
Fruit Ninja’s Pomegranate update is an offense to lord Jesus - SarcasticGamer

Half Brick are godless heathens that should spend more time at mass and less time developing games. Clearly their update to the already thinly veiled Anti-Christian title Fruit Ninja (violence against fruit is violence against God’s creation) is another cheap shot at people with a little more faith and any common decency.

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Otheros004742d ago

Get your religion out of my games and any gaming related website I visit.

earbus4742d ago (Edited 4742d ago )

Is this guy for real,its good to have imaginary friends lots of people believe in crap,god just the name makes me laugh .

Flexatron4742d ago

The site is sarcastic gamer, I don't know how could you take this seriously.


Six Tips for Scoring Higher in Fruit Ninja

KeenGamer: ''Fruit Ninja is an Android and iOS game played by millions. Hacking and slashing fruits has seldom been so much fun! Check out the tips below to give your Fruit Ninja scores a boost.''

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The Fruit Ninja tabletop game series has been successfully funded on Kickstarter

Lucky Duck Games, a board game publisher with a mission to transform popular online licenses into amazing tabletop experiences, is proud to announce today that its Fruit Ninja Tabletop Game series has been 100% funded on Kickstarter and is now entering it stretch goals phase.


“Fruit Ninja” is to become a tabletop game series with the help of Kickstarter

Lucky Duck Games and Halfbrick Studios announced today that the Kickstarter for the Fruit Ninja tabletop game series has now gone live. The goal would be to raise $10,000.