 was rubbish every sonic game since 1994 has been rubbish sonic 4 episode 2 will be rubbish along with sonic generation ive given up on sega doing a good sonic game how hard can it be very hard it seems !!!

LeShin4793d ago

I'm tired of these so called 'Sonic Fans' that ruin it for the real fans! They completely bitch and moan when someone adds something a little different to the series to stop it stagnating, so Sega have to pratically remake the same old stuff to shut them up!

What I really hate is these people always say that a Sonic game is always meant to be fast (which is bullshit, go play Sonic 1, it had fast sections but MOST of the game was sold platforming) I'm not alone, all the guys over at Screwattack have said the same thing...they even put out a video about that nonsense.

Shit, look at Mario. Compare Mario land 1 to Mario Galaxy...they are very different....in fact, go compare Marioland 2 to any Mario game afterwards where you actually kill enemies by throwing things at them.

F**k what anyone says, I loved Sonic Unleashed and Its up there in my top 3 sonic games of all time (Soni & Knuckles and Sonic CD)

No_Pantaloons4793d ago


You obviously didn't play sonic 1 when it was first released cause it was by far the fastest thing anyone had ever played. Yea the platforming was pretty standard, but speed runs were what you showed your friends and their jaws hit the floor.

And comparing to mario is hardly anything to go by. All the mario games are fantastic sellers, while the newer sonic's are mediocre and falling. Nintendo seems pull off their changes, sega is a bit clueless though and seems to just take stabs in the dark hoping to get a hit.

There's nothing wrong with adding things to the series, but given sega's tract record now, the fans have no faith in their judgement, thus the call for just sticking with what worked, the classic sonic.

LeShin4789d ago


Lol sorry to disappoint you but I got the Sega Megadrive with Sonic the day it came out when I was younger. I think you need to go back and play it to refresh your memory because the only zones which you could sort of zip through would be Green Hill and Starlight zone and at a stretch Spring yard. You're not running through Marble Labyrinth or Scrap Brain.

If you 'so called' fans like the old days so much, just go and play the old versions on the Megadrive Collection or emulated and stop moaning.

Like I said fake fans...

Kran4793d ago

Oh. It has Tails. Who's ready for an episode of sonic that closely resembles to Sonic the Hedgehog 2? ¬¬

Vandamme214793d ago

I can't wait. I really enjoyed episode 1. I hope there is more level on this one.

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Articuno762818d ago

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lellkay2817d ago

Strange games. Definitely shouldn't have been "Sonic 4". Seeing as it re-used alot of ideas, level themes enemies and bosses etc, it really should have been called "Sonic Megamix" or something and the levels should have been named after the originals. This would have given SEGA a chance to see what fans reaction was to this style of game, before going in for "proper" Sonic 4. Sonic Mania feels far more "Sonic 4" than the actual Sonic 4 does haha


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