
eSports: An EVOlution in Entertainment

Focusing on Evo 2011, Palindrome discusses how fighting games can be viewed as a spectator sport.

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Top Ten Fighting Game (Inspired) Songs

Have you ever noticed just how many songs are being spawned from fighting games these days? Well one writer did and he wants to share his top ten favorites with you! Check 'em out!


More than a Game Documentary Trailer

The 1st trailer for the upcoming More than a Game documentary, which chronicles the events leading up to the 2011 EVO tournament through the lives of several top fighting game competitors.

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RipTen Dojo: Running The Tournament

So far in the RipTen Dojo series, I’ve been mainly discussing the player side of the experience: how to begin the training process, what you can learn from your losses, and how to prepare and what you can expect from your first tournament. In this week’s RipTen Dojo, we’re going to look at things from the other side of things. I find it surprisingly common to hear people say that they want to be able to run their own tournament.

xPhearR3dx4466d ago

I would love to enjoy fighting games. I just don't have the patients to learn them lol

greeneggsnsam4466d ago

I enjoy the process of learning but I can't ever get good enough.

KingNintendoFanboy4466d ago

I find just about all of them to be overly complicated.

bfenty4466d ago

I love these articles. I've never been that great at fighting games but they are helping me get a lot better.