
Rage: UK Collector's Pack detailed

Bethesda has detailed the Rage Collector's Pack that will be available exclusively at GAME when it is released on October 7.

Along with a copy of Rage (obviously!) the Collector's Pack includes a making of DVD, two comic books and the exclusive digital contents of the Anarchy Edition.

Here's what the official product description has to say:

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WhiteLightning4791d ago

Apparently it's only £39.99....even though the normal Anarchy Edition.is the same price.

I wonder if it's because they're just putting it on the website.....oh who cares if you order a game and then they change the price you only pay for what you saw it as when you bought it......so if it says 39.99 I'm preordering mine now.

banjadude4791d ago

Exactly what I was thinking; jumped on the deal as soon as it appeared on GameUK. Now, I have to play the waiting game...

Snowii4786d ago

well there has to be a diffrence

InNomeDiDio4790d ago

I'll get normal Edition for PC


Bethesda Game Studios developers form 'wall to wall' union

The Fallout and Elder Scrolls developer is a union shop now.

porkChop66d ago

That's good to see. For the last 5-10 years every spring the gaming industry has seen mass layoffs after reporting record profits. It's disgusting. This industry needs more unionization to offer some protection to the people who make these games possible.

DarXyde65d ago

Many industries need unions.

Michiel198964d ago

that's the price you pay to conduct your business in the land of the free. Stuff like that doesn't happen over here

coldfire98464d ago

Unions are rarely if ever good for the consumer. Often good for the worker but not for us consumers.

Christopher64d ago

Yes, consumers no longer benefit from overworked and underpaid labor, aka decrease in overhead that allows them to sell goods made at a lower price. Kind of the reason things are made in China rather than the U.S. Well thought out.

But, now hear me out, what if the 'good to see' comment wasn't about being a consumer but a caring, apathetic fellow human being who wants to see people get paid what they're worth and not just get laid off all willy-nilly when the suits need to make their books look good for the FY reporting and make more money for shareholders who don't do any of the work either?

MrDead65d ago

It's too late for Tango and Arkane Austin but fingers crossed that this will help. MS could have a friend in the White House soon though, and his thoughts on Union's should be worrying all in the US.

MeteorPanda65d ago

GOOD. Stop taking it in the ass from shareholders "we want a space game" but our fans want elderscrolls "YES BUT SPACE IS HUGE LOOK AT STAR CITIZEN!"

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Multiple Games Are Currently In Development At Bethesda's id Software

Multiple games are currently in development at Bethesda Game Studios' id Software, based on the latest information.

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TheNamelessOne73d ago

It's more than time. I could use a good, new horror shooter.

jeromeface72d ago

Quake isn't new... far from it.

1nsomniac72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

I’d love another Quake, maybe even a more horror slanted Doom.

I’d be very happy with a new IP though.

Friendlygamer72d ago

I would like a wolfstein reboot by Id, machinegames ones are good but too enfatuated with cinematics

coolbeans71d ago

id would deserve major props if they rolled the dice on *either* of those choices.

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Another Bethesda studio at Xbox is unionizing

Bethesda Game Studios' Montreal office is filing for unionization with the Quebec Labor Board.

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Star5185d ago

Now kick off some unions at EA

Chocoburger85d ago

And kick OUT those terrible executives.

8bitAssassin84d ago

The whole west end market needs any and all bullshit related to gamergate, sweetbaby Inc and the erosion of agenda built titles. Sony needs to be back in Japan and stop ruining what has been established. The forced multi-player shit in single player games needs to die immediately.

anast84d ago

Those layoff numbers are about to climb.

InUrFoxHole84d ago

True. Saw sony just laid off 250. It's a business wide issue. Unfortunate but glad to see MS isn't standing in the way of unions.

anast84d ago

They won't stand in the way. They will let them in, but people won't have jobs because of it...Let's make a bet.

InUrFoxHole83d ago

Do you think this is a good thing or bad thing?