
Runescape Behind the Scenes: July 1st, 2011

Jagex: "Clan Citadels are floating over the horizon this month. Perform a portal ritual to gain a huge, customisable and personalised area for your clan, equipped with a Battlefield Editor to design your own battles and minigames! Before that, two queens await you in July: the Slug Queen’s after your mind (with a side order of world domination), while the Jadinko Queen seems more interested in your help."

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parasit34736d ago

LOL i can't believe this Decade old, grindfest MMO showed up on N4G's news!

Sidewinder-4735d ago

Never forget your first foray into Runescape.


RuneScape Celebrates Spring with the Blooming Burrow

Jagex has launched a limited-time Easter-themed update for RuneScape players, inviting them to explore the charming Blooming Burrow.


RuneScape "Messed Up" On The Hero Pass And The Company Could Be For Sale Soon

And did you know Jagex is valued at up to $1.25 billion?

Kaii281d ago

ah "rollback" but not remove, always the same strategy with these companies.


RuneScape Adds A Battle Pass And Yep, Players Have Started Review Bombing

You can guess how this is going...

Kaii286d ago

Modern gaming, but dw they'll listen to the community.
Subscription model with a battle pass, gtfo.

isarai286d ago

Stop playing it, review bombing does nothing if they're still making money

Rutaprkl286d ago

People should stop playing it to boycott it, the game isn't even that good so that shouldn't be too hard.