
GamerGaia - New Trailer for Aliens: Colonial Marines

SEGA aims for a Spring 2012 release for Aliens: Colonial Marines, coming on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360. Aliens: Colonial Marines will provide a first-person shooter gaming experience that pits you against the terrifying Xenomorphs. The release of the newest trailer provides a first-hand look of the exciting, yet horrifying world of Aliens.

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Cwalk8164768d ago

I have been waiting as soon as I heard it. I can't freakin wait!!!

TheFodi4768d ago

It's a long time away yet, but maybe the developers won't screw a movie turned into a video game like they usually do.

ThanatosDMC4768d ago

Hope it's worth the full price. AVP3 was disappointing in the multiplayer department. Lack of maps, dedicated servers, character/class options, hated the instant kill attacks since it took too much time, etc.

k4rma4768d ago (Edited 4768d ago )

This game is done by Gearbox. Rebellion did AvP2010 and I agree it was not very good. Gearbox on the other hand have a great track record so my hopes are very high for this one.

lil Titan4768d ago

i really hope its gonna be a good game, i dont want to pick this game up just because im a fan the the ALIENS series

Kingdom Come4768d ago

I've been waiting almost Four Years for this game, it looked in 2008 to be the ideal Horror FPS title, with players wielding doors and vents, utilising the technology introduced in the films and relying on strong teamwork. I can not wait for the E3 Gameplay reveal, if this teaser is anything to go by, this title will have been worth the wait. And that's coming from someone who's not a great fan of FPS'.

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Roundtable: Games That Should Have Received a Sequel

Too many games aren't given a second shot. We at VGU choose which games we would love to see receive a sequel.

JonTheGod1020d ago (Edited 1020d ago )

The Saboteur - criminally underrated and a fantastic mechanic of bringing colour back to Nazi-occupied Paris.

The article lists Bulletstorm, Sleeping Dogs, and Aliens: Colonial Marines.


Lazy Writing – Five Diabolical Duds from the Last Decade

Player 2 takes some quiet time to look back at some of the most hyped failures of the past 10 years.

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SpamnJam1598d ago

Can't argue with any of those really, but I would add Resident Evil Operation Racoon City and Metal Gear Survive to that list. Both terrible games from good franchises.

AK911598d ago

Bulletstorm, I actually liked the gameplay but the atrocious writing and characters made me despise the game by the end of it.


Aliens: Colonial Marines Offers Stellar Multiplayer (If You Use Mods)

Thanks to a bustling mod community on Steam, Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines actually has a stellar multiplayer experience to offer these days.

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FTLmaster1666d ago

I still play AvP on PS3 to this day. That game had fun multiplayer too.