
Yes, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition Will Have DLC, And Here’s Why

Siliconera: Yes, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition will have downloadable content. Capcom aren’t saying what kind just yet, but they’re hoping that DLC updates will help offset the cost of selling the game at a relatively cheaper price ($15), despite the numerous additions and tweaks to the game.

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NukaCola4740d ago

Capcom has more DLC out than I can count.

captain-obvious4739d ago

next up
Street Fighter III: 4th Strike Online EXXX12 ultimate arcade REDX plasma NUCLEAR Edition

ZombieAssassin4739d ago

The turbo edition gets released a year later.

InLaLaLand4739d ago

Gill will be 5 dollars extra as a playable character!

The_Quiet_Man4739d ago (Edited 4739d ago )

Can anyone tell me when was the last time Capcom released a full game? DLC characters & costumes bullsh#t all the time. I haven't bought anything off them since SF IV which I traded before SSF IV released.

Looks like I'm going to be waiting for them to release an actual full game under the guise of the Super or Turbo edition which I'll yet wait again to be discounted so Capcom hopefully gets next to nothing from me, even better if I can get 2nd hand for their shameful practices.

Seems this gen their all about ruining franchises & ripping people off. Can someone tell me if I can change my username as I'm done with everything Capcom? do I have to make a new account?

kagon014739d ago

I think the last complete game Capcom released was DMC4, everything else for the PS3 & 360 was DLC rip-off...

InLaLaLand4739d ago

I thought Tatsunoko vs Capcom was a complete game with no dlc (probably because it's on the Wii).

kagon014738d ago

@InLaLaLand That is why I didn't mention Nintendo platforms. In fact I bought Megaman Zero Collection for the DS, but keep in mind once Nintedo release a console(Wii U) with an efficient online service as PSN or XBLA, expect the same BS for Nintendo gamers as well...

That's why Capcom reduced the support for Nintendo platforms: http://www.cubed3.com/news/...

Since they aren't able to exploit gamers...

The_Quiet_Man4739d ago (Edited 4739d ago )

@ kagon01 & what a disappointment DMC 4 turned out to be. Couldn't stand that Dante clone called Nero, I felt he was only added as the game went multiplatform to attract new fans to the franchise, who may have never played before.

The new DMC looks even worse, I hope the game flops big time & by some miracle Capcom sell the rights to Platinum Games.

I figured out how to change my username from Evil-Ryu to this new one in the end. I won't be supporting Capcom in any way, shape or form in future. Capcom can kiss my arse just like Activision.

Knushwood Butt4738d ago

Same here. I haven't bought a Capcom game since SFIV either.

Haven't even bought a second hand Capcom game since, but regardless, I'm only buying second hand from now so that Capcom don't see a penny of my cash.

Goes without saying that I don't buy their DLC either.

I'd quite like SSFIV AE, but no rush so I'll maybe grab it second hand in a few months.

Enigma_20994738d ago

Can anyone tell me ANY company that doesn't try to go after more of your money with DLC.

jetlian4738d ago

in a few months ae will be dead

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maxmill4739d ago

This is fucking stupid, how about they actually make a game thats enjoyable like SFA3 and dont fuck with a great fighter which is SF3.

Seventh_Blood_Reborn4739d ago

In less than a generation they have lost all the respect I had for them. Crapcom.

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How Street Fighter III Nearly Killed Capcom's Franchise

Oro is one of Street Fighter V's most anticipated fighters, a far cry from when Street Fighter III nearly derailed Capcom's fighting series for good.

phoenixwing1035d ago (Edited 1035d ago )

3rd strike on dreamcast is my fav street fighter

DarXyde1034d ago

Mainline games, I agree it was great (though, for obvious reasons, II's music is more nostalgic and popular). My favorite Street Fighter OST was Street Fighter Alpha III's.

SFIII itself was good, but for me, it wasn't until Second Impact and Third Strike that we saw such an evolution from the last numbered entry.

darthv721035d ago

And here I thought it had something to do with the many variations of IV.

Teflon021035d ago

4 had 4 versions, SFII had like 6 or 7, 3 had 3. Not much of an issue really. 5 has 3 and will probably finish on 4, though atleast it's 1 games that updates unlike 4 which was 2 separate games and the games before it being entirely separate titles

Godmars2901035d ago

Though it was just the shift from arcades to home consoles.

zahdab1035d ago

very much doubt it, angel of darkness didn't kill tomb raider all the sonic flops didn't kill sonic ... franchises have ups and downs

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The Road To “V”ictory Episode 3 – Third Strikes The Charm

It’s finally happening, only a few more short days until the release of Street Fighter V. I hope you all have your Fight-Sticks, pads, and Dualshock 4’s ready to fight it out in the battle of the century. I’m telling a story from a fan favorite fighting game today, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, and I’m excited to share it with you.

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5 Reasons Street Fighter V Looks a lot Like Street Fighter III

IGN - After plenty of rumors (and one big leak), Capcom finally unveiled Street Fighter V at the PlayStation Experience last week. A gameplay trailer focused on two of Street Fighter’s classic world warriors, Ryu and Chun Li, battling it out on an ultra-detailed new stage. It didn't initially look like the short reveal gave much away, but there are details that might have gone unnoticed.

In fact, Street Fighter's future might lie in its past - Street Fighter V features several striking similarities to Street Fighter III, last seen in the late 1990s.

Majin-vegeta3475d ago (Edited 3475d ago )

I saw someone mention this during the reveal.Hopefully alex makes it in

Edit:Found it

Abash3475d ago (Edited 3475d ago )

Im really hoping for Remy and Oro to return in SF5! Some of my fav SF3 fighters

XtraTrstrL3475d ago

Oro FTW! That was my main.

bouzebbal3475d ago

haha Oro and Remy. Two legendary characters.
i am hoping for a mix between SF3 and Alpha characters. SF3 3rd strike had too many newcomers and not many classics. i think a balance would be great in SFV.

gangsta_red3475d ago

I think it would be cool if they moved the story after part 3. It felt weird that part four took place between part 2 and 3.

Even though part 3 had more of a darkstalkers vibe with it's characters I really liked Elena, Alex and Urien. Would like to see those characters make a return.

Alex deserves a return.

GokuSolosAll3475d ago

Asura should make it this time around; imagine his crazy ultras!

Inception3475d ago

Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto, and Sean are a must for me. And maybe Q too. I enjoy using him but his a f*kin mystery. The ending also didn't gave a single clue of who / what is he. But no Gill please! :(

Also, guard parry need to appear again. I enjoy focus attack as a defensive / offensive feature in SF IV. But guard parry is more challenging to do.

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