
FIFA 12 Producer David Rutter On Why 12 Is Revolutionary & 'Significantly Different' To FIFA 11

TheGamingLiberty.com wriyes:

"TGL was in London last week getting hands on with the latest installment in the acclaimed FIFA franchise, FIFA 12. We put the controller down between game sessions and had a chat with series Producer David Rutter about the how this latest edition to the franchise will revolutionize the way you play FIFA forever."

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Seijoru4772d ago

This guy lies through his teeth every year.

SwilloTGL4772d ago

Wonder how this will feature at E3...

Senden4771d ago

"Why 12 is revolutionary and significantly different to 11?" Well that's easy, it's all that because he's paid to tell us it's all that. The footage I've seen looks promising though.

Menech4771d ago

It's just a shame people have to buy a game named after the world's football governing board.

Which as we have all seen in the news lately are a bunch of leaching back hand bribing scum bags.

KingPin4771d ago

and next year he will tell 13 is revolutionary and significantly different to 12. but what il still be seeing is cardboard shorts with the same gameplay of 12. nevermind that, im still seeing cardboard shorts with the gameplay of 11. not that im a graphics geek or something but they havent changed the look of those shorts n shirts since fifa 99.

Xof4771d ago

A revolutionary sports game would be a sports game that incorporates enough new mechanics and uses a sufficiently visceral, immersive engine so as to appeal to non-sports-fans.

Ain't gonna happen.

Just once, ONCE, I'd like to see a sports game that feels more like playing a sport than watching a sport. Only ones that ever seem to get close are boarding/tennis games.

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FIFA boss David Rutter departs EA Sports studio

Former FIFA boss David Rutter has relocated to Sweden to oversee EA’s European studios including DICE, Criterion and Ghost Games, VGC understands.

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-Foxtrot1756d ago (Edited 1756d ago )

"EA’s European studios including DICE, Criterion and Ghost Games"

To what? See how they can use FIFAs monetisation crap in every other games ¬¬

1756d ago
ramiuk11755d ago

will probably add fuel to planes and tanks etc where if you run out you have chance to buy more during the game and charge for bullets like paintball

AK911755d ago

Does it even matter anymore?


TGS 2013: FIFA 14 Interview - Kicking Around With David Rutter | X360A

X360A - "FIFA 14 is getting ready to kick off, so we grabbed Executive Producer David Rutter at this year’s Tokyo Game Show to discover everything EA Sports has in store."

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FIFA 13 Interview – BAFTA Nominated Executive Producer David Rutter

WC - I think sports games get a harder time than they should do. People seem to pass the off as something that are churned out yearly to make a quick buck, but that actually disregards the work and creativity these titles bring. A new year brings new features and further refines already exiting systems, lot of the times, dramatically. I remember the jump from FIFA 11 and 12 being a tough re-configuring with the inclusion of a new defensive system. But that had a purpose.

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4120d ago Replies(1)
4120d ago
Jonnyquest3214120d ago

Right there with you guys, it feels like no matter how many new features they add they couldn't stop the series from going backwards. I genuinely regretted not buying Pes (which has its own problems)