
How Will Portability Affect Super Smash Brothers?

gamrFeed writes:-
"We don't know much about Super Smash Bros. 3DS or its partner software on the Wii U. Why? Because the game hasn't even really begun development yet! We do know two solid facts: the title will have some sort of connectivity between the hand-held and home console version and Nintendo is looking into the possibilities of transferring customizable player data between the two versions. With the creator of the Super Smash Bros. Series, Masahiro Sakurai, still wrapping up work on Kid Icarus: Uprising, this is probably the only information we will know for awhile. For now we can only speculate. The Super Smash Bros. Series has never seen any sort of release on a portable platform, so the team will be moving into semi-uncharted territory. The question is, how will the unique aspects of the portable market and its connectivity to the Wii U version change Super Smash Bros."

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LOGICWINS4828d ago

If Nintendo had released Smash Bros as a launch title..the 3DS would have done so much better saleswise.

I bet there are TONS of gamers out there waiting for a $300 3DS Lite Super Smash/Pokemon bundle.

Thecraft19894827d ago

IF the 3ds had any of the top nintendo franchise on launch it would been out of stock for months. Imagine they had released in November with Mario kart Zelda OT and Mario 64.

The only decent game so far is remake of amazing game but that's just it we played it 98 loved it and its still gets played but its just dose not have the magic to sell consoles.

TruthbeTold4827d ago

I'm not so sure there will be a 3DS lite. The 3DS is roughly the same size as the DS lite, and if anything a larger screen would be nice. I'd expect a 3DS XL but not a 3DS lite. It doesn't really need to be flatter, and a significantly larger screen won't fit on the current model size.

As for Smash Bros. as a pack in with a 3DS XL... It would be all the reason I need to hand down my 3DS to a friend and make another 3DS purchase. Nintendo... You evil bastards... XD

Technical World4827d ago

Yes there will be. The top and bottom screens could be bigger. They will add better speakers. They could trim some fat to make it fit nice in your pocket. A better camera. Not saying the 3DS needs these thing because I'm perfectly happy with the one I got at launch but Nintendo will find a reason to release a new one in a couple years. Not as soon as the DS Lite since the 3DS doesn't have a bad design unlike the original DS. (My Mario Kart Bundle DS looked like a Virtual Boy on steroids)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4827d ago
TheColbertinator4827d ago

Doesn't matter what Smash 3DS will have.

The tournament players will choose "Fox,No Items,Final Destination" regardless of what the game adds.

rumplstilts4827d ago

Fox? Lol, get your head out of melee

DrRichtofen4827d ago

I think other developers should make their own type of "Super Smash Brothers" game. Think if Microsoft or Sony made their own using ...well their own characters it would be a blast. I remember all the hours I put in Melee, gosh that was a fun game.

Technical World4827d ago

Yeah but where's the creativity there? It would be fun but why wastes money on three different games that are really the same thing? If they mixed it up a bit like making it a 3D fighter instead of a 2.5D thing then that would be cool though.

DrRichtofen4827d ago

3D fighter? Thats a really cool idea! The more innovation the better.

rexbolt4827d ago

like power stone? and urgeess u don wth that games spelled it had ff ppl in it


Nintendo Is Reportedly Targeting AI-Generated Mario Pictures

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Valkyrye1d 12h ago

Nintendo using "AI" company to take down "AI" created images is a bad sign.


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OtterX12h ago

The prospect of having a proper Nintendo VR is exciting.

I'd die for another Astrobot on PSVR2, as the Rescue Mission on PSVR1 was incredible. Sony showed how amazing platformers can be in VR, and I have no doubt Nintendo could do some equally amazing things IF they were to embrace the platform.


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Jin_Sakai19h ago

“There is a lot of talk about A.I., for example. When that happens, everyone starts to go in the same direction, but that is where Nintendo would rather go in a different direction."

Good on Nintendo for not chasing the next big thing.

Aussiesummer15h ago

Well nintendo has always been about innovation so I'm not surprised.

KyRo13h ago

Always? I feel the last time off the top of my head that they were innovative was the 3DS/Wii era. They are very successful at what they do but I wouldn't say they are as innovative as they used to be.

Venoxn4g12h ago

Well, in my opinion they have popularised hybrid console which is the Switch

KyRo11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Your opinion is correct. There's no denying Nintendo's influence on the handheld market that's paved the way for the ROG, Steam Deck, MSI Claw etc but apart from the dock to get a small jump in power, it wasn't really revolutionary, even back when it launched. It was a more refined concept of the Wii U which again wasn't new or groundbreaking back then either.

Aussiesummer3h ago

What the switch wasn't innovative? Cmon.

SeTTriP27m ago

He was saying that's what they strive for and that is a fact.do they always hit the mark?. no but it's in they're design philosophy all the same.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 27m ago
badz14914h ago

LOL simply because they don't want to invest in it and stick to their outdated approach. See the next pokemon game on Switch 2 will look like something that should come out during the PS3 gen

Profchaos13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

So a custom art style vs GTA trilogy style mistakes through their games

I'll take the art style thanks

WolfSeed14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Translation: We'll wait until it's cheaper.

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