
Ubisoft's From Dust Breaks Day One Sales Record

Today, Ubisoft is pleased to share that From Dust on Xbox LIVE Arcade for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft has broken record digital sales for Ubisoft after launching worldwide on July 27, 2011.

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Christopher4801d ago

***The game had the highest first day sales of any Xbox LIVE Arcade game that Ubisoft has ever released ***

They broke their own sales record, not general sales records. Title is very misleading, so make sure you read what they really mean.

This could still be #100 in overall first day sales on XBL. Would be interesting to see the numbers.

mcstorm4801d ago

I quite fancy this game looks abit like Black & White.

TheShow174801d ago

Game looks really good. Any idea when it is coming to the PS3? I haven't seen a release date, ie:IGN has TBD 2011.

That being said, why is an Xbox 360 news release approved for the PS3 page? There is absolutely no mention of the PS3 here. Just because the game is multi-platform, shouldn't mean every article should be posted on all pages.

ElementX4801d ago

I'm glad I own both consoles, I don't have to wait 6 months for XBLA games to reach PSN.

emk20044801d ago

Good job Ubisoft this game is amazing.


Green Man Gaming Halloween Sale, flash deals running now

The Green Man Gaming Halloween Sale is running right now.

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PlayStation Plus October 2016 | Speed-run Reviews

Just days before they drop, Sony have released the list of October 2016’s PlayStation Plus games. Yay, nay or meh? Gamespulp quickly reviews and rates what’s on offer before we can download ‘em on 4th October.

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UCForce2916d ago

Transformers Devesation will be on My PS+ List.

Deadpooled2916d ago

Resident Evil HD Remaster on my list, but might not have time to play it as I'm currently enjoying Pro Evo 17, WWE 2k17 releasing on the 10th and Battlefield 1 later in the month.

C-H-E-F2916d ago

I've downloaded every ps+ game since I joined. lOl

FITgamer2916d ago

I don't see why you wouldn't. Just add them to your library. You might want to play them one day.

Eidolon2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

People who don't at least put them in their library are wasting the value of the membership, you don't have to download them, just add them to the cart through browser.. It takes a couple minutes and you build this huge library to enjoy at some point or for your family and friends.

C-H-E-F2916d ago

Exactly, I download them all and try them out. You never know what you may like. I remember when the PS3 came out I was lost in the game world because all of PS2 I played 3 types of games. Racing, Sports and Socom lOl that's it and 70% of my gaming went to Socom, for a whole freaking generation. When the PS3 came out there was no launch Socom game so I started to explore. Rag Doll Kung Fu changed my whole perspective, i've lost countless hours playing that game haha. It's just sad that people are stuck in my old mindstate still. I play any and everything now.

Eidolon2916d ago

Ragdoll kungfu was such a fun couch game, wish they'd do one for PS4.

ironcrow23862916d ago (Edited 2915d ago )

shame iv already got resident evil (only need hard difficulty completed then il have 100% completion) and as for transformers, from what iv seen most of their games really suck 😐

UCForce2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Transformers Devesation is very good game. And Resident Evil is still must buy for people who love survival horror.

ironcrow23862915d ago

Im not saying RE isnt great coz it is, but for me personally its pointless to pick up...as for transformers; i checked out the review and it looks like a decent little run around ☺


PlayStation Plus: Free Games for October 2016

Posted by Greg Lewickyj on Sep 28, 2016 // PlayStation Plus Content Partnership Manager

Hey PS Plus members, let’s get in the Halloween spirit with this month’s free games lineup for October, 2016.

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UCForce2919d ago

Oh my god,I really want to play Transformer Devastation. And Resident Evil is free on PS+. YES ! https://youtu.be/IuBQkdsajV...

SniperControl2919d ago

I dont have either, so cool.

Sony have stepped it up in the last couple months with there PS+ offerings.

2919d ago
Kingthrash3602919d ago

Ok....while I still dislike the price increase. ...if this keeps up I can see why they increased it. This is how it was back in the ps3 days where AAA games were the norm.

FITgamer2919d ago

Nice month. Will definitely be playing both of these.

ifistbrowni2919d ago

I bought RE at launch and still haven't played. *sad face*

could've saved $20. Oh well.

2919d ago
2919d ago
freshslicepizza2919d ago

good selection but when are they going to drop vita and ps3 games?


Two great months in a row. I can't complain.

BigLurch2919d ago

I suppose the only way is up for their free games.....but anyone thinking this is good obviously hasn't seen the competitors offerings lately.

2919d ago
UCForce2919d ago

@Green-gangsta I report you for spamming.

bouzebbal2918d ago

awesome.. they just stepped it up

Good-Smurf2918d ago

Yeah,for Asian PS+ members got Gravity Rush Remastered for September didn't realized that until last week,like an early birthday present surprise for me!
And now this I think I'll try Transformers,as I already bought RE remaster.

Deadpooled2918d ago (Edited 2918d ago )


You and others should have reported that comment by greengangster as 'inappropriate', easy way for mods to comment ban him/her. (I think I might be on that list soon lol).

on topic - Resident Evil definitely one to look forward to in a few days time, Transformers looks alright as well.

2918d ago
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boomtube19872919d ago ShowReplies(9)
Gazondaily2919d ago

Oooh wanted to try Transformers Devastation. Nice!!

yeahokwhatever2919d ago

I hecka wanted to play it, but didn't want to try it THAT bad. I'm pretty excited to get to try it.

2919d ago
xActionBasturdx2918d ago

septic getting disagrees cause he's septic lol...but yea I wanted to try transformers as well and RE1 is a classic

Bahamut2919d ago

That's cool about Resident Evil, shame I bought it immediately upon it's release like most Resident Evil fans. Still cool though.

bouzebbal2918d ago

i bought it on Gamecube and played it a few years later on Dolphin emulator so didn't make sense to buy it once more. I'm very glad i will be able to experience it again thanks to PS+.

XanderZane2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Yes, some decent PS4 games for a change. Been dying to play one of these Transformer games. I never did get Transformers: War for Cybertron & Fall of Cybertron on my XBox 360 when they were released. Guess I could get them off of EBay. This will hold me until then though. Plus a nice Remastered version of Resident Evil. Just in time for the final RE movie and RE VII. Good going this month Sony. I also wanted to try Mad Riders as well, but was too cheap to buy it. From Dust is a very old game though. Got that game like 5 years ago on my XBox 360. It's an ok game though.

Why all the disagrees? lol!! People don't like the truth I guess.

IamTylerDurden12919d ago

I guess you missed Journey and Lords of the Fallen this month...Badlands too.

yeahokwhatever2919d ago

Lords of the Fallen is pretty sick.

XanderZane2919d ago

I actually downloaded Journey already. I got Badlands many months ago on the PS4. I picked up Lord of the Fallen on my XB1 when it launched. Why are people so disappointed? This was actually a decent month for Sony. Microsoft went almost all Indie for October, even though Super Mega Baseball: E.I. & The Escapist aren't bad game. They still took a step back with these offerings.

Abracadabra2919d ago

Not bad. Above average month for PS+.

BigLurch2919d ago

I agree,just like steam coming of a fresh turd!

Kribwalker2919d ago

Definitely a better month the games with gold, i don't have PS Plus yet, when you sign up so you get just the games that are on the month you sign up or do you get all the ones available in the instant game collection?

GrubsterBeater2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Once you have the membership, go to the PS Plus section in the store and hit add to library. You will have those games forever, but can only play them while your membership is active. You also can not go back to previous months to download previous games. You can only download that months games during that month, and once the new month starts, you can't download the previous games anymore, so it is best to at least hit add to library once the new months games are offered (which is the first Tuesday of every month, by the way.)

Hope that helps.

Dark_Knightmare22918d ago

Lol dude has an x1 fan let me just say that gwg October offerings are flaming garbage

Kribwalker2918d ago

That's what I said. Ps plus is definitely better this month. And thanks grubster, it works just like gwg for games you get, from when your sub starts your collection starts and not previous. That's what I was wondering

OB1Biker2919d ago

Another awesome month on PS+ :)

2919d ago Replies(1)
k2d2918d ago

Can't believe the RE1 remake is past 10 years already, wow.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2918d ago
XanderZane2919d ago

Sony finally lost some of those Indie games. Hopefully they will keep this up.

cyber_daemonx2919d ago

Some of those 'indies' are better than a lot of aaa's.

A good game is a good game regardless.

gigoran2919d ago

Some of those 'indies' are much worse than a lot of aaa's. 

A terrible game is a terrible game regardless.

_-EDMIX-_2919d ago

I know right, its better they don't give Witcher 3 for free, you know....with it being made by an indie team that owns the IP and all... /s

Skillz12152919d ago

and whats wrong with indie games?

UCForce2919d ago

I'm sorry, but indie or AAA are still a game.

XanderZane2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Many of them were not great however. Some of them weren't worth my disk space. Glad to see Sony is starting to step up their game again though. Fanboys can disagree all they want. Still won't change the facts. Sony had a few bad months with PS+.

Nothing is wrong with Indie games if they are good. Rocket League & Ori and the Blind Forest speak AAA Indie. Sony wasn't giving us that quality every month though.

Dark_Knightmare22918d ago

Dude most of those indies were better then the overhyped triple aaa garbage so no I hope they don't lose those indies

2918d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2918d ago
_-EDMIX-_2919d ago

Very solid month.

I own Resident Evil already, but happy folks get to play it for free. Its a great remaster! Looks amazing.

2919d ago
FullmetalRoyale2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Resident Evil is a very appropriate choice. I already own *RE, but I am curious about Transformers, and genuinely interested in playing both Actual Sunlight, and that Code: Realize game.

Bahamut2919d ago (Edited 2918d ago )

Dislike this comment if you hate Playstation Plus.

Majin-vegeta2919d ago

SMH people always want something.

cyber_daemonx2919d ago

Its happened to me a few times. This month I have neither. Last month I had already played LoTF.

Its bound to happen occasionally but for the price of PS+ its no biggie.

yeahokwhatever2919d ago

While I generally disagree, it would be somewhat nice to get sale prices on other options if you purchased a free game within the past 30 days.

Disccordia2919d ago

It's already annoying reading people type "I've wanted this for forever". I mean, if you wanted it that bad, why not bloody buy it and support the developer in the first place. Now we get people moaning that they want free stuff on top of the free stuff. Sony (And MS) can't ever win. Some people are never happy.

Seriously, instead of moaning about it, do yourself (and all of us) a favour and stop being a PS+ member.

shadowknight2032919d ago

Sure and after that people are going to complain that they already have the free game and already own the discounted games that they offer as a substitute..then people would complain just because they don't want the free game but want the sale price games at that price too..you can never win with these kind of people

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2919d ago
_-EDMIX-_2919d ago

Agreed. I want Wasteland 2 for free!

2919d ago
_-EDMIX-_2919d ago

lol I just forgot October for Halloween thus Resident Evil

slappy5082919d ago

Agreed I'm intrigued with that Code Realise game. And looking forward to giving transformers a try. Wasn't sure if I should buy it as I'm a fan of Platinum Games but I don't watch Transformers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2919d ago
CrimsonWing692919d ago

Dang, finally actual games I'm interested in.

2919d ago
P_Bomb2919d ago

2 great games for PS+ I have to say. I bought TF Devastation earlier this year and am 1 trophy away from platinum. The REmake I haven't bought since GameCube but it's another nice title, coinciding with Halloween.

So, even though I've played them both already, I can't complain. It's a better effort than they're used to making. Hope it continues.

RpgSama2919d ago

How hard is the Platinum in your opinion? I'm planning on getting the Platinum for it, but the SS rank in every level scares me. And is it too time consuming?

P_Bomb2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Heh, that's the exact trophy I'm missing for platinum and I haven't even tried it yet. Not because of difficulty because I'm waaay overpowered for Commander mode. Cut through it like butter. But because SS ranks are temperamental and you have to SS every fight, every checkpoint except maybe one or two tops, but the issue is its based on grinding POINTS in a fight while simultaneously not getting hit or taking too long.

Beating a boss or wave in 30 seconds with one long combo won't get you SS. You have to put on a show. So for me I have to use low rank weapons like D or C and grind headshots while still not taking too long, not killing guys too fast, not getting hit and mix in some counters and things even if I don't want to.

Game doesn't tell you until after the fight if you have enough points so you're just guessing. If you screw up and only A rank, you should probably load an old save and try again. So yes, it's time consuming. I may try it again one day since it's all I need, but by this point Ive beaten the same levels so many times I'm just burnt out.

What else for platinum should you know, hmm. There's challenge rooms that are mandatory, some collectables, inventory micromanagement is huge as you're always buying selling fusing weapons and items RPG style. Gotta beat campaign 5 times minimum for trophies on escalating difficulties with at least one run of beating all the bosses on hard without getting hit. Sounds scary yes, but once you grind some S and SS weapons and get good at reading cues of when to dodge, it's easier.

You can level select and free roam levels with different characters after youve beaten them, which is fun. So nothing except the "SS everything" run is missable. Everything carries over. Even if you don't manage every boss on no damage, or beat all the challenge rooms, you can still finish around a nice 71% give or take. Good luck!

RpgSama2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )


Thanks for such a well put together explanation on the mechanics to the SS rank and the platinum difficulty, really appreciate it.

Sometimes I wish for some games you could just turn off trophies and play it just for fun without worrying about these kind of things, the same happens to me with games that have multiplayer trophies, hate them.

P_Bomb2919d ago

No prob' man! Nice talking about video games on here for a change instead of console wars, lol.

Agree with you about shutting them off every now and then, along with MP ones.

yeahokwhatever2919d ago

I basically ignore trophies. The little popups sort of bother me, if not for some of them being funny.

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2919d ago
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