Ninja Five-O RETROspective at Gamefanmag

Michael Crisman writes, "This year, the Game Boy Advance turned the big 1-0. There’s plenty of reasons to love Nintendo’s little portable dynamo, and we’ll be taking a look at some great games both on the website and in the magazine a little later. In the meantime, there’s some crimes that need to be foiled and some criminals who need brought to justice. But the crime syndicate is too big for the cops to tackle. When the problem is too tough for the cops, they call in SWAT. When it’s too tough for SWAT, they turn to Joe Osugi. To the precinct, he’s a reformed ninja turned detective. To the bad guys, he’s the Ninja Five-O."

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Quake Demake Is only 13 Kilobytes in Size

triverse writes, "When you think of demakes you probably think of newer games on older hardware. Probably because that is how they occur more often. Another type of demake is made for the same platform just a different graphics style (many remakes offer this option at the flick of a button). What if I told you someone made Quake, but it is only 13 kilobytes in size. For comparison that is about one quarter the size of the original Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The kicker is, this version of Quake looks amazing, and everything explodes into gibs everywhere."


PlayStation Plus Hidden Gem: Rocket Knight

“As a reimagining of a classic 2D platformer, Rocket Knight remains one of my favourite modern examples of the genre so let's see why.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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Cronela's Mansion Gets Physical Game Boy & SNES Cartridges

The upcoming Cronela's Mansion will launch on Switch, NES, Game Boy and SNES, with the latter now set to receive physical cartridges.