
GameEnthus Podcast ep51: Armchair Attendees or Motion Pie

The GameEnthus crew is joined by JVB from TalkingAboutGames.com and Michael Torres from GalaxyNextDoor.com for this week’s audible outing. Our topics this week include but are not limited to: E3, Wii U, washing machines, Transfarring, joysticks, N64, gameboy, PS Vita, Kinect and more. Hope you enjoy the show and feel free to leave us, hopefully positive, feedback on itunes and/or the Zune Marketplace. When you’re done listening check out our forums, leave us some voicemail @ (202) 573-7686 or email us at [email protected].

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Star Wars: Hunters - Essential Beginner Tips and Tricks

Master "Star Wars: Hunters" with these essential beginner tips and tricks. Learn how to choose the right hunter, optimize your strategy, and dominate the arena.

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Infamous Franchise Deserves Another Chance From PlayStation

Sucker Punch rejuvenated the superhero genre with Infamous, a series that focused on the pure fun of wielding destructive powers.

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shinoff21835h ago

Atleast release a remaster trilogy or something to gage interest. I'd buy it. With that said I'm pretty over superheroes at this point. Infamous is still dope as fk though so it'd be a buy

jznrpg4h ago

I agree but games take 4-6 years to make so who knows when they would do it? After Ghost of Tsushima2? They could have something else in the world as well in early production who knows.

mkis0073h ago

It's a shame Sucker Punch finally figured out a good open world formula only while making Ghost of Tsushima. Infamous 1 and 2 were great for their time, but Second son felt too much like a checklist in It's design. I love the hell out of all 3 games (2 and 3 are just so damn good, while 1 shows it's age and the ps3 struggles), but I would love to see how they would do another infamous with all they have learned. Wouldn't hurt to release a remastered collection either.


Has Wuthering Waves Flopped Already?

Are the issues exaggerated, or is the game finished?

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phoenixwing1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

Last week they said it had 30 million pre registrations

Now it's suddenly a flop? I'm thinking it was a slow news day the day they wrote this

Vits20h ago

That is the GACHA cycle. Pretty much every single one gets tons of pre-registrations because of the bonuses you get when you sign up. Then Gacha players will play it for a week or two to see if it's for them. Definitely not a flop for now, but not out of the woods either. Most gachas don't survive for more than a year. And WW has way higher production values than your average GACHA, so it's even more riskier.

Now, for the game itself: I played it for a bit, and it is a game that will definitely please those who complained about GI combat. But for everyone else, it's sort of "meh," particularly due to the lack of charisma in everything.

phoenixwing16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

It's not like it's super realistic graphics. They did overhaul it but I doubt top tier cel shading costs as much as bleeding edge tech for realistic graphics. My only gripe is they kept the Chinese names for things and it makes it harder to remember for english speakers.

Michiel198914h ago

the game is definitely out of the woods, you have no idea how attached 15 yo's get to these higher quality gacha games. You talk about the gacha cycle, but part of the cycle if promoting the game to infinity and making your money back in the first month, that's also part of the cycle sadly.

Xeofate1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

The game made an estimated 26 million in May before it's official release and that number hasn't been updated for June so it's actually way higher.

I'm not sure what is going on with this site and trying to talk down this game but it's obviously hugely sucessful.

Is it just because it's going to be on PlayStation? It's the same sites that are talking up xbox and and talking down PlayStation that are talking this game down.

Sonyslave31d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

No lol majority of this game sales is going to come from mobile n pc, like genshin impact.

This game had so much hype going on it crazy, the Geshin Impact killer smh it numbers not all that impressive compare to geshin.

Aint got shet to do with playstation 🤔 plus it launch was terrible fill with issues that Kuro still working on at this moment.

Xeofate20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

What are you talking about? It doesn't need to beat Genshin to be sucessful.

The game has been hugely popular, the sales ranking hasn't even been posted for the full release of the game, yet it's final beta did over 26m in sales.

The game has been a huge sucess for Kuro Games.

Chevalier10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

It did insanely well on Playstation



Definitely idiots massive downplay o games succeeding on Playstation. Just look at the regulars here trying to downplay this. When Xbox themselves regret turning down Genshin

Not like these games would succeed on Xbox anyways. You actually need paying customers

jznrpg16h ago

Don’t care for mobile gacha shite

blackblades15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Then why TF are you here cause clearly you care enough to show up 🤡

Einhander197212h ago

This is the closing statement.

"From what I can see, despite the initial hiccups, Wuwa is off to a great start. I can’t wait to explore more of the world, and see what the amazing community comes up with!"

Everything that I have seen about the game indicates that not only was the game successful it has way exceeded anyone's expectations.

It's just a stupid click bait title... and I don't get it, if you like the game and think that it's going to do well, why would you use a title that is likely to do more damage than good?

This is the worst type of "journalism" you are damaging someone else's thing just for personal gain through clicks... So congrats on your pennies... which likely caused the thing you like to make less money...

koga889h ago

Hard to judge honestly. The game's had problems since launch and, being a sort of clone of one of Hoyoverse's biggest games already paints a target on it for negativity. Combine that with ZZZ coming out in a couple weeks and there's potential for a flop but I don't think it's even close to the end of the road yet for WW.