
Will There be an inFAMOUS 3?

Will there be an inFAMOUS 3, considering the fact that there is a huge difference in the inFAMOUS 2 endings? It doesn't look like it. (Spoiler-free article).

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theunleashed644846d ago

suckerpunch didn't plan it as a trilogy but i would like to see a infamous 3 or a spin-off.

Abash4846d ago

A "?" flashes in the last bolt of lightning, so I'd say Sucker Punch are leaving the option of an inFAMOUS 3 open

Nitrowolf24846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

you are so correct, i didn't even notice that


I thought the bad ending could potentially prepare it for either Multiplayer MMO, or even a new leading Character who goes against the New beast.

The good ending, after noticing that it looks like Cole revival.


All i know is that i want another one. Ending with two is very unexpected.

dc14846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

you best believe that the next game will have a multiplayer option.
*********Mild Spoilers:

Good Cole: If Cole awakened... why not anyone else?
Bad Cole:... currently in second play through .. However I assume that John's plan will work and there will be a whole lot of 'supers' running around.

@Nitrowolf2 +Plus Bub to you for 'Like Minds'! And glad you didn’t give away the Evil ending.. I'm just about their now.
..I should really read down a little further in the post responces before I comment.

Fire17924846d ago

Just noticed it too! Hoping for an inFamous 3 now :P

PRHB HYBRiiD4846d ago

I sure hope so...after playing inFamous 2 for the last couple of days...i tell you..this game is going in my top 10 list is just epic.

EYEamNUMBER14846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

i wouldn't want a 3 if you have to be evil in the 3rd game

SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the good ending has you dying and taking all the conduits with you
the bad ending has all the conduits living but taking all the humans instead

i mean how and were would you continue from that?
they can continue from the bad ending but if that is the case i sure as heck wouldn't want it

i seriously did not like the bad ending zeke was the highlight of the game

Inferno4846d ago


When you had to kill Zeke in the bad ending I threw the controller and said screw this! Zeke was helping you through the whole game and even saved you once then you just kill him? :(

Nitrowolf24846d ago

lol i love how many people opinion about Zeke changed in this game

Max Power4846d ago

@inferno...I didn't like that ending at all, it really made me depressed and angry.

SilentNegotiator4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

I'll take a spin off that vaguely relates to Infamous, but don't bring back cole. I like the way it ended in good karma.

How about new "Supers" rise up, despite the sphere? Then we can play as a whole new character with all new power types.

Lord_Sloth4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

@ Nitrowolf2

I actually liked Zeke in both titles.

As for the lightning strike...I didn't even notice it was a question mark, but I knew it meant he wasn't dead. Great find, dude.

Inferno4846d ago

I never hated Zeke in the first title unlike most people.. but in inFamous 2 he's playing a big role.

Nitrowolf24846d ago


I liked him in both games. I honestly don't see where the hate comes from. But its evident that Sucker Punch tried to make him a much better character in this game.

Nykamari4846d ago

Alittle off-topic, but do everyone wants to kill Rico!

xyxzor4846d ago

That looks more like a funky 3 to me.

gta28004846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

How many of you felt bad for having to kill Zeke like that? :(

Electroshocked4845d ago


I cried my eyes out to both endings, just like in Red Dead Redemption, I knew this game would be another Red Dead Redemption, especially after seeing that trailer where they say ''Half as long, twice as bright'' Anyway here's my theory for InFamous 3:

The end decision was so powerful that it forced the Universe splitting into two dimensions, (the good one being the main one) good dimension (good Cole) and bad dimension (evil Cole) Kessler knew that this universe splitting would happen and created a device to revive Cole, the reason being that he knew that evil Cole from the bad dimension, once completed his mission of activating all conduits, would try and go to good Cole's dimension and destroy it. And there you have it InFamous 3, Good Cole versus evil Cole from another dimension.

WildArmed4845d ago

Since the universes are soo seperate now.
It'd be interesting to see if Sucker Punch decides to split the sereies now.
They can do a Good ending - cont. first
Then a evil one..
THou I don't know how the karma system would work in those.

But I was shocked at the end.
And very sad.

"Half as long, twice as bright"

limewax4845d ago

Actually look closer. The dot of that question mark is Cole.....and hes standing up

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4845d ago
princejb1344846d ago

its very possible, infamous 2 kind off ended coles story
there could be other possible heroes in another town from the blast sphere that hasnt been shown

KingDustero4846d ago


It only possibly ended good Cole's story. Evil Cole's is still going. Plus good Cole may very well be alive due to being struck by lightning at the end.

The way I see it an inFamous 3 can work while keeping BOTH endings true. Good Cole is alive and there'll be some event or something that will cause both Good and Evil Cole to go into the past to before inFamous 1. Good Cole would be trying to stop Kessler from creating the Ray Sphere while evil Cole would try to make sure all the events play out the same way again.

I see this being one possible way that can continue on the story from both endings while still being able to create something interesting.

I really hope there is an inFamous 3 that'll put more closer to the series. The endings in inFamous 2 were great, but there are just too many questions left by them IMO.

princejb1344846d ago


wait no didnt good cole die in infamous 2
he was in a coffin

bad cole continue dominating all the towns with other people that have super powers

showtimefolks4846d ago

I think SP will do a new IP and if i am a guessing man i think the IP is already in development or atleast they know what they have which they want to work on

Cole isn't dead if SP make infanous 3 there will be a way for them to bring him back.

cole in the tekken vs game looks awesome

FFXI1014846d ago

Agree, maybe next time they can give Zeke some kind of power so people can play as Zeke in co-op mode.

Baba19064846d ago

i like zeke, but playing him seems kinda lame =D. i dont see him climping walls and flying around. its more like he has to be sitting on a couch where he can rest his fat butt =D.

Electroshocked4845d ago (Edited 4845d ago )

@Baba1906 You should see Zeke in the Uncharted 2 multiplayer, I hope Cole and Zeke are playable characters in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer, that would be awesome.

Edit: @FFXI101 A spin-off would be nice, but I would much prefer an InFamous 3, following Cole's story.

Just_The_Truth4845d ago (Edited 4845d ago )

Thank god i watch the evil ending i was about to trade the game in because i was so confused about the ending. Now i understand.
Spolier********************** ****************************** * ****************************** * ****************************** * ****************************** * ****************************** * ****************************** * ****************************** * ******************

I couldn't understand how Kessler said the beast was evil and destroyed his world but in the infamous 2 ending he was a nice guy but wanted to save the people that he could. That didn't sound like the beast to me. Also in the first game the visions were not of john (a black man) so i was like SP is on crack if they think i'm going to be ok with this. But watching the evil ending it all makes since now john gives his powers to evil cole because he knows he'll continue the killing which he doesn't want to do anymore. Making the true beast from kesslers visions! Also at the end of the good story a bolt of lightning strikes cole's grave which is obviously saying he's going to awaken. I'm guessing evil cole is going to go to good cole's universe with his new powers along with all the conduits he's created and bam Infamous 3. Thank you SP for doing it right i was honestly pissed and now i see you not only made a great game but also a great story!

Sheikah4845d ago

I reckon we could see a third. Maybe a different leading character. God knows I'd prefer to play as Kuo over Cole with her flying powers and all.

They can easily pull the "alternate timeline" spinoff.. Classic DC style :p

I mean, Kessler is from 2077 -- you could easily excuse a time/space continuum muck-up along with a parallel timeline through Kessler's actions

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4845d ago
DrRichtofen4846d ago

I want suckerpunch to take a break from inFamous I figured there next game would be another Sly, but since Sanzaru is doing it I guess it would be cool to see something new from them.

Laika4846d ago

no more sly. i would rather have a new ip if they are not doing an infamous 3

Nitrowolf24846d ago

If Sanzaru does a great job with the New sly then i say give them the projects for future Sly games. I think Sucker Punch could come out with a new IP as well.

ILikeTurtles4846d ago

InFamous and sly are very similar in my opinion xD
story telling, climb on stuff etc.

(Infamous is much deeper and more mature/serious though)

gaffyh4846d ago

Very true, Infamous is like an evolution of Sly, you can see a lot of similarities when you play it.

dc14846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

In fact it appears that the story was more ground in contextual reality as well.

There were a couple of things that made me shake my head when play Infamous 2.
1 - Why dose Lucy Kou has to twist in the air before she flys off ...every time. It got tired to see.

2 - The writers of iFamous made Nix certifiably Crazy and nonsensical in consistent. Spoilers.. How could Nix on the one hand not give a flying rats tail for anyone in the city; loving her powers and the sense of exacting self justice. While on the other hand is willing to through away her life because john killed her adopted swamp monsters..

plstcsldgr4846d ago

because nix got revenge on the man who killed her family, then the beast killed her new family and she would do anything do kill the person who took her new family away with her dying or not. she isn't nonsensical and crazy she is very scorn and would do anything to exact her revenge.

-EvoAnubis-4846d ago

@dc1: You're upset that a person who you admit is crazy didn't act rationally? Are you SURE you understand what 'crazy' means?

dc14846d ago

I with you both.. however.
Most crazy people (outside of schizophrenia) have an ideology. Nix fit the role.
My point was/is that I should not have to impute complexity into her psychosis (She’s out of it.. and each of her on screen appearances spend a great deal building up her flawed character)

I'm just saying the writing leaves a little to be desired.

... But I submit to you both.

I still love the game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4846d ago
Danielmccue4846d ago

Oh my god the Bad ending.. i didnt even really realise how emotionally attached to him i was, since i kept calling him a d*ck during my playthrough since he kept getting in my way.

i actually said "I'm so sorry zeke" after i killed him.

no other games ending has affected me like this before.

i think i died a little inside after every bolt i fired at him.

MrAwesome4846d ago

Yeah... I always wanted to kill him even before he betrayed you in part 1, and all of the sudden when I finally get the chance to kill him I get all sad:(

TheBeast4846d ago

Better be an inFamous 3, I loved the first two games.

Mr-Dude4846d ago

Offcourse there will be another sequel. It all depends on sales. The first one did sell good, the second one does good, and if something makes good money then there is an sequel. And then there is the fact of the good ending....

That ending is for a reason, not just for fun. And lightning doens't have an SPOILER!!!!!!!

question mark....

Rampaged Death4846d ago

We could always see a new one with a different character. Good ending makes it look like Cole could be back though.

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inFamous 3: We Want A Second Son Sequel

Fans of the action-adventure franchise have been eagerly awaiting news of a potential sequel to one of the best games on the PS4.

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Alexious491d ago

I want it too. Make it co-op as well.

-Foxtrot491d ago

Yeah they had a lightning bolt in the shape of a question mark at the end of Infamous 2

They always went off the good ending for Cole so I think for Delsin it should be the bad ending

What he did in the bad ending, absorbing everyone’s powers, seemed like he was going to turn into something powerful.

Makes you feel like he could have been the real Beast and John was just an anomaly because of them messing with time

Sets up a Cole vs Delsin showdown

potatoseal491d ago

How would fans feel about a reboot? You know to bring a new audience in? Not a good idea? Good idea?

anast490d ago

Not a god idea. They let it sit for too long and the game hasn't been strong enough to carry itself all these years. There is so much other stuff out there right now.

masterfox491d ago

Second Son was released in 2014 was an amazing game visually and gameplay wise, sometimes I play it again on the PS5 and seeing it run at 60 fps is something to behold(yes an almost 10 year old game), if you haven't done that on your PS5 try it you won't be disappointed, pure eye candy, a PS5 exclusive of Infamous would be amazing no doubt.

gold_drake491d ago

meh, i want Cole to come back.

or maybe a reboot. with cole.

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Older PlayStation games that we'd love to see on the PlayStation 5

From Xfire: "For a company with a three-decade-long history in gaming, Sony has done a crappy job at preserving its legacy. "

Flawlessmic881d ago (Edited 881d ago )

All the mgs games, all the ape escapes, silent hill 1-4, croc 1 and 2, legend of dragoon, tekken 3,tenshu, bushido blade, vagrant story, okami, ico, crash bash, gt4.

Thats just off the top of my head that i would play immediately, still so many more though that id love.

Welshy881d ago

MGS, Silent Hill etc are no brainers, but you earned my thumbs up for our boi Croc. I talk about him all the time, it's an honour to find another man of culture.

Flawlessmic881d ago (Edited 881d ago )

Hahaha yea was one of my very first games i owned on ps1 as a child, great memories!!

Love to hear there other people out there that enjoyed the gem of a game that is croc 👌

RedDevils881d ago (Edited 881d ago )

Okami has HD version already. I want those Sly games though since PS3 and vita had it.

Flawlessmic880d ago

Yea sly would be cool, i never got into those so would be a good opportunity for me to do so.

But yea theres so many games in sony catalogue we coukd be here all day listing titles.

Hopefully we all get the ganes we are hoping for.

outsider1624881d ago

Tenchu 1 and 2
Socom 1 and 2
MGS 1-3

seanpitt23881d ago

RDR2 for me they can boost that up to 60fps with better graphic settings than last gen

Luc20881d ago

Folklore. It was such a unique and beautiful game. Great soundtrack. I still have my PS3 copy

The_Hooligan881d ago

YES please! Also I would love to see Warhawk come back. Such an awesome game.

moriarty1889881d ago

The Resistance and a killzone series for me.

Bigman4k881d ago (Edited 881d ago )

Infamous 1 & 2 probably will get remaster for PS5/4 at some point as for the others in that article idk

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Latest RPCS3 build brings major improvements in Metal Gear Solid 4, inFamous 2, Ninja Gaiden & more

A brand new version of the best Playstation 3 emulator, RPCS3, brings major graphical improvements in Metal Gear Solid 4, inFamous 2, Ninja Gaiden & more.

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Game-ur1544d ago

If the PC can emulate the PS3, then for sure the PS5 would be able to do same. but dose Sony want it?

Mr Logic1544d ago

If there was money in it, then Sony would do it. People can bitch and moan all they want, but even if every person on this site used BC, that would still be a tiny fraction of gamers. Almost nobody really uses BC.

DethWish1544d ago (Edited 1544d ago )

I think there would be money if they made PS3 games downloadable through PSNow and added a bunch more.
Edit: I would get it if MGS4 was available

Mr Logic1544d ago


That would be an emulator. You're not making any sense.

DethWish1544d ago

Mr Logic, really? If PS5 could emulate PS3 games (BC) and PSNow would let you download and play PS3 games locally instead of streaming (like it lets you download PS4 games), wouldn't that be awesome? PSNow has some really interesting PS3 games, but I'd prefer to play them locally

MadLad1544d ago

Remasters of popular games do extremely well. MS basically hands them out for free. If people didn't want to play older games, then why do remasters sell so well?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1544d ago
anonymousfan1544d ago

I honestly would probably never ever use it... But I still think it would be pretty neat. Its one of the few avantages PC still has on console that is complete backwards compatibility. But for all the work needed to implement this I doubt it would be worth Sony's time.

Melankolis1544d ago

In my opinion.
The difference is independent emulator developer can build any emulator as an experiment that will be perfected for years, maybe more than 10 years. During that time, expect many glitch, bugs, and updates. They can do that because they do not have any obligation towards PC users or whatsoever.

Fos Sony, once they announce PS5 will be able to play PS3 games, they have to make it safe and playable for users. They do not want the emulator cause bricks, glitch, heating up or anything to the consoles and get sued for that.

Harkins17211544d ago

The amount of work it would require sony for each game probably isn't worth it. Maybe after rpcs3 is done they can patent it and use it. That's the dream lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1544d ago
Father__Merrin1544d ago

This has been going on for years any full game playable yet

EazyC1544d ago

Wish I never sold my PS3 for MGS IV alone, I'm dying to play it again

Gamerking821544d ago (Edited 1544d ago )

Any ps3 owner has too own this masterpiece . My disk drive has just gone on my old super slim . So I bought the digital version no questions ask . If you have a ps3 own this masterpiece that’s all I can say . I replay it every year and still find loads of enjoyment . The last true metal gear in my opinion . V was good and gameplay amazing , but it’s just not a metal gear quality story wise .