
Single-Player Content Locking for Used Purchases of RAGE [GameRevolution - Revolutionary Rant]

GR: According to Creative Director Tim Willits, RAGE will have several locations on its map with locked doors, doors that are only accessible to players that purchased the shooter new. Unlike most new-purchase incentives, these doors do not have a purchasable access code tied to them. That means you either buy new or you go without these missions.

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Trexman894788d ago

Developers and publishers need to stop trying to kill off the used game market. For some reason, people think its ok to do this with video games but not other markets.

Nitrowolf24788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

This is F'n Stupid.

Okay guys i understand this only affects used buyers, but how far will this go? I think if gamers let sh1t like this happen now it'll only get worse as time passes. Eventually we will see a lot more stuff being locked. Seriously now they begin doing it on Single Player games? What BS is that.
I was okay with the online passes since it sounds more reasonable. I get that devs can say it cost them to run online, but come on Single player now?
WTF is this sh1t. I plan on buying the game new and all, i'm just upset knowing that this will only get worse later on.

Imagine if they start locking huge map areas in games like Skyrim or Mass Effect 3.

I have no doubt that Capcom will be among the first to abuse this system. Well they kind of have by charging locked content on the disc to all buyers.

evrfighter4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

I agree with this. It's selling a book new and when it gets resold there's a page missing every 10 pages.

the game got bought. once that copy is paid for publishers need to mind their own damn business. The only beef they should have is if there's a way to copy and burn it to play on non modded consoles.


I blame gamers in the end. They showed they were willing to drop 5 bucks less than it would cost to buy a brand new game and developers I'm sure were nerdraging about it to their bosses.

SilentNegotiator4788d ago

Any sort of DRM or protection is bad. It takes away from the longevity of the game (If games were always like this, we wouldn't ever have AVGN, lol) and the rights of the legitimate buyer.

Anything that affects legitimate customers now or in the future is not at all fair.

And furthermore, I have a right to sell my copy of a game, unmaimed. At $60 a pop, I'll sell it to whomever I want when I through with it. And if the game is good enough, I never will.

DrRichtofen4788d ago

I think its the developer /publishers fault for people wanting to buy used rather than new. $60 + tax is f$#king expensive and for people who don't think so do not know the value of a dollar. I wish games were at $50 like last gen I guarantee that more people would buy new at that price than $60. I hope they don't up the price another 10 next gen, if the price of a new game ever gets over $70 thats the day I quit gaming.

Pro_TactX4785d ago

You can't really use that excuse. Games are no more expensive today than they were 25 years ago. NES games were sold for $30 new. That is equivalent to a game sold new for $60 today.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4785d ago
Mfire5284788d ago

I totally agree. I should be able to play the full game without letting the developer have any profit from their hard work. I'm such a huge gamer that I would rather be a cheap ass and buy it second hand then to give the developer any money. It's ok because when I go to work I let the money go to a third party that had nothing to do with my job. Do you people even hear yourselfs. If you can't afford the $60 game when it first comes out then wait. Mass effect 2 was just $25 bucks brand new the other day. Don't get all pissy when game companies try to keep their hard earned profits out of gamestops grubby little fingers. Id is locking out side missions nothing from the main story. Why should you not pay them but still get a full experience. Get a job and buy the games new. Otherwise wait until they go down in price which they always do. Stop being selfish. How can they companies keep putting out games with insane budgets when you keep mooching preowned copies.

jetlian4788d ago

mooch whats not there! So they need to blame themselves for not giving a reason to hold on to the game. And for all the hate for gamestop they are the ones getting the games to the people!

I don't see to many devs trying to run brick and mortar stores. So I bet you they would do same as gamestop if in the position

hazelamy4788d ago

yeah, we should give them a cut when we sell any of our own property.

they got their profit when they sold the game the first time.

what about the people that worked a lot fucking harder than any game developer to pay for that game.
the publisher is stealing off them.
but that's ok right, they can devalue their property because the publishers profits are more important than our rights, right?

well fuck that noise.

they have no right to any preowned money, just like aevery other industry.
but only in this fucking industry will fucking fanboys defend the publishers trying to take what they have no fucking right to.

HenryFord4788d ago

You say reasonable stuff, but you just overlook the fact that EVERY SINGLE Company on this world has to deal with it. Used Ford car? No money for Ford. Used Harry-Potter Book? No money for J.K.Rowling. Used movie/cd/whatever you can buy yourself? No money for publisher/whatever.
Literally everything you can buy (except for food I guess), you can buy second-hand. And in no case there is money for the one who initially manufactured it.

They just should deal with it, it's not that huge of a problem at all...

kneon4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

There is no way to justify blocking out part of the single player for used games. The single player part of the game is equivalent to a book, movie, car etc. Once it's sold the seller has made their money and shouldn't expect anything more.

The multi-player is different though and this is what makes games different from every other product. The more you play the multiplayer the more it costs the developer, I can't think of any other product that costs the seller money after the product is sold yet has no additional revenue.

So blocking out multi-player in used games can be justified as this is a situation unique to games, but there is no way to justify blocking out the single player nor any part of it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4788d ago
Christopher4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

I've said this before and I will continue to say it, if you're a person who buys used, you're not their customer and have no right to complain to them. So, your complaints about online passes and now locked content as it affects used game buyers and renters? They couldn't care less just like you couldn't care to buy new, even if it meant waiting two months until the price of the game dropped to $40 or less.

We live in an age where gamers want their cake and to eat it too, but that age is changing in order to ensure that the people who make games can continue to do that rather than put money in the pockets of people who only feed off of the work of others.

And, yes, I agree that more money shoukd go to developers over publishers, but if the publishers don't make their dough in at least equal fashion to developers, then the games tend to have very limited releases or they just take more money from the devs. We should realize that the order of thing that affect developers getting paid are Used Game Stores > Publishers > Poorly Developed Games.

***You say reasonable stuff, but you just overlook the fact that EVERY SINGLE Company on this world has to deal with it.***

True, and every single one of them combats it in the best way possible.

Movies, music, and books are going digital. In all cases, you don't have national franchises that sell any of those used.

Used cars lose their initial warranties but still maintain the need for the owner to replace the parts of the car from the manufacturer.

Video games? These are $20-40 million dollar development products that can be completed in a week, the people who put the money in get a fraction of the cost, and they can easily be redistributed with little to no chance of damage or difference from a product bought new. Most of that? Something most devices that are sold used just can't do. And most products sold used, other than cars, don't have those national franchises that aid in making it more possible to get things used.

MostJadedGamer4788d ago

Why should they stop trying to kill off the used games market? Used games cost them a ton of money. I am just surprised that they haven't tryed to kill it off long ago, and are not trying harder.

beastgamer4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

its all about money, greed, forcing you to pay 60 for one game, denying anyone that can't afford it, making you suffer when your tired of the game and no one wants to buy it used off of you, corporations having more money than the government cough*Apple*cough* MS forcing us to pay for their services while Sony PS Plus is building features you would like free (auto-Trophy) sync, but then again we still pay for an online pass! Forcing us cheap and poor to pay what the rich does, mainly in an economy like this.
Excuses: We need to pay for severs. BS, EA with your Billions of dollars. I was hoping for Battlefield 3 from Dice, no EA but then again you lock steam out to support yourself with origin installed on everyone's computers just to get hits, and even since Activison doesn't do that shit with COD, they just event their copy and paste for you to pay up each f***ing year.
Hey, your gonna buy all 4 Black Ops map packs, well, you just paid 60 dollars bitch, for something that should of been in the final game.
This is why my money is going to one game
"Deus Ex Human Revolution" Reveal the conspiracy!

Prototype4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

They just lost me as a sale and here's a big reason why; if I let someone borrow it (or if someone lets me use their copy for a few hours/days) to test out so they can see how the game plays before purchasing it, how will they get a full hands on experience outside using my acct on my console to even see if its worth the $ ? Especially on games that have no demos.

It's shit like this that makes me hate certain companies because they whine and bitch about used game sales; at this point its not even about used sales its about how far will you go to "protect your investment?" Online pass I was at least on the fence about because it only limits multiplayer; but to cut certain areas out of single missions is going a little too far. What's next, cutting option menus out of used sales also?

Liquid_Ocelot4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

Fine id/Bethesda.. because of you, I just saved a bunch of money without having to switch to Geico.

As many have stated above, once a game has been bought/paid for they've already gotten the money for that copy and that game has become 'used' why should they keep making money of the same game over and over?
It's like saying, if I buy the game and decide to sell it to a friend they'd want a piece of the money I made selling it to that friend. I understand the costs to make these games etc, but I mean come on.. that's BULLSHIT as we all know this game will and most games make the $$$ invested back AND a profit off the sales.. smells like GREED, smells like BULLSHIT.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4785d ago
potedude4788d ago

I hate when the content is already on the disc and you have to pay to unlock it. Then I feel like waiting for GOTY editions, which are usually much cheaper anyway, and buying it then. Obviously doesn't work with some games. Those I gotta have straight away. Here's looking at you Skyrim, UC3, Mass Effect et al.

But it does feel a bit scummy, its kinda like - "lets chop a bit off the game and if they want it they have to pay extra for it". Just make the whole game accessable and if you have extra content, make that for me to download later...

BongSmack4788d ago

Not sure that you understand the article. It's not saying you have to pay extra for all of the content, it's saying you have to pay the full price for the game instead of saving 15-20% to buy it used. Understandable considering developers make no money on used sales and it costs over $50 million to make some games. A game like Rage which will have been in development for 5 years or more upon release will most likely fall into this category.

potedude4788d ago

I know, just having a whinge...

HenryFord4788d ago

yeah - you mean like every company on this planet? Deal with it.

Also - I wonder how ID will this do anyway...

jwk944788d ago

you're not necessarily paying extra though if you buy it new, it's only the used game people that're paying extra.

christheredhead4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

yes you're not paying extra if you buy new but the system is ridiculous. there should a reward for buying new not a monetary punishment for buying used. the incentives for buying new aren't even incentives they're just punishments on the used game market and gamers are caught in the middle.

dabri54788d ago

Isn't it punishment on the devs when you buy it used because they see no money from the sale but still have to pay money to support it?
Maybe the single player content that is locked utilizes some online servers for it's content? Like race times or highscores. None of this really bothers me because one day I had to ask myself who I hated more. Greedy publishers or gamestop. I chose gamestop. I will gladly support devs over them any day. If the game is too expensive, I'll wait the few weeks it takes to drop 10- 20 bucks cheaper. At least then, the devs get their pay.

christheredhead4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

if i buy used i dont see it as punishment because they already got paid for a copy. a used copy cant exist without a sold new copy. i will gladly support devs but new buyers dont get any rewards except for the content that used purchasers have locked. all im saying is there needs to be a better system in place. you cant constantly punish the used market as i often buy a lot of my games from the trade value of used games. Thats really the only way i can afford to buy bf3 day one. i know im not the only one here. trying to diminish that market isnt a help to developers the way i see it.

eventually were gonna be at the point where they charge you for going to your friends house and playing his copy. i mean they really need to take a step back and let the market work its self out. lower game prices, increase new buyer rewards, release non broken games, stop the dlc overmilk and things of that such if they want to increase profit. locking content for used games isnt helping.

MrBeatdown4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

"there should a reward for buying new not a monetary punishment for buying used"

Um, that's like the difference between a half empty glass and a half full glass. In other words, there is no difference.

Used players' "monetary punishment" is basically them paying for the content that new buyers get as a reward.

I'm really not sure what could be so clearly defined as "rewards" for buying it new. No matter what, someone is going to cry about it as if they are punished when they buy used.

BongSmack4788d ago

Wow. Totally disagree with your second point though. "a used copy cant exist without a sold new copy", of course that's true, but it's also completely irrelevant. Buying used games isn't much more beneficial to a company than pirating them. Don't get me wrong from a moral point of view there is a big difference, but financially buying a used copy does nothing for the developer.
"new buyers dont get any rewards except for the content that used purchasers have locked. In a way that is a reward since it's content that used purchasers aren't getting..

christheredhead4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )


yah i wasnt very clear but what i mean is that new buyers need to be rewarded with content that used purchasers dont have access to and will never have access to. everytime you buy a new game there is a code that allows access to play. well with that code there needs to be additional content. whether it is already on the disc or not its fine but when i enter the code give me 2 free maps, new weapons for single player, new areas that can only be accessed with my code. if you choose to buy used and have to buy an online code for access to play, thats fine, but no matter what you will never get those 2 maps, those certain weapons, areas or whatever that may be. i mean its not a crime to buy used so support those who buy the games new. instead of attacking those who buy used.

game companies want to act like theyre the victims yet constantly screw their number one supporting fans with cut dlc, cheaper ultimate versions, locked content and so on. like i said. the people who support the companies need to be supported themselves. having access to another users locked content isnt much of a thank you. i try to support developrs as much as i can but i dont support what theyre doing with the pass system. especially when i buy day one and still have to shell out more money in the long run for content or things i have already paid for. they are going about it in the most backwards way and i refuse to support it.

jwk944788d ago

The reward for buying new is being able to play online without an added expense.

exsturminator014788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

@christheredhead: It's only a reward if no one else is allowed to have it? I don't get that at all. Would you argue that getting a free vacation wasn't a reward because someone else could have paid for it? And the half filled glass argument MrBeatdown makes is spot on. Adjust your mindset and you'll realize that online play is premium content used players will NEVER have unless they pay for it. THAT is your reward for buying new.

As for the fuss about game developers "screwing" their fans, you're way off base there. No gamer has EVER been required to pay more money to play what they bought at retail. DLC is a reward for those who want to pay more, ultimate versions are released months or YEARS after launch to attract new fans, and locked multiplayer is a reward for those that buy new. Of course its all a scam if you have a negative perspective, but if you look at it fairly, game developers are WAY more dedicated to their consumers than companies are in any other market.

EDIT: Well, MMOs cost more money to play after initial purchase, but that's a different story. =P

Christopher4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

***yes you're not paying extra if you buy new but the system is ridiculous. there should a reward for buying new not a monetary punishment for buying used.***

Wait... So they reward people who buy new with extra content and give those who buy used the option to unlock it, and you think the better option is to not give the used game buyer the option to buy it at all?

Furthermore, you talk about monetary punishment as a bad thing, yet have no issues of the monetary punishment to the devs when you buy used? That's about as hypocritical as you can get.

***you cant constantly punish the used market as i often buy a lot of my games from the trade value of used games***

Sure they can. You just increased the used market of games by at least three fold after buying a single game. Even then, who's new game did you buy? Was it the latest CoD and not Rage? How do they ensure that people are buying their game new and not someone else's. No one is going to compete with Activision or Gears of War, so then what? It's their fault they don't put out good enough games to beat two powerhouse IPs that are stapkls of this generation?

No, your logic makes no sense no matter how you bend it. You buying one game new doesn't show support for the developers of Rage, only of that one game you buy after increasing the used game market potential. You're causing more issues than you think.

dabri54788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

"Wait... So they reward people who buy new with extra content and give those who buy used the option to unlock it, and you think the better option is to not give the used game buyer the option to buy it at all? "

Who said anything about not allowing people who buy the game used, to buy dlc or extra content? No company would ever deny people this. It doesn't make any sense at all.Point is, you buy used games to save a little cash here and there. The difference between a new and used copy is never more than 5-10$. Every time new copy prices go down, so do the used copies. It's how gamestop makes money. Is the 5-10$ really worth the developer who you are supposedly a fan of, not getting paid for your sale?

Argument doesn't really matter I guess as the industry as a whole is moving toward digital distribution.
Within the next ten years we will see a move to push all software released as DD. Next gen will prob be a hybrid of the two, allowing people to chose between physical or digital. Gen after will be full digital downloads. This is not a guess either. This is what people in the game industry have said.


You make points as if the used game market helps the game industry in any way. Name one way that buying used games benefits the gaming industry? Why support a market that doesn't provide you any benefit?

Christopher4788d ago

@catguykyou: you are misreading me. I am in no way supporting used game sales.

christheredhead4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

it makes perfect sense. i refuse to support a pass that is so blatently forced upon us with all the other mess that encompasses "great features" of next gen games. plain and simple it does more harm than good. what they are basically saying is "hey, buy the game new or were locking content for 10 dollars" um ok, i have always bought your games new so why do you have to force something so ridiculous upon me? thats fine. 50 to gamestop and 10 to the developers for their pass. i mean i try buy new, but i wont feel remorseful or bad for buying a pre owned game and ill gladly buy the pass.

the whole system pass tactic is a complete waste and does nothing. im tired of being told its to secure their profits but we can all clearly see its a flop. if they want to secure profits stop selling me dlc thats on disc, milking your content in various packs, lower the price of new games and so on. to say that the pass is a glorious way of helping devs is baffling. the 10 dollar margin is doing nothing.

i know it seems ridiculous to say that certain gamers are locked from content but those are better suggestions than endlessly whining with no solution. if thats the case dont tell me my incentive for buying new is getting to play the game. im not dumb and can see the real reason. in the end you lose my money with such ridiculous systems that hurt your consumers not help. help me to help you is the way i see it. i will gladly give my money up in exchange for something of equal value.

as it stands its not equal. the locking of content is bleeding into single player and thats where the line needs to be drawn. this effects various other things not just pre owned gaming. eventually we'll be at the point where single player and multiplayer are locked until you enter 2 passes simultaneously. i will never support the passes ever. it goes well beyond just buying a pre owned game.

edit: and of course, as its to be expected, a bubble is removed for non compliance with the general basis of opinion. if i agree and change my opinion do i get my bubble back? i mean its pretty unnecessary to remove a bubble when debating a topic.

MrBeatdown4788d ago

"yah i wasnt very clear but what i mean is that new buyers need to be rewarded with content that used purchasers dont have access to and will never have access to."

But that goes against the whole point of an online pass. It's not about rewarding or punishing or even about selling a used copy over a new copy. It's purely about making up revenue lost when someone opts for a used copy instead of a new copy. It ends up costing more for the used buyer, but that's more the fault of the used seller than anything, since they don't take online pass costs into account when pricing their games.

Publishers want used buyers to buy the online passes, so making them as attractive as possible is better than offering them something less.

vickers5004788d ago

"they see no money from the sale but still have to pay money to support it"

Actually they already have that money from the original purchase. It doesn't cost extra to accommodate used buyers, since the previous owner no longer has the game and cannot suck up resources, it's just that the resources that have already been paid for are being transferred to someone else.

dabri54784d ago


When a company decides on a budget for a game, a decline in people playing the game online is always a part of these estimates. When you throw in the factor that more people will be playing your game for longer with no extra income, this becomes costly to support.
5$ of that $60 purchase only covers a estimated few months amount of server time. If you then come in and buy my copy used and continue playing it for another few months on top of that, you just doubled the amount of time that single $5 was meant to cover.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4784d ago
hazelamy4788d ago

but if you do buy new, they're deliberately devalueing your property.
how can anybody be happy about that?

exsturminator014788d ago

Yeah, the value goes down $15 without the pass, but Gamestop will buy it back at $40 off on the day of release. If you want to talk about devalued property, I'd look at the retailer before I fussed at the developer. Besides, they could make the online pass UNAVAILABLE to used buyers if they really wanted to. Making it available online is their attempt at letting you keep the resale value up.

darksied4788d ago

I think people are taking this out of proportion (in THIS case). The entire single player campaign is playable. There's extra content that is locked unless you buy it new. But you can play the WHOLE campaign. It's like DLC that comes with the game.

Now, besides this case, this type of situation is actually worse to me than locking the multiplayer, because I'm a single-player guy more. If Uncharted 3, for example, had it's whole single player experience locked out unless you bought it new, that would be disastrous.

Fortunately, it's only extra stuff that is locked out. People who really want to complain about a bit of extra gameplay outside of the main campaign should either buy it new or wait for the price to drop to buy it new. With the releases still coming out this year, how long do you think this game will be $60? A couple of months, max.

madpuppy4788d ago

I have been saying that every time an article like this comes out, if you have the patience to just wait, ignore the release date and wait, I can assure you that the price of the game will drop and you can get the game for less than used prices.

Also, the satisfaction of not letting the offending developer and publisher have those sweet, sweet first 2 week to one month numbers will screw up their business strategy and drop prices quicker.

we have the power to dictate what we are willing to pay but, being a bunch of impatient justifiers screws you worse than anything the dev/publisher could ever do.

uncharted564788d ago

im going to write a article about this and submit it after I have completed the current one. Hopefully it gets approved.

Quagmire4788d ago

I for one have dropped this game on my to-buy list. I dont care how good it is, if they feel the need to lock SP content to maximise profits, then they can count on ultimately having a lost sale altogether.

This is seriously getting out of hand. Online Passes are horrible, however I dont play many games online anyway, so it doesnt affect me as much, however locking SP content? Taking it too far, and I can unfortunately see many developers adopting this practice.

exsturminator014788d ago

Would you have bought used? If so, then you're not a lost sale, and they had no reason to please you anyway. THAT'S the way they're looking at it, so your protest will only mean something if you were going to buy new, and if you were going to do that, then this wouldn't have affected you at all.

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Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts – 4th-10th Aug 2020

Neil writes: "Just been paid? Fancy getting a new game added to that backlog of shame? The Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale is back with even more discounts on a variety of great Xbox titles. If you've got time in your life for a new gaming experience, the following bargain basement titles are available for your cut-price purchasing between 4th-10th August 2020."

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Rage's Open World Was Intimate & Memorable, Not Another Huge, Empty Sandbox

Rage from id Software and Bethesda Softworks was largely overlooked, yet its handcrafted FPS open world and memorable characters transcend genre convention.

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Fist4achin1764d ago

I enjoyed the first game. I plan to play the sequel soon!


Here are Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE & Resident Evil 2 Remake with Ray Tracing

YouTube’s members ‘Digital Dreams’ and ‘Jose cangrejo’ have shared some videos, showcasing Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod – which adds Ray Tracing/Path Tracing effects – in some really old games such as Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE and Resident Evil 6.

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traumadisaster1917d ago

I'm still learning how to look for the differences. At first I was focusing on shadows for some reason but I don't think that changes much, is it reflections that change?

rashada071917d ago (Edited 1917d ago )

It is supposed to be simulating how light actually works- so yes if light is reflecting off a surface accurately it should show reflection or an effect that matches what you are looking at in the environment. Next time you play a game look at a puddle of water there may be just a "baked" in texture that if you aren't paying attention seems like it is reflecting but it isn't. I would say though if the light is reflecting more accurately I would think that would give more accurate shadows as well.
I am still not 100% sold on it- it looks okay but I can't get over the hardware price jump for better reflections..

Taz X141917d ago

While games won't look immensely better, it opens up more possibilities overall. Understandably, the price jump is huge. But, that can be said for being at the forefront for any new technology. I'm currently using a 2080ti and while I've played a few games that enable it, the gpu also plays everything else incredibly well so it's not like you're buying this tech for ONLY that option. Enthusiasts will pay top dollar to check out the newest things, but this will eventually become an everyday consumer and by then they'll have optimized and become a lot cheaper.

warriorcase1916d ago

Ray/path tracing can be used how the developer wants it to be. Tracing can be used to calculate shadows/lighting, reflection and even audio, where audio waves are calculated on the bounce off material types to simulate enviroment and echos accuratly.

Should also keep in mind that this ray/path tracing system is different and less accurate option from Nvidias RTX branded type. McFly's is a reshade that layers over the top of the game and therefor the quality will vary drastically. For example you can see nice reflection in the Star Wars demo here but it then introduces colour clipping with the light saber. On a video of GTA 5 for example it was incorrectly projecting a reflection of a red car onto the road which caused a very faint red glow on the ground around the car.

If you want to see a good example of a game developed with ray tracing reflection and lighting in mind then you could look up the youtube video of "Control - Exclusive E3 RTX GAMEPLAY Trailer".

DigitallyAfflicted1917d ago

It supposed to add more realistic light Not actually more light effects and explosions

traumadisaster1916d ago

I hate to say it but I’m fine with fake lights, shadows, reflections. I just kind of like the effect, it’s also great it saves resources for other things.

I’ve been checking out some original Xbox games on x360/x1x and the engine has fake light streaming in through a stained glass window, and I love it even though I know it’s not real time lighting. Heck it even shifts as I move about.

I’ve about convinced my self rt and hdr just doesn’t work for me. Before hdr I would even complain damn why are the headlights killing me they are so bright.

I notice most frame rate, then jaggies, then resolution; with the last two interchangeable depending.

Other day watched an enthusiast rave over 4k and the poor guy was in 1080p. I played the same game the night before and thought wow this is clean, I wonder if it’s 4k, but knew differently and I thought wow even resolution is not always important. The next day he apologized and was surprised he could be fooled.

RaidenBlack1916d ago

EA should have released the Crysis Trilogy Remaster for this gen.

FGHFGHFGH1911d ago

How come the lightsabers don't give off any light? Even in the EA star wars game the guy uses it to light up a dark cave. I guess if it is using frostbite it will support rtx cards.