
Seven things to love about PlayStation Vita

MSNBC: I have to admit, I’ve been a bit skeptical about the PlayStation Vita.
Though Sony’s forthcoming handheld machine — the successor to its PlayStation Portable — comes with a whole lot of power under the hood, a 5-inch OLED touchscreen, full traditional game controls as well as touchscreens on the front and back … I’ve wondered if there is still room in our lives for a portable gadget that’s dedicated to gaming.

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jack_burt0n4793d ago (Edited 4793d ago )

sony just need to hit the tablet users hard now gamers are sold, give it open office, decent email, browser support, divx 720p, adobe, ebook and they will cut into the tablet market big time @ $249.99. lol even get angry birds 2 exclusive for a month.

zinkabass4792d ago (Edited 4792d ago )

bro,.. They are not on the same market,.. even if Vita in reality could do all that 10 times better and faster,..
They are not making money on hardware at all (they say they are loosing, but probably not much this time),..

We will get some apps for sure,.. Incrementally even open office perhaps,.. but not from day 1,..
I am just glad we get browser, skype and media capabilities,..for now

They don't need them,..(because why would they give them hardware for free(or at loss)if they in reality spend very little on games? They need us gamers to buy the fucking games,..The more software we buy the more of them they have to produce(for gamers), the cheaper the production cost,.. the more features we will get to entice not strictly gamers,..

If they completely opened it up,.. we would not be paying 250 300 for it ,.. believe me,.. It would make no sense,..

NewMonday4792d ago

i wish they would release a 7" version sometime in the future.

pangitkqb4792d ago

@ jack-burt0n

I think you hit the nail on the head. As a gamer I am sold and plan on purchasing a Vita as well as several full-fledged games. However, I would be even more sold if Vita was also an open-market type deal with something similar to the Apple Store on iPhone's and iPods.

Not only would Sony get my money on the $40 games, but also various app types from games to function. Sony is already looking at brining games to other platforms with PlayStation Suite, why not work the other way for additional benefit?

I think the big question is...why not be more than just one or the other if the capability - and market - is there?

Controversy4792d ago

Zinkabass.... you are wrong.

miyamoto4793d ago (Edited 4793d ago )

" The back touchpad
I admit, I was having a hard time making sense of the Vita's back touchpad. Since nothing like it has appeared on a game machine before, it was difficult to imagine how it might come into play in a game and why I should care.
But after playing Vita games like “Little Deviants” and “LittleBigPlanet Vita” I had that “Ah ha! Now I get it!” moment. In the "Little Deviants" collection of mini games, there’s a level in which you must roll a ball-shaped creature around a landscape and into a hole. To roll him around, you touch the back touchpad which makes it so you appear to push the landscape on the screen upward. Trace your finger around that back panel and the landscape rises into a hill, shoving the ball around. Check out the game’s trailer here for a look at what I’m talking about.
Similarly, play the “ModNation Racers” game that’s in the works for Vita and you'll be able to quickly create mountainous terrain for your racetracks by simply pressing on the back of the screen. Check out this below video and you’ll see what I mean.
It is a seemingly simple thing, but the more I played around with games that are implementing this back touchpad, the more I could see just what a smart, fresh idea it is and just how it really will unlock some unique new gameplay experiences."

Touching your game with out visual interfering fingers or stylus!

We will make sure this one of a kind implementation won't get buried under the Nintendo bandwagon.

eagle214792d ago (Edited 4792d ago )

LBP/Modnation are not my type of gameplay. Average gameplay if you ask me.

miyamoto4793d ago

" So, what’s not to like?

Of course, no gadget is perfect for all people.

While at first glance there is a lot to love about the Vita, I did find at least one negative. The biggest thing I noticed was that, with its dimensions, it's a bit awkward to hold in my small hands. For example, as I shifted from using the shoulder buttons to reaching for the back touchpad or moved my fingers toward the front touchscreen, I felt as if the thing didn’t remain all that well balanced in my grip. In fact, Vita is so sleek and so light, I felt like I might just lose my hold on it as I shifted from one control scheme to the other. But again, my hands are an adult size small so perhaps not everyone will have the same problem."

Solution: Wrist Strap

Also, Sony's announcement that they have partnered exclusively with AT&T to deliver 3G to the Vita was a disappointment. Clearly, they have not learned from Apple's mistake.

Wait a sec. Xperia Play is on Verizon!!! Why PSV is on At & T?
Get a wi-fi version only if you dislike At&T.

Der_Kommandant4792d ago

249 USD
249 USD
249 USD
249 USD
249 USD
249 USD
249 USD

a_bro4792d ago


zinkabass4792d ago

We will see,.. Apparently other people are doing it so I don't know if it will be any good..

but I must admit I really hope that this announcement teaser trailer is an actual splash screen for it,..

if you can put your own music in, I am almost sold on the game,..(no game needed)


Redempteur4792d ago

that price is just right for me considering tat it's backward compatible ..with psp software & minis ...

iforgotmylogin4792d ago

poor excuse for backwards compatibility imo.

zinkabass4792d ago (Edited 4792d ago )

@iforgotmylogin ,..
I don't know,.. Since it is running it's own emulator,..

Playing PSP1 Games Uprezed into 'HD-esque' is quite a big deal,..

Playing them on OLED screen with crazy ass contrast ratio,.. is quite a big deal

Having a real damn analog stick ,.. is quite a big deal

Being able to map right analog stick in whatever game for whatever function (usually the camera) is quite a big deal,..

Raendom4792d ago

I love it when Microsoft do articles about their competitors, they're actually a great company now I think about it. :3

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

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Sonyslave31d ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6027h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro247h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro247h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


Fragment’s Note+, Fragment’s Note+ AfterStory, and Fragment’s Note 2+ coming to PC on August 2

Ullucus Heaven will release romance visual novels Fragment’s Note+, Fragment’s Note+ AfterStory, and Fragment’s Note 2+ for PC via Steam on August 2, the developer announced.


PlayStation Plus Just Quietly Released the Most Overlooked Tactical RPG Of All Time

Jeanne d'Arc is a brilliant hidden gem that released on the PSP in 2007, and now the tactical RPG is finally available again through PlayStation Plus.

OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

One of my favorite PSP titles of all time. This is probably my favorite Classic title to hit the PS Catalog yet. I had already bought it on Vita though as part of the PSP store, so I got it for free here to keep. That was quite generous of them, considering the HD overhaul and trophy addition. It would have been worth buying again. Every jrpg fan should try this out on PS+ catalog.

solideagle9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

can we not buy it separately? it seems its only for premium

OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

No? It shows up on mine as owned "Free" bc I bought it years ago.

If you have a Vita, I suppose you could still buy it, if it's still on the store there?

*edit - yep it's still there! $9.99 is a steal for this remaster. (of course free on PS+ catalog is amazing too! This is one I like owning though) You should be able to buy it there on that link on your PC.


Here's a reddit post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/JR...

shinoff21839d ago

It's 10 bucks. Go over to the ... on the game page. It should let you buy it

9d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic9d ago

You can buy it separately, I had to use the PS app to find it on the store (the web store is so dysfunctional), I thought the game had skipped the aussie store, lol.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 9d ago
BinaryMind9d ago

@OtterX - Yes you can buy this game without owning a Vita (like pretty much every other PS classic on PS4/PS5). I bought it yesterday on PS5. It also costed 10 USD.

BinaryMind9d ago

Yep, you get both the PS4 and PS5 versions if you buy it too.

jznrpg9d ago

Its a great one and I’m going to play it via the Portal. Summoner PS2 also got trophies which is cool

MeteorPanda9d ago

Nothing beats ff tactics: war of the lions in my heart.

gold_drake9d ago

nothin beats Shinging Force 2, i mean, no contest haha xD

shinoff21839d ago

Shining force 2 was the first tactic game I ever played. Loved that turtle.

Lionsguard9d ago

Shining Force 1 had the more memorable characters imo.

OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Yes! Final Fantasy Tactics is still my favorite tactical jrpg of them all!

TheColbertinator9d ago

Valkyria Chronicles is my #1 always

gold_drake9d ago

its rly good, playing right now actually ha.

Einhander19729d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I am playing this too, it's my first time. I really enjoy games like this and I'm having fun.

They also added Summoner which I do know quite a bit about it's also really good.

Great month for PS+ all round.

Edit: I hope Sony sees the popularity of this style of game because i have for years (since PS3) been wanting and saying they should make spin off games of their popular series but in different genres.

I have always wanted a tactical game from games like Uncharted, TLoU or Horizon (or any franchise really, I also think they could make a cool card battler Slay the Spire type game.

And they could make games like this quick and cheap compared to what they normally make.

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