
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Free Xbox 360 Theme & Gamer Pictures

TPV Writer Jonathan Writes: "In the build up to the final Harry Potter film a gamer picture pack and free Xbox 360 theme are available on the ‘Spotlight’ section of the Xbox Live Dashboard today.

Freebies are always welcome so if you’re looking forward to the next film like I am then get in the wizardy (is wizard-y an actual word?) mood and cast your wand (no phallic jokes here please!) towards the Xbox Marketplace and go get them for 0 M$ Points! Enjoy and remember… Your a wizard(y)!"

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firemassacre4827d ago

not touching my 360 anytime soon

aviator1894827d ago

then there's no point in you commenting on this article, is there?

on topic: anyways, free themes and pics are always great and can't wait till the movie comes out!

Jonmau54827d ago

lol, well saidaviator189! freebies are always nice! The them does not look too bad! I've not checked out the gamer pics yet...

kookie4827d ago (Edited 4827d ago )

What your Butt?

NoobJobz4826d ago

Not seeing these anywhere. I looked under spotlight and under game marketplace.

Jonmau54826d ago

It has been moved from marketplace and they can now be found if you visit 'Game Marketplace' then 'Add-ons & Extras' and then download the free theme and image from the Theme and Gamer Pics sections respectively.

NoobJobz4826d ago

I'm still not seeing anything. Is this theme and pics out inthe US? Or is this a UK deal?

Jonmau54826d ago

I'm in the UK and can view it, it may not be available yet for US users, I shall look into this for you and hopefully be able to find some extra information.


What’s Become of the Harry Potter Games?

No major Harry Potter game has been released since 2011. Are they gone forever or can we expect new ones to return to loyal Harry Potter fans?

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Relientk773113d ago

Sadly not much. Hopefully they can make some good Harry Potter games. I loved Lego Harry Potter games

Benoski3112d ago

Most of them were loosely based on the films.Now that there's no more movies being made for the time being, I don't see a new Harry Potter game releasing anytime soon.

jfcdoomblade3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

Sorcerer's Stone and Order of the Phoenix were a blast to play because of their explorative nature. Goblet of Fire was another good one too, many good times with the co-op on that one.

Summons753112d ago

They became trash after Chamber of Secrets and Quidditch World Cup. The Lego games were fun though.

quent3111d ago

No movie, no game. no cashin.


5 sequels that should never have been made

PS3 Attitude: "Introducing a new weekly feature, in which PS3 Attitude takes an irreverent* look at the world of gaming. Today we’re discussing five sequels that, if we had our way, would never have seen the light of day; although, in a way we’re glad they did, because otherwise we wouldn’t have been able to write this article.

*At least 37% of the following is probably incorrect."

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NYC_Gamer4473d ago

Dragon Age 2 should be on the list

da_2pacalypse4473d ago

I would give you 10 speech bubbles for that comment if I had the power lol. DA2 is just horrible lol.

guitarded774473d ago (Edited 4473d ago )

If it's a role playing game that needs to be on the list my vote is for Final Fantasy X-2. It was like a Japanese Charlie's Angels.

Anon19744473d ago (Edited 4473d ago )

Why the hell should DA2 be on the list. The first one was a blast, the second one wasn't as good as the first but could still hold it's own. I didn't think DA2 was great by any stretch of the imagination, but I had fun with it, and the majority of reviewers agreed. If DA2 was released on it's own without the first to compare it too, no one would have said boo about it because as a stand alone rpg, it wasn't bad. It's only crime was it wasn't as good as the original. I've seen plenty of rpg's come out worse than DA2 but none seem to merit the hate that DA2 receives.

CyanideMatt4472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

Yes... erasing standards is good for the gaming industry /sarcasm

MacDonagh4472d ago

DA 2 was a bit of a misstep compared to Origins, but there were some good things about it. The plot was more grounded and had applicability; not to mention it was a great cave simulator.

Cajun Chicken4473d ago

I LIKED All 4 One for what it was.

BiggCMan4473d ago

SAME HERE!! All 4 One was a great addition to the series, I don't see why these guys are hating on it. I'm a good ways through it now with a buddy of mine online, and it's loads of fun. The co-op "things" (dunno the correct word here), make it a lot of fun.

I think they are looking at this game like the other games, which is an incorrect way of looking at it. It's different, and if you play with a good friend whom also loves the series, it will be great. I haven't played by myself outside of the very first level, so I don't know of the AI problems.

guitarded774473d ago

I liked because it was free with my PS+ this month.

Mintyrebel4473d ago

One opinion piece I actually agree with! Good on you!

sriki0074473d ago

duke nukem was the worst!!!! And what with 10 years in development.. Pathetic game.

ps3rulz4473d ago

I actually liked duke nukem forever. Sure it had a lot of flaws but i enjoyed it, am i the only one?? Lol

Hicken4473d ago

Ten years and half a dozen developers and you expected it to be great? It'd be different if only one team had worked on it for all that time, but...

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EA switches off Bright Light studio

The lights have gone out at EA’s Bright Light studio, Develop understands, with the group’s closure resulting in job losses and staff relocations.

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