
What's Your Casual Gaming Weakness?

GPT: "Though many supposed hardcore gamers might challenge the idea, almost everyone enjoys the occasional casual game. Whether it's Pokemon, the latest Zynga game or even Minesweeper; everyone has at least one casual orientated game they can't get away from."

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jonlynch4703d ago

Pokemon is way too deep of a game to be called a "casual" title. People always confuse titles that kids like with casuals.

Dramscus4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

A casual game is any game that is easily accessible.
Anybody can pick up and play a pokemon game ind do well at it.
Most RPG's are casual because you get stronger as you approach the end.

Games like Demon's souls, 3d dot game heroes, MAG, metal gear solid mirrors edge, warhawk and a number of other games are NOT casual.

Whereas games like pokemon, mario, call of duty, zelda, katamari, littlebigplanet, borderlands, heavy rain, bioshock, homefront, uncharted, god of war, halo, gears of war, killzone. Are ALL casual titles.

You are welcome to disagree but high selling games are all (almost) by necessity casual. If you game is easier to play more people will play it. The simplest law of gae development right there.

PS. I'm not saying that in order to be a hardcore gamer you have to play core games. I'm not saying people that enjoy more casual games are less of gamers, All I'm saying is that some games are more difficult than others thus making them more of a niche market which relegates them to a core audience of people who are interested in those particular mechanics. Which are often difficult for people unfamiliar with such things to quickly become accustomed to.

I consider myself a core gamer because I'll play any game. I've played all the titles above from both core and casual lists. I know people that I consider bigger gamers than I that mostly play games of the casual variety, though they play not video games such as some of the cheap ass (board) games, munchkin, caracassonne, citadels, magic the gathering, warhammer, etc.

Tony P4703d ago

"Casual" can mean a lot of different things depending on who you are and who you're talking about.

Casual can indicate the targeted demographic, mode of play, or the player's relationship with the game.

Look at the list of games in the article. Everyone seems to have a different interpretation of what casual means to them: Call of Duty, Angry Birds, Team Fortress 2, etc.

There is really no hard and fast rule for what is considered casual.

zootang4703d ago

Call of Duty! I can't help it.

Pixel_Enemy4703d ago

I agree, Cod is uber casual but it is fun in it's own way. I am skipping MW3 and going with BF3 instead tho

saladthieves4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

I would say SuperStar HD or Dead Nation. That's pretty much as casual as I can get.

I tried Angry Birds...I didn't like it. For some reason I don't see this strange fascination with this game that has some of my friends hooked to it. I guess the same reason why they see me playing BFBC2 Rush mode in multiplayer and don't get the fascination either :).

SLLCKGT4703d ago

Its like jingling keys in front of a baby. They might be having the time of their life, but you know its nothing amazing. I've seen many non gamers go nuts over Angry Birds, for me its a yawn.

Solidus187-SCMilk4703d ago

but TETRIS has always been one of my favorite games ever. So simple and fun. I love to play it on my GB still.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4703d ago
Dramscus4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )


There's only one shooter I wouldn't call casual.

Edit. I'm talking about MAG for ps3 by the way. If you think another shooter is hardcore tell me and we'll debate it (I enjoy debating in a neutral fashion{no trolls or flamers})

electricshadow4703d ago

Just curious, do you think Battlefield 3 will be hardcore?

Dramscus4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

It looks like a very realistic game. In my experience with the battlefield games the single player campaigns have been more technically difficult than the multiplayer side. Which leads me to answer with the single player will probably be more "core" than the multi.

Lets face it though people buy these games more for the online than the campaign.

Though I haven't played any of it yet and they could really add in some tactical options to the multi player.
I think in order for a shooter on or offline to be hardcore it has to have tactics as a requirement. Not just an option, or a suggestion. If your not playing tactically it should hand you your ass with a silver spoon in it.

As with anything though it's not just black and white, it's all sorts of shades of grey and colours in between. Though I think most games just tend to be more casual because that sells better.

saladthieves4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

@Dramscus -

"Though I haven't played any of it yet and they could really add in some tactical options to the multi player. "

You haven't played it yet, so how can you just assume that it doesn't have tactics? People keep making this mistake. Yes it is true that it is a shooter, just like the other game called Call of Duty. In my opinion, strategy is what separates these two shooters. One has it, in the form of versatility in different ways you can attack such as vehicles; or different classes all in the form of teamwork. The other game (Call of Duty) doesn't incorporate strategy. Their play styles are different.

ITLoo4703d ago

Pokemon. But only Red and Blue, none of this 600 pokemon bologna.

electricshadow4703d ago

Angry Birds and Bejeweled 3. But, I don't care because those two games are so fun, in my opinion.

Fishy Fingers4703d ago

Not a fan of the 'casual' or 'hardcore' tags, but I guess Angry Birds. Love it, all 3 games, all 3 stars on every level. Best toilet game going :)

Pixel_Enemy4703d ago

"I don't subscribe to any labels" lol

Fishy Fingers4703d ago

LOL... Well that kind of makes me sound a douche, but it's true, I dont really get the whole casual/hardcore tagging of games. For gamers, yes, games, nope.

Pixel_Enemy4703d ago

It's a quote from nick and norah's infinite playlist. She asked if he was straight edge and that was his response

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Pokemon Black and White Remakes Face a Challenge Unseen in Other Remakes

Pokemon Black and White are next in line for a remake, but they may encounter an issue when accounting for one unique aspect of Gen 5.

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Inverno308d ago

The only issue they'll be encountering is the laziness and incompetence of whatever dev is remaking. Be it GF themselves or the dev behind DP remakes.


Sega Nears Deal For ‘Angry Birds’ Mobile Game Maker

The Japan-based entertainment conglomerate is expected to pay about $1 billion for Rovio Entertainment.

sparky77391d ago

If you want to remain relevant you need a mobile powerhouse. MS got Minecraft, maybe King soon, T2 got Zynga, EA got Glu, Tencent got most of the other big ones.

Sony is likely looking for one too or they will be left behind.

Vengeance1138390d ago

Sony already owns the #2 highest grossing mobile game ever in Fate/Grand Order.
That game is close to Genshin Impact levels of monthly revenue.

Lifexline391d ago

Well angry birds still makes money so it’s not a dead horse. They just need another hit.

darthv72391d ago

Angry Sonic, Angry Tails, Angry Amy, Angry Knuckles, Angry Chaos....

Lifexline391d ago

Lol yeah you would be surprised at what could sell. I could see it.

porkChop390d ago

Angry Taxi might actually work.

blackblades391d ago (Edited 391d ago )

Looks like something MS would grab. I wont be surprised some how ms gets Sega with this included magically.

-Foxtrot390d ago

We could fund more games like Sonic Mania

We could buy the music rights back to Sonic 3

We could reboot some old franchises like Ristar, Shinobi, Gunstar Heroes or Golden Axe

...Nah. Angry Birds it is

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 390d ago
Snookies12391d ago

Wait, have they even made anything since then? Thought they were a one-hit wonder lol.

darthv72391d ago

I didn't know they did a bunch of stuff prior to Angry Birds:

Pretty much everything since has been a spin off. Now maybe Sega will make Angry Chaos or something similar.

FallenAngel1984391d ago

Mojang only made one game and Microsoft still purchased them for $4 billion

Sometimes one property is all you need especially when it’s lucrative

MadLad390d ago

Angry Birds fell out of relevance years ago, but whatever they want to do lol.


Canning Angry Birds For Being Too Successful Is Pathetic

Rovio should be embarrassed over the way it's handled Angry Birds.

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430d ago