
Are Software Developers Looking for Innovation in the Wrong Place?

One of the big buzz words that often comes out of game developers' mouths is "surprise." But is "surprise" really the answer? Or is the answer instead providing players with better ways of enjoying familiar experiences?

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dangert124817d ago

90percent are not looking for innovation
and are happy to proceed with there 'milk milk milk operation'

N4g_null4817d ago

I wish they would milk top down Zelda like the Nes and snes version. Milk is getting over used sort of like how women use to claim that video game make violent kids.

I'm happy with all the improvements to the franchise except Mario galaxy it's still not there yet. Plus the wii play stuff need configuration controls for points rounds etc.

The graphic realism race is so old now though. Bring back imagination!

Stealth2k4816d ago

innovation.....lost this gen

jacksheen00004816d ago

I have to agree with this article because most game developers are too afraid to exercise their creativity; simply because it too risky to bring something new. And companies fear if what their bringing out doesn't work in the market place;it could mean a great lost in stocks/investment for the company.That being said, They rather copy a concept/idea/gaming genres that has already been doing successfully in the gaming world;because it's something that they feel that we would most likely work and people would be willing to spend their hard earned money on. A prime example of this: Microsoft at one point probably never once cared about motions control technology until they saw how well the Nintendo Wii controller did.And so, Microsoft then saw the opportunity to cash in on the concept and decided to make their own version.The Kinect! This of course is extremely contagious from one company to the next and I don't ever see it coming to an end because there just too many chickens heads out there in the gaming industry that's not willing to take a change on bringing us all something new to for a change.


Best Early Black Friday US Deals - Nintendo Switch Games

The Early Black Friday US deals for Nintendo games are quite impressive. From Pokemon to Fire Emblem, here are some awesome sales.

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BrainSyphoned681d ago

Yup, looks like Nintendo "sales" pricing.


Ranking 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword' Bosses

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Switch Sports Will Never Live Up To Wii Sports

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H9957d ago

A lot of the points made here are true, yet let's give it a chance, because like the author said, the Wii was a motion control console and everyone did view it as such while the switch is not, so the way people view the game determines how much they invested in it, so again let's give it a chance and see

Ratty957d ago

Wii sports was truly atrocious and you're saying Switch Sports will be even worse? It does not bode well for Switch Sports indeed.

Fntastic957d ago

Wii Sports was ok for screwing around, but the games lacked depth. Also I'm not sure why it seems like they decided to stick with the automatic player movement so all you need to do is swing to hit something. Very noob friendly but not as much fun IMO.

CrimsonWing69957d ago (Edited 957d ago )

Wii Sports was THE game for casuals. I don’t feel many casuals own the Switch. I can’t see this doing the numbers Wii Sports did.

Einhander1971957d ago

Course it won't, the Wii was a phenomenon. Something new with the motion tech. A curiosity to almost everyone. Obviously Switch sports won't create the same impact.

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