
Starhawk Preview (NoobFeed)

The blend of action and strategy will come exclusively to the PlayStation 3, just like Warhawk. The release date however, isn't exactly defined, but will be sometime in 2012.

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4735d ago
4734d ago

LightBox Does Something Special for Fans Participating in Warhawk Day

Junkie Monkeys: Every now and then we hear about developers who are truly appreciative of fan support. Certain developers will even go the extra mile to give something back to the fans. LightBox Interactive recently did something great for fans in support of Warhawk Day.

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majiebeast3779d ago

Warhawk 2 1080P 60fps on PS4 get it going Yosp.

skeeter22753779d ago

I wouldn't bother. My sacrifices have gone unanswered.

Insomnia_843779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

Seriously! Both Warhawk and Starhawk should make their way to PS4!! Great multiplayer games!

Edit: I liked it! It had a different setting and the mechanics for the game were perfect for it. The RTS elements in the game are cool. A new Warhawk would be awesome too!

majiebeast3779d ago

Starhawk was bad and should never be repeated the dev team didnt listen to any feedback we gave and it pissed me off.

jukins3779d ago

I had high hopes for starhawk but I think the technical limitations of the ps3 held it back. Then there was the total lack of teamwork which in a game where you have limited resources to build equipment meant that you could easily be overwhelmed because one player decided to build a ton of stuff just for their personal use.

Now as for warhawk they need to either remake it on ps4 or make a true sequel with the same gameplay as the original (ps3 version) I'd kill for that. Warhawk and ps+ were the only reasons I even considered not trading in my ps for ps4. Let's hope we get it eventually.

PR_FROM_OHIO3779d ago

I will faint if that happens lol!!!

Godmars2903779d ago

Thing is that the Warhawk you want is likely different from the one I want.

Namely a steampunk adventure with flying battleships and air-fortresses you have to board and 'sink' from the inside.


That's not what I want from Warhawk but I'd still play that and it would probably be awesome regardless! Starhawk was awesome just wasn't Warhawk awesome!

Godmars2903779d ago

It was what the very first Warhawk was. Though more a retro 50s sci-fi via the best FMV the 80s could deliver.

FamilyGuy3779d ago

I wonder when Sony will start releasing their big multiplayer only titles again. Warhawk and MAG were both really surprising releases last gen. I want to see them do more stuff like that.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3779d ago
tanookisuit3779d ago

That's really nice of them to include international regions, too! I filled out my form, here's hoping I get one.

yellowgerbil3779d ago

I thought lightbox wasn't around anymore. Does that mean we may get a proper sequel instead of that disappointing Starhawk

Jury3779d ago

Remake warhawk - keep it mostly the same. New maps, prettier graphics and take out normal flight. Pro flight ftw :D

WeAreLegion3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

Warhawk HD and Starhawk HD please!!!

Also, bring back motion controlled flight. Easily the best implementation of the sixaxis.

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The Studio Conundrum Of Sony

Ian Fisher writes: With the next-gen PlayStation console possibly being shown off later this month, Sony is obviously gearing up for a console launch within the next year and are of course they’re doing things that are required when spending truckloads of cash: trimming a bit of fat. Issuing lay-offs or making certain studios redundant is never a nice thing, but in the world of business it’s required to ease up the pressure one may feel upon their purse strings. Even then, the continued parting of ways Sony is doing with key 2nd party studios, the latest of which is SuperBot Entertainment, is distressing for various reasons.

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sinncross4152d ago

I think Sony got themselves into an unfortunate situation in regards to PS3 hardware pricing and adoption rate not being as quick as they perhaps wanted.

While I am against the fact that Sony had shutdown studios like Liverpool and have ended partnerships with studios like SuperBot, I can understand if its because they have decided to properly consolidate the games they will be making.

Hopefully things turn out much better with the PS4. Cant wait to see its unveiling.

r214152d ago

I still cant understand why they cut the ties so soon. PSASBR was well on its way to being a million if they gave it time. Heck, it probably was one of their best selling titles of 2012. Would've sold even faster had Sony used their freaking marketing department! I worry for Sanzaru games and Sly Thieves in Time :C

4152d ago
Killzoner994152d ago

Do a little research. The PS3 was a bargain at launch with the built in blu-ray and has passed the 360 in sales . Sony and the Playstation brand are stronger than ever. Have you not been online for the past week? The PS4 is about to be announced. Everyone has been talking about it.

dcbronco4151d ago

Not a bargain if you consider they could have left Blu-ray out and had a $400 console. If they had done that, this article wouldn't have been written. Sony fans can't seem to understand that business isn't magic. You do need to have sales to advertise and keep studios open.

Just add this to the growing list of things that have hurt Sony since the launch of the PS3. Sony never had the 50 billion of free cash Microsoft has. They can't afford the mistakes. Gaming was the one thing Sony could count on. More than music, movies, phones or TVs. And that dependable income disappeared because of the PS3. That killed advertising, it killed the Samsung deal and it caused them to sell other parts of the company.

They have turned the income on gaming around. They have shrunk the company. And they have established Blu-ray enough for it not to be a liability. And it looks like they have gone back to a more traditional CPU. All of those things should bring them back to where they were as far as gaming financials. Not sure how they fix the rest of the company.

DivineAssault 4152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )

If the games dont do well after sony publishes them, they get cut.. Thats the way it goes.. Not to say the games they made were bad but they didnt do too well in sales or didnt live up to sonys expectations.. Nx gen is going to cost way too much to risk publishing 1/2 assed games so they will keep the strong ones like Naughtydog, studio japan, Santa Monica, etc & probably divide those into other teams & hire new talent to work with them

BrianC62344152d ago

That was way too boring to read very far. They took way too many words to say anything. It could have been a quarter the size. You don't need to write a book to get your point across. I have no idea what the point is though since I stopped reading.

BattleAxe4152d ago

SuperBot isn't much of a loss since they'have only ever created one game, and it isn't selling as expected.

Insomniac made their own choice, and it is well known that Sony tried to purchase them, but they want to do their own thing....bad move on Insomniac's part.

Eat Sleep Play isn't much of a loss with having only developed Calling All Cars and a couple of Twisted metal games.

Lighthouse Interactive made a couple of good multiplayer games, but the single player for Starhawk wasn't all that good, so they have nobody but themselves to blame for turning to the mobile phone market.

Zipper Interactive was my favorite studio during the PS2 days, but the people running the studio didn't listen to the fans, and ultimately screwed up one of the most popular franchises on the PS2....SOCOM. These guy were a bunch of morons and deserved to get shut down.

Sony Liverpool was just an unproductive studio, so ...whatever.

The best game developers in the entire industry are:

- Naughty Dog
- Polyphony Digital
- Sony Santa Monica
- Guerrilla Games
- Guerrilla Cambridge
- Sony Bend
- Sucker Punch
- Media Molecule
- Evolution Studios
- Team Ico
- Sony Online Entertainment

I'm sorry, what was this article written for again? What a waste of time lol

DOMination-4152d ago

Team Ico don't exist anymore. They were shut down a while back and now their game is being finished by SCE Japan and co-developed by Santa Monica.

Anyway with the exception of Evolution and SCE Cambridge your point stands. They are great devs indeed but there are many others up there with them.

dafegamer4151d ago (Edited 4151d ago )

wrong. pls provide some proof before saying such garbage. Only because the creator left Sony, it doesnt mean that Team Ico is shut down. Stop spreading false statements

DOMination-4151d ago

They have been merged and integrated with SCE Japan. The studio exists in name only now for if/when TLG ever releases, any future games will just fall under the SCE Japan banner.

It makes sense anyway. The creator will leave after TLG and most of the other important people there have already left anyway. The games development has been a joke and Sony are right to ditch a studio that has probably wasted a ton of money only to maybe release a game that will sell at most 800,000 units worldwide.

No publisher can afford to have devs take an entire generation to make a niche game.

sway_z4151d ago

Sony have BIG name studios as it is...I never heard of Super Massive games before PS All Stars was announced, and Sony Liverpool only really made the Wipeout series this gen...

Sony Liverpool (formerly Psygnosis) were famed for the F1 series on PS1 too...

I will miss 'Wipeout' though...fond memories ;(


Help LightBox Interactive Employees Find Work

After the massive layoff at LightBox Interactive, the team behind Starhawk, SRN is looking to help the team find new work and their asking the gaming community to share this story.

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r214259d ago

Damn...LBI fired 24 of 32 workers. Its good to see someone helping the folks out. I hope they find some great places to work at.

BlaqMagiq244259d ago

A shame this had to happen. It's never good when someone loses a job no matter where you work. LBI really cared about their community and for the company to go down so young is unfortunate. Best of luck to all of them.

medziarz4259d ago

Oh man, check out their portfolio images, such talent being let-go? insane!

BitbyDeath4259d ago

If only they made Warhawk 2 instead, shame