
Msxbox - SSFIV Arcade Edition review

Msxbox-world posted a review of Capcom's soon to be released Super StreetFighter IV Arcade Edition. Is it worth the 1200 point price tag?

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Robotronfiend4860d ago

1) No need to assume what will be in the retail release, you can actually research that info yourself with either google or a click on the Capcom website.

2) Most people playign SSF4 will pick up the upgrade and most online lobbies will be AE only, even though there is an option to mix AE players and Super players. You will revert to Super version if both versions are present.

3) All tournaments will be run with AE.

4) Yun and Yang aren't overpowered. Period. They are new and players will learn to deal with dive kick rushdown pressure in a month or two.

5) "Generally speaking, the sentiment seems to be that if you have already played the last game then Arcade Edition is perhaps not for you unless you are so desperate to play with the new characters and look at the extended replay options" SO VERY WRONG. Generally speaking everyone will get this if they want to have ample players to fight online. If I have AE, i'm not playing anyone who doesn't and I'm in the majority. No AE, no match - most lobbies will most likely be AE only.

6) The changes aren't going to just be visible to hardcore players. They will be apparent to everyone. For example: when your special move no longer knocks people down, that's a big change.

7) A rating on a review is far less helpful than an actual complete list of changes. We know what it is, tell us what is new with this DLC.

8) "you can still get the same level of enjoyment without this update and save yourself 1200 in the process" - WRONG. Just plain wrong. Most people will not be playing Super version anymore and your selection of opponents will be limited. Trust me, that is NOT the same level of fun.

DeleteThisxx4860d ago

I agree with everything you had to say with the exception of one thing.

Yun is most certainly overpowered, Ono himself stated that they intentionally made the twins more powerful than the rest of the cast. However, you are right when you say that he CAN be beaten. People crying about his advantages over other characters should learn how to play defensively and know when to go on the offensive.

Besides.... It's not like Yun has 1.3 million health or anything :p

Robotronfiend4857d ago

It's probably because I main Gief. I only need a single frame advantage after a block to start with the SPDs, so its pretty easy for me to punish a lot of Yun stuff because he is always SO CLOSE after I block. The lariat is also not too bad as AA to trade with a dive kick. When Gief and Yun trade, Gief wins. :-) Yeah Yun is totally NOT Sent. heheh I'm assuming Yun is a complete pain in the arse vs non-grapplers.

J BO4860d ago

stupid review, they don't know that changes is only to balance the characters and adding 4 new. All in all, this addition is only for hardcore fighting games who is recognize the differences in term of gameplay not GRAPHIC, AUDIO, and LONGEVITY.

shades724860d ago

Most if not all casual players won't give two hoots about the tweaks to the balancing. So only the few hardcore players who give a damn will be interested in this update. The review was written with the majority in mind it seems.

DeleteThisxx4860d ago

Few? C'mon, the community is MASSIVE dude.

shades724860d ago (Edited 4860d ago )

In the grand scheme of things SSFIV's "Massive" community is a blip. Sorry I can't get more recent stats. It's not even in the top 20.

Posted 20 April 2011 - 05:05 PM

Xbox 360 Top LIVE Titles (based on UU’s)

1 Call of Duty: Black Ops
2 Modern Warfare 2
3 Halo: Reach
4 FIFA Soccer 11
5 NBA 2K11
7 Battlefield: Bad Co. 2
8 Gears of War 2
9 Call of Duty 4
10 Call of Duty: WaW
11 Red Dead Redemption
12 Halo 3
13 Crysis 2
14 NHL 11
15 Homefront
16 Forza Motorsport 3
17 Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
18 Madden NFL 11
19 Fallout: New Vegas
20 Left 4 Dead 2

DeleteThisxx4860d ago

Lmao, okay. You used Xbox Live as your evidence. Officially void and eliminated from this debate

DeleteThisxx4860d ago

You really should take into accout team spooky streams, California regionals, Canada cup, east coast throwdown, midwest community, international community, the various arcades across the country that are still going strong, international arcades (which are still significantly prevalent in international areas), Vesper arcade and last but not least...EVO. Fighting games may not be the main focus for online gaming but the fighting game community itself is HUGE. There's no denying that.

Robotronfiend4857d ago

LOL, he used Xbox live numbers!

I just now checked Peaceful jay's stream on justin.tv and there were... 752 spectators. In the middle of the day on a Thursday.

Just because the author isn't aware of a massive community does not mean that it does not exist, he just doesn't believe it exists.

Regardless of the changes we can all agree that the fun and enjoyment from the whole franchise is about fighting other people. Last night I saw 1 of 14 lobbies allowing people with the "Super" version to join in. That means 13 of 14 lobbies were AE ONLY. I don't see how losing a large chunk of competition would make the game fun. You can't enjoy the game if you lost a huge % of potential competitors. Not only do you need people, but you need to be able to find people who have a decent connection so you can play online with minimal lag.

Doing research =/= doing quality (meaningful)research.

Quoting pre-AE xbox live numbers while PSN was down AND within 60 days of the MK9 release? You expected to see what exactly?

You're right, the community is a blip. All the blips gather together in Vegas every summer for over 10 years now to compete to be champion blip and take home 5 figures in prize money.

The fighting game community as a whole can even drink legally in the US now since its over 21 years old.


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