
El Shaddai preview | GameShard

GameShard writes: "At its most basic level, yes, El Shaddai is a roaming brawler, the likes of which we've seen many times, albeit it rarely done with mechanics these solid or with anywhere near as much ingenuity. When you add in the truly incredible artistic style and the melodic, yet strangely ominous soundtrack, the game is elevated to another level entirely. Whether it can sustain the sense of wonder over the course of its entire adventure remains to be seen"

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pixelsword4733d ago

That was the weirdest demo I ever played.

It was equivocal to watching fish masturbating to pictures of deformed clowns being stabbed by chimpanzees.

M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4733d ago

Yeah, played the demo. Felt like I was on acid or something, lol.

Psychonaughty4733d ago

Liked the art style (although the gfx were technically poor) and the combat a little too, shame the platforming was so abysmal. I'm invested in the character of Enoch after reading about him in the bible and in the historical document "the book of Enoch" so I came to this with an open mind but if things don't improve alot before release then this will be a rental at best.

Neckbear4733d ago (Edited 4733d ago )

How was the platforming "abysmal", honestly? Hell, even the director of the game said that the platforming was more reminiscent of ye goode olde days since he was tired of platformers that were automated as hell (you know, the kind where you only press X and the character makes the jump perfectly- of those where actually falling is harder than completing the section).

About the graphics, they only needed anti-aliasing. But, then again, it's on a console.

zerocrossing4733d ago

Im gonna get this, Sure it'll probably have a few faults but what game doesn't? It looks and sounds interesting, Also "original" is something we don't get often.


El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Switch review [SideQuesting]

A classic action game makes its triumphant return on the Nintendo Switch

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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Remaster Review - Gaming Respawn

El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is an action game by Ignition Tokyo and UTV Ignition Games for PS3 and Xbox 360, later released on Switch.

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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Remaster (NS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Presenting El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron to a new audience and preserving it for future generations is a great thing, especially considering its cult status. Whether that audience will enjoy it is another matter entirely. Due to its cryptic storytelling, repetitive combat, and clumsy platforming, it doesn't quite escape the orbit of mediocrity. Still, there's a lot to admire, including exciting boss battles, impressive production design, and powerful music. If nothing else, it's an ambitious game with a singular vision. And that's something to celebrate."

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darthv7249d ago

Its a pretty cool game. i have the 360 version but Id buy the switch to play on the go.

coolbeans49d ago

Would be great if it came to Xbox/PS as well.