
More images revealed for G155 Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 Portable Gaming System

More official product images have been revealed by Amazon.com for the G155 Portable Gaming System that is coming soon to the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

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SilentNegotiator4844d ago

"The G155's integrated LED HD display, stereo speakers, and dual headphone jacks will immerse you in your favorite game--wherever you are. Just pop it open, plug it in, and play"
So "anywhere" being anywhere that has an outlet, eh?

$300.....seems a LITTLE steep.

And it doesn't look like it would get much ventilation.

Foliage4844d ago

Isn't this a scratched disc waiting to happen, if you get it for your 360? Microsoft specifically stated on the console case that you should not move the console when it is operating.

bwazy4843d ago (Edited 4843d ago )

Yeah but you'd obviously have it set on a surface, its not like your carrying the damn thing around while its in use. This case is meant for lan parties primarily


pcz4844d ago (Edited 4844d ago )

The grammar is really bad. I would never even attempt to become a writer or journalist if i didn't know how to write properly.

oh, and that portable... thing, looks ghastly

SilentNegotiator4844d ago

"I would never even attempt to become a writer or journalist even i didn't know how to write properly"
I heard that you aren't a writer....

Don't expect much from examiner; the application is testing to see if you can type the word "cat". Then you're pretty much in.

ExitToExisT4844d ago

fail product and 5 years late.. i mean they cant have much of a profit since this gaming gen is about to finish in 1-2 years.

bwazy4843d ago

Thats two years profit.

If anyone is lame enough to buy this lol-machine.

Merivigian4843d ago

Wouldn't bring it everywhere. But maybe it could be used in weird situations. (Waiting outside in a midnight release? haha) Idk, I couldn't have enough uses for $299 though.


Amazon Video Game Deals Starting June 17th

Online retailer Amazon.com have released their video game deals of the week from June 17th - June 23rd.

Limited quantities apply and deals are valid while stock lasts or the deals expire.

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G155 Portable Gaming System for PS3 and 360 gets big discount from GameStop

GameStop is currently offering a big online-only discount for the G155 Portable Gaming System, which is made specifically for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

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josephayal4517d ago

A Great Way to Waste Your Money

decrypt4517d ago

I would get a gaming Laptop instead lol.

Something along the lines like:


It will play every gamin 720p on the go and is much more powerful than a console.

NamelessTed4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )

Author of the article is retarded. A $50 discount on a $300 product is not a "big discount" by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, it is only a 16.66% discount. If it were a game on Steam, it would just about be the worst discount ever.

In fact, the entire article reads like a press release / advertisement.

BlackHulk4517d ago

I wish I can take my view back

guitarded774517d ago

So it's a monitor and speakers in a carrying bag? I think they make handheld systems specifically for portable gaming.

gobluesamg4517d ago

This thing is incredible. I purchased this to take to work on 24 hour shifts and it has been awesome. The quality and craftsmanship are excellent. I paid 190 on ebay. If you can get it for around 200 then it is well worth it. PC Richards has it for 250 and they give you a $15 coupon for signing up to their site. My only complaint is the viewing angle on the display is not great. Perfect for on the go gaming.

BuffMordecai4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )

If you wanted to play console quality games on the go, buy a Vita, not this PoS.


Microsoft Offering the Xbox 250GB for $50 off

The Microsoft store is offering $50 off the Xbox 360 250GB Console and some handy discounts on the G155.

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killerhog4530d ago (Edited 4530d ago )

sorry, going to use that $50 and an additional $10 for playstation royale. sorry ms. i usually go to MS articles to see if they finally made that killer game to snatch me but seems imma stick to playstation a bit longer. sony just has the software. ms has the price but not the software i want.

though there are a few games i want to play that are 360 exclusive, but are old, and new games/ips are scarce on the 360.

GribbleGrunger4530d ago

it depends on how you look at it. the 360 has stacks of Kinect games to play

ISKREEM4530d ago

As someone who doesn't already own a 360, why do you need "new" games when there's nearly 7 years worth of a backlog?

Siren304530d ago

Since microsoft isn't offering anything you want then stay out of the articles and spend some time playing all these games you seem to like on the ps3.

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