
GamesEyeView - Alice: Madness Returns Review

GEV says: Eleven years later, Alice falls back through the rabbit hole in Alice: Madness Returns. Now being developed by American McGee’s new Shanghai based studio Spicy Horse and published by Electronic Arts, Alice: Madness Returns still offers a stunningly twisted vision of the Wonderland we’ve all come to know and love. Unfortunately what the game doesn’t do well overshadows all of that. As such, Alice: Madness Returns feels like a rehash that might have been better left in the idea bin.

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4835d ago Replies(1)
TheEatingChampagne4835d ago (Edited 4835d ago )

5 out of 10? Really?
I hope that this no name site is just looking for hits because if it's serious I have lost all my hope in gaming reviewers

SirBillyBones4835d ago

Yeah I agree, I left my own thoughts in response in the comments section below their article. It does seem very harsh, I think it's a great little game.. if you can get it cheaper. I hope people don't get put off by overly cynical reviews like this.

mastiffchild4835d ago

But if you add the caveat of "if oucan get it cheaper" aren't you kind of negating your own score as the reviewer reviews it as they find it-a fully priced, disc based game?

I'd agree that the score s on the tight side and feel the game's a lot better than SOME sites would have you think but I also get why people don't like the game just as easily as I get why those that do like the game tend to really like it. It's another Marmite game that you either love, and forgive a bit, or dislike and dig into it's faults more readily than usual.

The reason I found the review here a little eyebrow raising was because they seemed to love the idea and that DIDN'T, this time, allow them to gloss over the game play failings of Alice. I'd have thought someone in love with the premise and the artstyle of the well designed areas and themes would be more charitable but, there you go! 5/10 does, anyway, seem unfair and though I'm aware all the shortcomings listed do indeed exist I'd still give the game a 6.5/7 out of ten-at full price!

The biggest issues I have with the game are the often stated lack of gaming progression as you get everything near the start which leaves few juicy surprises and treats for later on but more than that the way Alice is animated really grates on me(Alan Wake did a similar thing) because, to me, she looks like she's got a broom stuck up her arse. This leads to a strange, stiff quality to the movement and platforming which I find particularly off putting for the first flush of a session-but maybe that's just me.

I do think, though, that the up and down nature of the wildly varying scores it's gotten show how much of a love/hate game it is.

bigboss7164835d ago

I got the game its not bad but I can see why they gave it a low rate...i really feel they could of done better with this title.

led10904835d ago

The game is better than what most games seem to suggest. See the user ratings for the game on each site. They're poles apart from the critics ratings. Play the game and judge for yourself

Nightshade3864835d ago

The problem with judging this game vs the user ratings is that it is a niche title. As such, one would expect the people who are interested in it to like it a lot....and everyone else will likely pass on it. As such, that will tend to inflate user scores.

Troll-without-Bridge4835d ago

This game is amazing, easily one of the best of 2011. Not to mention is a big game.


Alice: Madness Returns - Retro Review

Reviewing Alice: Madness Returns almost feels like a rite of passage for me. You see, I'm from the same town as the childhood home of Charles Dodgson, better known to you and I by his pen-name, Lewis Carroll. As such, he's a bit of a local culture icon.

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Relientk77289d ago

I played Alice: Madness Returns for the first time last year. What an amazing game and adventure. It's a huge shame we aren't getting a sequel to it. It absolutely deserves another game.

0hMyGandhi289d ago

oh yeah, I remember this game! I remember liking it, but found the platforming to be utterly obnoxious. Loved the world design.

Good review!


Five Overlooked Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Gems You Should Play

Of course Sunset Overdrive gets a nod. It's Insomniac!

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shinoff2183622d ago

I personally think there's better on gamepass then what was listed. State of decay imo is better then anything listed. Recore seemed alright for what I played on there also.

622d ago Replies(1)
roadkillers621d ago

Is Recore any better to play now?

Concertoine621d ago

Yeah, especially on One X or Series X. It kinda feels like a PS2 platformer, but in a good way. I liked it.

KillBill621d ago

Odd that he specified 'Game Pass Ultimate' instead of just 'Game Pass' just so he could include a relatively weak choice comparably in 'Alice: Madness Returns' which is available with EA Play. SoD was a far better overlooked game to have listed.

Crows90621d ago (Edited 621d ago )

Dont know why they keep listing ultimate. Gamepass is the better value....but the reason I think is that ultimate includes online gwg.

MadLad621d ago

I mean, as someone who games both on PC and Xbox, Ultimate makes a whole lot of sense. There's console exclusives and PC exclusives. And, at the end of the day, EA Play is still a perk of having Ultimate. When I open Gamepass, the EA Play catalogue is sitting right there for me. It's as much part of Gamepass as any other title I'm looking at, right?


Alice: Madness Returns has been pulled from Steam again

From Games Radar: "Alice: Madness Returns has been removed from Steam just months after fans fought to get the creepy horror back onto Valve's PC platform.

The sequel was removed from sale back in 2016 following a DRM problem, an issue that kept the game off Steam for a full five years. It was finally reinstated in February 2022, only for fans to notice that, once again, it had been mysteriously pulled again earlier this month.

The game's Steam page says "at the request of the publisher, Alice: Madness Returns is no longer available for sale on Steam", but that's a standard disclaimer that doesn't really tell us very much. "

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TroyBinns821d ago

I'm hoping that the PC version is optimized and doesn't have bugs.

MadLad821d ago

If I remember correctly, aside from having to change something in the .ini file to unlock the 30fps cap, the game is actually a decent port.

821d ago Replies(1)
821d ago
deleted821d ago

It'll come back. Madness returns. Always. :P

CrimsonWing69821d ago

Ummm it says it's $19.99 when I check, so uhhhh... game journalism?

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