
PlayStation Store Global Update – July 12, 2011

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up to date with each week's PlayStation Store Update.

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decimalator4763d ago

Man, I love Monster Hunter. I can't wait for MHP3 to come to North America.

LOGICWINS4763d ago

Does anyone know if you can gameshare full retail games on PSN?

T3mpr1x4763d ago

I would assume so, if you don't mind putting your credentials at risk...

LOGICWINS4763d ago (Edited 4763d ago )

Thanks for the info dude. I figure you can because I know Sony allows you to gameshare DLC. If they had the ability to stop it with retail games, then logically they would stop it with DLC as well. I guess its just a system flaw.

Either way, I'm sure its a violation of Sony's terms and services.

Spitfire_Riggz4763d ago

Yes you can. Ive done it a couple times with psn games so yeah. I only game share with family though.

LOGICWINS4763d ago

^^Ah I see. I know a couple people that have done it with PSN games, but I've never heard about anyone doing it with a full retail title like Split/Second or Borderlands.

I assume that if you can do it with PSN games, then you can do it with full retail games as well.

CernaML4763d ago

Highly doubt it. Games such as Warhawk and GT5 Prologue require you to be signed into the account that purchased it. Can't download it from a different account and try to play it under your own PSN account. Even the Killzone 3 beta was like this.

LOGICWINS4763d ago (Edited 4763d ago )

^^Yes, but what about single player games?

Btw, I downloaded the UC3 beta from my American account and I can play with it with my EU account. Warhawk and Prologue were special exceptions it seems.

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TheCampfireSong4763d ago

Never gameshare with a stranger -.-

T3mpr1x4763d ago

Wow, Pac-Man, Scott Pilgrim, and Shank all under $5 on PS+. Gonna get all of those at least! Love summertime sales.

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Comedy Central New Animated Series Based on Golden Axe

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Knightofelemia99d ago (Edited 99d ago )

Golden Axe is a great game I enjoyed it on the SMS, Genesis and in the arcade. Great game but it truly was a quarter eater back in the day. I wish Sega could get the rights to the arcade port of Moonwalker another great arcade game I enjoyed. Collect so many monkeys and become Robo Michael lol.


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JonTheGod99d ago

Why are the Katamari games not on the list??


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