
GameSpot gives 2/10 to Wii's Samurai Ghost

Samurai Ghost for Wii Review

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MK_Red6169d ago

The game doesn't look that bad, specially considering some of the worst VC games that GameSpot gave a better score to them. This one is probably somehow related to Sony so GameSpot had to give it a little lower than usual. 4/10 would have been more acceptable.

DeckUKold6169d ago

why do nintendo release trash games?

eclipsegryph6169d ago

Care to paint your brush strokes any broader, mate?

ShadoWulf6169d ago

The dumbest thing about this article is that it tried to make it seem like an actual Wii game got a 2. "Gamespot gives 2/10 to Wii's Samurai Ghost". Sounds like a new game for the Wii called Samurai Ghost got a 2, not a VC game

kspraydad6169d ago (Edited 6169d ago )

This should have specified that this was a VC title of a TurboGrafx 16 game that is 15 years old.


Shaka2K66169d ago

LMAO, and whats the price for this rip-off roms?
i dont like piracy or people that do that but just to stick it to nintendo which i been hating now.

PC emulation already does all that and for free.
screw you nintendo.

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IGN's The Worst Games on Virtual Console: Part 1

Cam Shea writes for IGN AU:

"Finding bad games on Nintendo's Virtual Console service isn't hard; the damn thing's riddled with them. Looking over the selection you could be forgiven for thinking that the range is the result of a work experience kid screw up. 'Oops, Mr Miyamoto - I accidentally uploaded a completely random selection of games! Stupid Mitchell, stupid!' No attention seems to have been paid to appropriateness or quality control. It'd be funny if it wasn't so depressing.

With such a grab bag of crap we had plenty to choose from and ultimately chose ten games that haven't just aged badly, but were terrible to begin with. Ten games that are so removed from modern entertainment and such poor value for money that they left us scratching our heads in disbelief.

Here are the first five, but sadly, because the VC service doesn't have a demo system, you won't be able to share in our pain and incredulity. Under no circumstances - even as a joke - are you to buy these games. To do so would be a crime against gaming.

Let the sarcastic italics-fest begin!"