

Formerly available on Xbox Live Indie Games, the ARKEDO SERIES will be coming to PSN soon thanks to Sanuk Games. Each game will cost $2.49 and will feature trophies.

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maniacmayhem4801d ago

Awesome, this is on the Xbox Indie games, these guys make good stuff.
I have Pixel and Jump. People claim to support the devs well now here's your chance ps3 guys. Get these games.

Freedom_Bear4801d ago

I shall support these guys and buy their games when they launch on the PS Store. I just love me some indie games! =D

SweatyFlorida4801d ago

Pixel looks interesting, will pick it up for when it comes out ^^

RockmanII74801d ago (Edited 4801d ago )

Pixel is an amazing game, it saddens me that I've heard nothing of Arkedo Series 4. It's seriously a must buy imo.

strange19864801d ago

Anyone know if these will be in HD, or will they be sold as Minis? The trophy support gives me hope that they'll be in HD.


Arkedo Series Recap Review [PSNStores]

Arkedo Series is out today on (US) PSN and here is a quick recap about all 3 games included.

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Arkedo Series Coming To US PSN On Oct 16th

“I was almost not expecting it anymore.” Even Sanuk Games’ Yan Marchal was taken by surprise at the news.

Out October 16th for $5.99

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The Arkedo Series (PSN) Is Finally Coming Stateside

"The Arkedo Series will finally be making its way to the North American PlayStation Network store. There will be some slight differences to the way it is delivered however."

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maniacmayhem4480d ago

These guys make some great games!

Everyone should jump on them.

Tyre4480d ago

Brilliant Games! Everybody should have em in their collection!