
GotGame: Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2012 Interview with Tom May

This is the second part of the Tom May interview that started with Cabela’s Survival: Shadows of Katmai video. (No animals were harmed in the making of this video)

DistrictMime4798d ago

so much blood off those balls.


AVForums- Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2012 Review

AVForums take a look at a hunting title which may peak your interests but will let them go after the first couple of hours.

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Review: Cabela’s Big Game Hunter 2012 - Vagary.TV

Is Big Game Hunter a Trophy? Check out what Don Parson's had to say about it at Vagary.TV

BoNeSaW234672d ago (Edited 4672d ago )

Hey guys,
I am planning on getting the Move for my boys this Christmas and they asked for a Cabela's hunting game but this one doesn't sound all that great. Which year was the best or was Most Dangerous Hunts better? It doesn't have to be a Cabelas hunting game either any hunting or gallery shooting would work. Thanks!


dartmyth4672d ago

There are no good hunting games they all have a stupid story with crappy game play. The last good hunting game was for the ps2 in 2004 Deer Hunter. I dont think any game company knows how to make a good hunting game these days which is sad.

BoNeSaW234672d ago

I guess I'll go with Time Crisis:Razing Storm. 3 games-1 disc, 1 of them should be good huh! ;)

SirNintend04672d ago

Problem is they flood the market with Cabela games every few months. Typical Activision!

BoNeSaW234672d ago

What Move games do you recommend to pick up dude?

Sobaer4670d ago

I reviewed this title. I haven't gotten around to Dangerous Hunts, but it looks the same.

So far, oddly enough, my favorite Move titles are Eyepet & Friends and Air Conflicts: Secret War. Eyepet was great for the whole family (I play and review about anything, and while I LOVE my serious games, I have a casual side; not afraid to admit that), and Air Conflicts was a great flying shooter, where the Move controls were better than the Dual Shock.

Hope that helped a little. I just recently got my Move, as well.


Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2012 - La Natural Trailer

A new commercial trailer for Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2012 has hit the internet. In this trailer you will found out, that the game can be played by gamers and actual hunters. But in the end, they will be crying over a loss to a girl.

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