
Former Gamesauce editor lectures on Game PR & Marketing

Gamesauce Magazine's former European editor Vlad Micu was invited to speak about this and four other topics at the Kajaani University of Applied Sciences in Finland last week. This first lecture explains how you should understand and treat the importance of pr & marketing in the creation of games in order for developers to one day turn them into products. The topics covered in part 1 are:

2.00 Traditional game marketing
2.45 Marketing basics
3.15 Why you need marketing
3.45 Why you need need it even more
4.00 Why you need it forever
4.40 The obvious chores
5.30 What you can do right away in four easy steps
6.00 Step 1: PR ≠ Marketing
9.00 Step 2: Create Assets
10.15 Step 3: Join (and participate in) Communities
11.00 Step 4: Understand how press works
13.45 Why you don’t need marketing
14.30 Some handy tricks
14.45 #1 Use SEO and be unique
17.15 #2 Don’t forget social media

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Urmomlol4867d ago

Good GOD this guy has absolutely no clue how to do PR. He wouldn't last five seconds in a real agency.


Former Gamesauce editor lectures on Understanding Game Journalism

Gamesauce Magazine's former European editor Vlad Micu was invited to speak about this and four other topics at the Kajaani University of Applied Sciences in Finland last week. This lecture explains how you should understand game journalists as people and treat the importance having the game press write about their products. The topics covered in part 1 are:

1.45 Quick recap: How press Works
2.30 Who are these people?
3.30 Similarities between press
6.40 Brand Boyer’s GDC 2010 rant
7.45 When things go wrong in game journalism
9.45 The unwritten rule of game journalism
10.30 Why you should know this stuff
12.00 Know your real enemy, the big publishers
14.30 Don’t use their tricks
15.45 What happens behind closed doors
17.00 Wake up and smell the coffee

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Faunus4851d ago

Awesome and interesting lecture about gamejournalism.

This is stuff you can learn from!