
Star Wars Battlefront 3: What Went Wrong?

TheCrapgamer over at GxC writes:
It seems as though with every E3 that comes and goes I get my hopes up less and less for a reveal of Star Wars Battlefront 3. In all honesty I had very little hope this past E3. Last E3 was a different story however, there were numerous signs pointing to a possible Battlefront 3 reveal that year. Not the least of which was actual Star Wars Battlefront 3 servers that were spotted. We’ve seen signs of the game from the servers being online, to a retailer accidentally posting the game for sale, to actually seeing footage from the game itself.

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Emilio_Estevez4771d ago

Give me Battlefront 3 or give me death!

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4771d ago

Doubt this game will ever come. I was a big fan of both battlefronts and it was defiantly my favorite shooter due to the large battles and fun domination game mode. Even though i use to play with bots in the old days it was still a hell of a time.

JBaby3434771d ago

I'm also very worried that Battlefront 3 will never come. I would at least like an HD remake of Battlefield 1 & 2. I put in so much time with those games especially Battlefield 2. The levels were so good. I loved using Jedi and Sith for the battles. Please at least give us HD remakes.

SilentNegotiator4771d ago

Several Star Wars games would litter my list of favorite 6th gen games. It's a shame to see some many of those excellent games go to the dogs.

KOTOR......POW in the MMO camp.
Republic Commando....KIA.

MintBerryCrunch4771d ago


you talking about Battelfront or Battlefield, those are 2 very different BF's we are talking about bud O.O

JBaby3434770d ago

My bad MintBerryCrunch. I meant Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2. I got it right the first time. Sorry for the confusion.

ZombieNinjaPanda4770d ago

Lucas Arts are one of the dumbest developers/publishers this generation.

They're sitting on a cash cow, but they refuse to make anything that isn't trash. Such a shame.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4770d ago
ATiElite4771d ago

Yeh i really enjoy the Battlefront series. enjoy that as much as Lego Star wars.

I'm sure they ditched BF3 for a COD clone but hopefully Devs realize by now that good quality beats out clones so on that note....

it's time for Battlefront 3....right after Battlefield 3 dies down cause you got NO CHANCE once that monster hits.

mynameisEvil4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

"Battlefront 3 or death?!"
Man 1: I'll take Battlefront 3, please.

"Very well. Give him Battlefront 3!"

Man 1: Thank you. It's very nice!

*Turns to new person*
"YOU! Battlefront 3 or death?!"

Man 2: I'll have Battlefront 3 as well, please.

"Very well! Give him Battlefront 3, too! We're going to run out of supply at this rate."
*Turns to new person*
"You! Battlefront 3 or death?!"

Man 3: Death. Oh, I meant Battlefront 3!

"You said death first! Nononono!"

Man 3: But I meant Battlefront 3! I meant Battlefront 3!"

"Fine... give him Battlefront 3. You're lucky I'm the publisher."
*Turns to new person*
"You! Battlefront 3 or death?"

Man 4: I'll take Battlefront 3, please.

"Well, we're out of Battlefront 3! We only had 3 games and we didn't expect such a rush!"

Man 4: What, so my only choices are 'Or death'? Then, I'll take Battlefield 3."

mynameisEvil4770d ago

I... I don't get how people could disagree with that.

It wasn't even an opinion. It was a joke. A funny one, I might add.

tunaks14771d ago

"Star Wars Battlefront 3: What Went Wrong?"
it never came out, thats whats wrong!

femshep4771d ago

ahhhh beat me too it

and its weird why it hasn't come out because SWBF2 was being played online till xbox servers got shut down for good

they put one out it would be a huge release (and i maybe be stretching this) but possibly on par with call of duty

Pl4sm44770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

whoever makes it .... it will sell alot .. ALOT of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ .... i imagine Naughty dog(Uncharted1,2,3) or Gerrila games(Killzone1,2,3) making it ... but they will never let those game companies make it .... so .. its probably dead until someone with powerful computers figures out that it has a big fanbase (almost Battlefield 3 like) and remembers to make it

theonlylolking4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

Star Wars Battlefront, one of the great shooters of last gen. It is sad that it has so far never been brought out on PS3 or 360. I hope it will come out when the Wii U releases and will be for the PS3, 360, PC, and Wii U.

There are five things I want in SWB3
1.split screen online and bot battles
2. customizable characters
3.no kill streak rewards
4.PS3 and PC cross game online
5.no perks

Raven_Nomad4771d ago

You must be joking? Mouse compatible? Did you ever even play the PS2 version? The people with a mouse that they imported totally raped on the game. It makes it incredibly unfair.

Urrakia344771d ago

Sounds like maybe you were just stuck on crappy teams. When I played online I usually finished in the top 3 players of my team and won a pretty good number of matches.

femshep4771d ago

they should make 3 in the old republic era instead of the clone wars.....clone wars maybe really interesting but after the tv shows and movie and everything they have done with it im sick of the clone wars

BALLARD324771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

I'm betting it will be announced later this month at Comic-Con. Just a thought...
Comic-Con countdown at the bottom of the site too.

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LucasArts Co-founder David Fox Reflects on Four Decades in the Gaming Industry

In an era where pixels ruled the screen and creativity sparked the imagination, a few names stand out as trailblazers in the gaming industry – David Fox is undoubtedly among them. As a co-founder of LucasArts, Fox played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of gaming, leaving an indelible mark with iconic titles that continue to resonate with players worldwide. Join Sector as he shares captivating stories about the birth of LucasArts and the enthralling narratives behind some of the industry's most beloved classics.

mastershredder170d ago

eh…Gilbert, Purcell Schaffer were the trail blazers in that crew. David, while he did do some stuff once, like a real long ass time ago is more like b-list personality that specializes in reminiscing and signing ops at a convention.


The Darkness, Chronicles of Riddick director joins Indiana Jones team

Andersson will act as design director on the title and work in parallel with creative director Axel Torvenius – who was previously art director for the Wolfenstein games and with executive producer Jerk Gustafsson at the helm.

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isarai603d ago

Dope! Gotta be honest tho, i completely forgot this existed 😅

Sonic1881603d ago

Still in the early stages. We won't get a reveal until two more years probably 😂

rlow1602d ago

I wish they would make another Riddick, Butchers Bay was the best.

hotnickles602d ago

You know what games I want way more than Indiana Jones? The darkness and Riddick.

Snookies12602d ago (Edited 602d ago )

Haha, completely agree... But, the fact that he is involved in this is a definitely a positive sign! Could actually be a good game!

hotnickles602d ago

You might be right. Indiana Jones will never do Jackie or Riddick stuff though. The darkness was brutal on the eyes and ears lol.

Leeroyw602d ago

The Darkness was an underrated gem. Fantastic lore and Mike patton from Faith No More voicing the darkness is up there with the great video game voice overs imo.


Amazon’s Prime Gaming Offers Free Select LucasArts Classics

While new chapters or remakes would be great; it is nice to see the classics get some love. Amazon’s Prime Gaming is amping up the nostalgia this summer by offering Amazon Prime members a selection of free classic LucasArts games for PC.

PapaBop1121d ago

Secret of Monkey Island is a classic, I highly recommend it for anyone who hasn't played it.

Garethvk1121d ago

Those older LucasArts games were all good. Full Throttle is still amazing