
Wii U Ditching Friend Codes For Unified Gamertag, Friends List

John Riccitiello seemed to confirm the depletion of the original Wii's online friend system, the friend codes. Riccitiello explains that the Wii U will have friend lists and a single online identity.

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interrergator4855d ago

good riddance friend code sucked

jwk944855d ago

Finally, that's one point to the Wii U, now let's see some actual games.

D2K4855d ago

I said the same thing when Sony and Microsoft added motion controls to their systems last year.

"Welcome to 2005 Sony and Microsoft." :)

Shadow Flare4855d ago

Why, is 2005 when Sony released the eyetoy?

D2K4855d ago

@Shadowflare: If you want to go the semantics route, I could bring up the Power Glove and U-Force for the NES long before Sony was IN the video games business. You know I was referring to the Kinect and Move so don't go there.

Active Reload4855d ago

"@Shadowflare: If you want to go the semantics route, I could bring up the Power Glove and U-Force for the NES long before Sony was IN the video games business. You know I was referring to the Kinect and Move so don't go there."


Shadow Flare4855d ago (Edited 4855d ago )

I know nintendo did things like the power glove way long ago but the way you worded your comment suggested this was Sony and microsofts first foray into motion gaming and it was just because of Wii. And I just wanted to remind you Sony put out eyetoy long before Wii. I know they weren't first but welcome to 2005 D2K, eyetoy is out and Wii isn't. Sony also released a ps3 version of eyetoy before move came out. Ps3 has had motion gaming throughout it's whole life with PSeye, sixaxis controllers and Move, so your comment makes no sense

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4855d ago
BeaArthur4855d ago

Better a decade late than never I guess.

JsonHenry4855d ago

It is funny they talk about innovating. But so far all they have done is play catch up to 2005.

D2K4855d ago

Yeah. Since it took Microsoft and Sony 5 years to catch up to motion-controls, no stones need to be thrown at Nintendo for this. They tried something different, and it didn't work. Big deal. It's not like they couldn't have done this 6 years ago. They just chose not to and it was a mistake. All three companies have made their fair share. At least Nintendo is correcting theirs, and even Sony. What's Microsoft doing?


BeaArthur4855d ago

D2K...they could have tried something different like motion controls and still had a functional online service. The PSN isn't anything special but at least it provides basic functionality.

sporteous1212124855d ago


The difference is that motion controlled gaming is still only one type/genre of gaming whereas online functionality has become a staple for most major titles on all platforms and is integrated into most games period.

Nintendo is making a good move by adding gamertags because I believe a major part of attracting core gamers is to have good online functionality.

Shok4855d ago

Nintendo has been innovating where it matters the most - HOW we play the games.

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F-Zero: GP Legend, a Twenty Year Reunion

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Obscure_Observer7d ago

I´ll pay whatever if it´s worth it. I´m a console gamer first and foremost, but I´m not paying $700 or more for the next gen Xbox console in 2026 in case it don´t provide a significant generation leap in contrast with the Series X.

Since Sarah already confirmed that the next gen Xbox will see the biggest generational leap ever seen through all generations of Xbox consoles to date, I´m positive that it will be a powerful machine, while at the same time, I´ll remain skeptical regarding its price.

darthv727d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Same, I certainly have no issues in paying for something if I think it is worth it. I thought the Pro and one X were worth it because they offered more for the exact same price as the initial launch models of the base units. And the differences were noticeable. Series X is a noticeable upgrade to the S... so i paid more for that.

The 5 Pro is something I will watch with a keen eye as I do like new hardware... but their presentation failed to really sell me on it because of all the already available games they showed with minimal differences. I understand you cant see frame rate improvements in still images... but ive already seen those games in their quality and performance modes.

They really needed to showcase something new.

BQ327d ago (Edited 7d ago )

I mean if two games basically look almost exactly the same but one is running at twice the frame rate that is a HUGE win. People pay well over a $1000 for a graphics card that would show that level of improvement. As an example I used to play apex legends on a 3080 at about 240fps. But I paid 1500 for the 4090 and now play the game at 240fps but in 4k at high quality on my Alienware oled. It cost a lot but I don’t regret it for a second.

Eonjay6d ago

They do have something new. its basically DLSS. At this point, besides better graphics and performance, what would kind of feature would entice you? Personally, all I want is a console that delivers Graphics modes at 60 FPS and Performance modes that deliver 120 FPS. I am so glad we get another 4 years before PS6 because honestly I agree with you in saying that I don't know what else they could sell me on. Also, I know you are a collector so you are gonna have to pay full price because you probably wont trade. Am I correct there?

darthv726d ago

^^correct, I have never traded in when buying new stuff. As far as the 'new features' goes... it is rather tough to come up with something new when we have pretty much seen all that we can see. Only refinements to what is already out. Their PSSR is not really 'new' when you figure they did checkerboard rendering (which was new at the time) and this is only refining it via a chip now vs software / hardware techniques previously.

gold_drake6d ago

whats that mean tho "big generation leap"

is it from the series s perspective or the x?

as usual, they all talk with no real meaning behind it.

Obscure_Observer6d ago

"whats that mean tho "big generation leap"

What we saw between the Xbox One X vs Xbox Series X for Xbox or PS4 Pro and PS5 for Playstation.

"is it from the series s perspective or the x?"

I´d mentioned the Series X in my OP

"as usual, they all talk with no real meaning behind it."

No. it´s just you that failed to understand a simple message.

Eonjay6d ago

' I´m a console gamer first and foremost' totally agree with this I'm doing the trade in so its more like $400 for me so its well worth the money to get a boost if I have to wait till 2028. If you are just gonna get the next Xbox in 2026, then it may make sense for you to hold off for 2 more years... however, if you want to play your PS5 games in the way possible, you might want to do like me and just trade up. And yes, be skeptical about the price. Perhaps you can trade up your Series X.

P_Bomb7d ago

They still need to sell software and would do well to remember that. A PS6 selling for the same $1000 CAD the Pro is selling for? I don’t see that growing their business. This is a canary in the coal mine moment.

BeHunted7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

For Sony. Everyone said the exact same thing about Xbox One. Sony is making the same mistakes. I think the next Xbox will be £500, while the PS6 without Disk Drive will probably be priced at £850.

jznrpg7d ago

Xbox one was less powerful than PS4 and more expensive.

Knightofelemia7d ago

We all know next gen machines go up in price. Question is how much will they charge for that next gen machine? You have to keep it affordable of it will scare people off or people won't be able to afford it. $1000 Canadian PS5 Pro I won't pay for. If I had that kind of scratch on me I would save it and put it towards a PS6 or a Switch 2. I am happy with my slim PS5 and I will wait for the PS6 instead of buying a mid cycle upgrade like a PS5 Pro. People want to buy it then go for it have fun. Another problem with next gen is you don't want to pull a dumb shit move like Microsoft and release a machine like the Series S. I can understand affordability but I also don't like wasting money on a machine where the games have to be nerfed down just to run on the machine. Sony had it right same specs same machine one has a disc drive the other doesn't. If I was into digital I would have bought a Series X digital console but again it's late to the party. Other thing you don't want to do is another dumb shit move Microsoft made and that's making a proprietary memory card to expand the memory. Sony was right again I paid way less for my Samsung 980 pro compared to what Microsoft is charging for a memory card. Hell my 128 gig micro SD card I bought for $5 on Boxing day I use it for my Switch is way cheaper then a Series X memory card. Like I said we all know prices go up when next gen comes out it has happened for a long time and it will continue to happen.

Kakashi Hatake7d ago

People are forgetting next gen is about 4 to 5 years from now. It'll happen when a jump from the Pro is at a 500 dollar price point. People are daft if they think an enthusiast product will dictate what happens with a mainstream product.

darthv726d ago

Hmm... i am reminded how a $400 PS4 Pro (enthusiast product) lead to a $500 PS5 (mainstream product). And here we are today.

Like i said in another thread, I fully expect a PS6 to at least be $600. It won't be the same price the 5 was or anything less than that. It will be the same price as the fully featured PS3 was at launch.

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