
Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo All Have Strong Futures Ahead

vgn24: "If you’re one of those gamers that scour the internet for the latest on your favorite company and have found that lately the news seems grim, just remember that there’s nothing to worry about. Just like the ratio of logical thinking gamers to fanboys mentioned above, the same can be said for “journalists”. Many writers have their favorites even if they don’t come out and say it. So despite all those articles you might have seen lately about the Wii U being doomed, Sony suffering irreparable damages over the PSN incident or Microsoft turning their backs on the ‘core’ gamer, none of the three players in gaming hardware are going anywhere."

GunShotEddy4717d ago

Not if you believe all the haters. And there are a lot of them!

Organization XII4717d ago (Edited 4717d ago )

Come on bro, this is N4G, you gotta be pessimistic.

thorstein4717d ago

Indeed. This article certainly doesn't belong here! I mean. What? All THREE companies are successful and are going to be?!?!! Wha- wha- WHAT!?!!

An article that contains UNcommon sense, well thought out argument, and no flamebait usually doesn't fit the N4G idiom.

Godmars2904717d ago

Then why do I literally feel like quitting gaming? Wait a year or more before buying a "next gen" console because of how generally poorly I feel that this gen has progressed?

Mr Tretton4717d ago

There have been good aspects, advancements, but this is definitely the nickel and dime generation and it's only going to get worse next gen.

Godmars2904717d ago

Given that nickel and diming has already had a direct effect on how some games are made - has likely canceled some games because they couldn't be made to fit a certain profit model - I say its already worse than you think it is.

vgchica4717d ago

I'm confused. I'm not used to positive articles. Is it opposite day here?

kma2k4717d ago

I find it funny that in the article the pictures are XBOX360, PS3, & the 3DS ummmm handheld for comparisons really?

MintBerryCrunch4717d ago

you notice the 3DS but miss the Wii controller?

kma2k4717d ago

lol, wow even after looking back at it after reading your comment i still missed it, white controller on a white background dosent stand out to well

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GamerRN4h ago

Is there anything they can really do to fix this franchise?

just_looken3h ago

Though i agree the truth is that it always sells well and then millions are made in ultimate team.

GamerRN1h ago

Because there is no competition


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PRIMORDUS1d 4h ago

Shadow of the Colossus and Ico should be remade in UE5. I know Shadow of the Colossus was in 2018 but I say remake both of them for PS5 and PC.

isarai1d ago

The remake and Blupoints in house engine is more impressive as a whole than anything ive seen from UE5 so far. Id rather they stick to their own engine.

Cacabunga7h ago

SoTC doesn’t need another remake.. last one was awesome


Fine let it be Bluepoints engine. The whole point I was trying to make was I would love them both to be remade for PC since the PC never had them to begin with (I threw in PS5) and now that Sony is bringing over their games it would be awesome.

FinalFantasyFanatic18h ago

I wouldn't mind a PC port even though I own it on PS4, it really doesn't need a remake though.

DarXyde1d 3h ago

Shadow of the Colossus is kind of a perfect game, at least to me.

Man, this has me nostalgic. I know how I'm spending my Sunday evening.

robtion19h ago

It's really timeless. Put SOTC together with The Last Guardian and ICO and you have one amazing trilogy. I think Fumito Ueda is a genuine auteur.

chicken_in_the_corn1d 3h ago

I tried the remake but couldn't get into it. Time to give it another go.

Elda1d 3h ago

I tried both versions of the game & I can never get past the 4th boss.

Inverno1d 1h ago

Well if anyone else can't get enough of this game you should check out Project Tribute. Basically a fan remake with all the cut colossi for PC.

isarai23h ago

HOLY CRAP!!! why have i mever heard of this?! They even got the worm! Of all the cut ones the worm was the most fascinating to me

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