
The WiiU's Identity Crisis

KHooLz writes: "The Nintendo Wii will be marking its 5th year this November. The Wii's take on controlling games has endured mixed opinions, both good and bad. No one can deny the impact the console has had on the gaming industry. A wider audience of people are playing games and the ability to be able to pick up and play a game without investing a considerable amount of time is somewhat of a nod to classic games we had in the past."

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Community4822d ago
the_best_player4822d ago

I think the WiiU might be a fail.

tehReaper4822d ago

I don't think it will fail, but Nintendo has a long road ahead of them in terms of satisfying the hardcore. They have the right franchises, they just need to implement them in the right ways.

jacen1004822d ago (Edited 4822d ago )

catch yourself on u CLOWN , how will a machine with better visuals and more refined and powerfull hardware better than the current gen be a fail , also the first console with an open network allowing developers a free run to do what they want, not to mention the second screen allowing for a far more inviting gameplay experience in FPS games. stop being a hater fanboy and realise that this machine will be inviting to gamers, i own all consoles aswell as a top end pc and im still excited about what the wiiU has to offer its sounding good

Hifist14822d ago

No, Wii U sounds like piece of shit to be honest. Controller looks clunky and i don't really care about Ninty's exclusives. So what's there for me? Nothing.

Achtung4822d ago

what about the ps4 being all kinecty...

now that's messed up.

jacksonmichael4822d ago

There is something in this video I want people to hear... http://www.youtube.com/watc...

I specifically mean the part about exclusives being irrelevant if they aren't the type of game you like. Because really, that's all you're saying.

jacen1004822d ago (Edited 4822d ago )

ok fanboy comment there i will over look that

charmer4822d ago

the wiiu will be number 1 this next generation..thats almost guaranteed with what it has to offer.. but im sure sony is the lab copying and microsoft is not far behing

jacen1004822d ago

for sure the rest will follow with second screen just like motion control

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Miyamoto: Nintendo Won't Be Opening Museums In Other Locations

"We have no intention of expanding" - Miyamoto

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Chocoburger19h ago

Feels like a missed opportunity, since Nintendo is loved all around the world, a museum in USA / CAN / UK / AUS / etc. would always be packed with fans.

Yi-Long1h ago

Kyoto is already overrun by tourists as it is. It would probably make sense if Japan finds a way to spread tourism out over more locations instead of just the Kansai region (Osaka, Kyoto) and Tokyo, to both alleviate the burden of tourism on those two area, while bringing more interest and thus tourism money to other areas.

Of course, that’s not something Nintendo needs to concern itself with right now, and it makes sense that they stick with 1 museum for the time-being, and in their home-city of Kyoto.

I’m also not sure how big the appeal for a Nintendo museum would be elsewhere in the world. Many tourists flock to Japan BECAUSE of the (pop-) culture, so they are interested in anime, videogames, etc. So Pokemon Centers and Nintendo Stores are very popular, always bustling with tourists who spend a lot of money there, and obviously a Nintendo museum in Kyoto then makes perfect sense.

But generally speaking, folks don’t visit a Paris or New York for it’s pop-culture, so a Nintendo museum would make less sense. Not saying a video-games museum wouldn’t/couldn’t work, I believe it could, but I think in the west it would make more sense to open a museum with a broader spectrum of videogame-exhibits, so not ‘just’ a Nintendo museum, but something much wider in terms of scope …


Nintendo Is Reportedly Targeting AI-Generated Mario Pictures

Tracer used AI to serve takedowns "on behalf of Nintendo".

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Valkyrye2d ago

Nintendo using "AI" company to take down "AI" created images is a bad sign.

Pyrofire9513h ago

I hope there's a huge flood of Mario Ai pics now.


If Nintendo's new "wireless device" is for tracking movement, let's hope it's for VR

Nintendo's new 'wireless device' patent suggests it tracks movement. Could it be a precursor for VR?

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OtterX1d 2h ago

The prospect of having a proper Nintendo VR is exciting.

I'd die for another Astrobot on PSVR2, as the Rescue Mission on PSVR1 was incredible. Sony showed how amazing platformers can be in VR, and I have no doubt Nintendo could do some equally amazing things IF they were to embrace the platform.