
PlayStation Store Preview – July 19, 2011: Limbo, a Great Place to Be

Want to know what is coming to the PlayStation Store this week? Find out in PSLS' weekly PlayStation Store Preview, complete with confirmed content, as well as a look into the future in their coming soon section.

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Sev4757d ago

All PS3 owners need to pick up Limbo, it's that good. This is one that shouldn't be missed.

BigPete79784757d ago

Might buy it again even though I already own it on the 360, it's fantastic.

guitarded774757d ago

Who the hell is disagreeing with Limbo being a great game? The art style is beautiful and full of atmosphere, and the puzzle/platform gameplay are some of the best. I'll be getting it tomorrow for my PS3... I played it on my 360, but I'm a trophy whore, and this game is worth another play through.

dragon824757d ago

Some poor hater is spamming the disagree button.

guitarded774757d ago

@ dragon82
Haters gonna hate.

Elwenil4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

Perhaps just someone with a differing opinion?

Thinking your opinion is the only valid one is a sure sign of being a worthless arrogant POS.

That said, I will probably pick it up also. ;D

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4756d ago
T3mpr1x4757d ago

I'm at least going to try the demo...

Kurisu4756d ago

I will try the demo too :) I've heard good things about this game.

Lykon4756d ago

cool there is a demo...sometimes i really do not enjoy some of the most popular games. but this does sound v interesting

dragon824757d ago

I own it for 360 and it is a fantastic little game. I agree that every PS3 owner should check it out.

Crazyglues4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Day-One buy for me.. I think Limbo looks really cool, and it's nice that they gave a demo for the non believers..

I bought outland just for the hell of it, and it turned out to be a pretty cool game.. so I'm hoping same thing happens here with Limbo..


B00M4756d ago

Why do you put PS3 at the end of all your posts? Is very sad.

4757d ago
DaTruth4756d ago

These are my kind of reviews! I'm almost sold already! Ten guys on a N4G saying a game is great and no one saying anything bad is worth 100 magazine reviews!

Check out that coming soon list; it just keeps scrolling down, down, down!

Megaton4756d ago

Eh... if it's priced the same as the 360 version, they can wait. IMO, it wasn't worth the $15. Yeah, it was cool, but I had completed the game and went back to earn all but 1 leftover achievement within 3 hours of dropping my money.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4756d ago
decimalator4757d ago

Ooh, I might have to pickup the New Vegas DLC. I haven't tried any of the old stuff, I might need to have a New Vegas night

kassatsu4757d ago

I want to check out Dead Block... reminds me of Home Alone, but with Zombies


agreed..but i just want my MK Arcade Kollection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):

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Mortal Kombat Remaster Is Reportedly In The Works, Eyeballistic CEO Teases

A Mortal Kombat Remaster could be in development, as teased by the Eyeballistic CEO on Twitter through allegedly AI-generated images.

EazyC13d ago

Not a good look given that NRS has treated MK2

Soy13d ago

Just stop. Let MK breathe for a while.

Magic_Spatula13d ago

Didn't they have HD remakes of the first 3 games ready and for some reason decided not to release it? And also, wasn't a remake of the first game being developed already with all new actors portraying the original cast and they shelved that one too?

Pedantic9113d ago

It's all they know how to do now huh ? Could've atleast have a look at remaking/remastering Shaolin Monks.


We need The Boys' Mortal Kombat rip-off to be real

GameSpew: Episode 3 of The Boys season 4 parodied Mortal Kombat with Vought's Tournament of Heroes. Now we want it to be real.

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Tzuno38d ago

we need Bolo Yeung in mortal kombat

The_Hooligan38d ago

lol at the start of the match he can "you are next!"


Mondo Reveals Mortal Kombat Poster

Interesting artwork. Before you finish them, make sure to grab Mondo's latest poster drop! The vividly striking Mortal Kombat poster with artwork by Lewis LaRosa is available now for purchase. The Mortal Kombat poster (MSRP: $85) is now available for purchase until June 17th.

Profchaos38d ago

Could just be a cameo in the real MK has been done before I do t follow mk1 DLC closely but there was a leak about boys dlc