
Nintendo's Fans: Alone in the Dark

At E3 2011, Nintendo outlined its vision for the future. An hour-long presentation spoke to its ambitions for the Nintendo 3DS, its fledgling new portable, and the Wii U, a new home console designed to not only attract casual consumers but "core" gamers as well. The language was very telling, and Nintendo's focus was clear – regain the core, retain the casual. One group, however, seemed to be ignored, one that doesn't necessarily fit into "core" or "casual" categories. Outside of a brief trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (dropping later this year), Nintendo seemed to be telling its existing home console customers, its most loyal and dedicated fans, that it was focusing on 2012, not 2011. The show floor didn't prove much better, revealing only a handful of party games and licensed software for Wii

BeastlyRig4738d ago

Never been a huge nin fab since after N64. But If they bring back thous good times like N64 gave me as a kid I will hop on board!

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4738d ago

The controller is really my only complaint for the WiiU, The controller has really always been the reason i stood away from nintendo.

I've never had a problem playing my Nes, Or Snes but once n64 came around the controller did not feel good in my hands. This is the same with gamecube and it's the reason i left nintendo period.

smilydude134738d ago

The WiiU controller actually looks pretty slick to me. A touchscreen can actually add to gameplay & convenience without being a gimmick as the DS demonstrates.

Ness-Psi4737d ago

it was RARE who made the majority of excellent games on N64 dont forget. they kept N64 alive.

InLaLaLand4737d ago

Hopefully we don't see dance or Barbie/Pony shovelware used for the WiiU (the reason I skipped the Wii). I am interested in what Nintendo would bring with the controller and from the third party support we saw at E3.

ChickeyCantor4737d ago

But did you put the PS3 and 360 away for their "casual" games?

Sounds a bit ironic right?

kamakaz3md4737d ago

so i opened up this long boring article which i didnt care to read... i thought hmm, alone in the dark, ON NINTENDO??? IM SOLD... nope just the heading of the title... waste of a half a minute, thanks

4737d ago
zerocrossing4737d ago

There's going to be people who are still feeling the burn from Nintendo and its broken Wii promises, This mite hurt them enticing the core gamers to invest in the Wii U but if they get more baking from 3rd party devs and some big AAA titles it will surely help.


A Late Look: Paper Mario

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Welcome to A Late Look, a series of article where I take a belated look at games from yesteryear that I missed out on the first time around. Not quite review and not quite rant, it’s more a casual assessment of what I – the gamer of the future – consider to be each game’s strengths and weaknesses in retrospect.

Just last month Nintendo released a remake of the cult-classic Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, so what better time could there possibly be to take a look not at that game, and not at its original, but at the Nintendo 64 game from 2000? None is what I say! This very first release in the Paper Mario series will also be my first entry point. So, let’s get to it."

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Games To Play If You Adore Stardew Valley

If you need a new place to plant parsnips and meet new townsfolk, you might want to look at these games like Stardew Valley.

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Nerdmaster5d ago

I wish Marvelous ported (or remade) Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns to current consoles and PC.
It's still the most polished game in the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons series.


A Sonic Unleashed Remaster Is Long Overdue

Still remembered as one of the best Sonic games of all time, I believe it's time Sonic Unleashed gets its overdue remaster after Sonic x Shadow Generations.

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-Foxtrot8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I think it's best we leave these games we're they belong...in the past

Secret Rings, Unleashed, Black Knight etc, they weren't the best at least enough for a remaster

Generations is getting one because they had something easy to shove Shadow into before the Sonic 3 film and it's probably the better ones they've did over the past decade or so.

rayford157d ago

Unleashed was one of my favorite P3 games would love a remastered version

NSANiTY6d ago

Minus the Werehog levels and I'm in.

Redgrave7d ago

Would be called.... Sonic Re-Leashed

Father__Merrin6d ago

Wouldn't mind a sonic 06 re release