
What We Want in a New Smash Bros

I don't know about you, but when I hear Nintendo is about to unveil a new home console, I wonder when I'm going to see a new Super Smash Bros. The publisher's last two systems, the GameCube and Wii, were both fully revealed alongside new installments of the popular fighting/party game. Each time the franchise has grown in complexity and scope, making it one of the most anticipated releases every generation.

The Nintendo fans here at IGN have been playing a lot of Smash Bros. lately. We've also been looking back at Smash 64, Melee and Brawl thanks to some excellent reader blogs. It's time to ponder what could come next from the series that collides the worlds of Zelda, Mario, Metroid and more.

Kamikaze1354871d ago

Here's what I would definitely appreciate:

- More 3rd party characters - 1 or 2 is fine. But these have to be characters that are known to be in Nintendo franchises. And more Nintendo characters, of course!

- Mini games other than break the target. Something cool...not something that feels like it was just thrown in there.

- Voice acting for the characters that have voices because there were way too many awkward moments in Brawl's story.

- Better level customization and sharing would be nice.

jacksonmichael4870d ago

I agree, but I would like to add that each character should have their own block animation. I'm anti-shrinking-pink-bubble.

soren4870d ago

they did have there own block animation? have u seen the char inside the bubble? when u block with ike and move around he is holding his swrod and link his sheild

jacksonmichael4870d ago

Yeah, you're right. Sorry. lol.

Uncharted3Goty4871d ago

what we want is a new super smash bros.

Soplox4871d ago

DUH!! But what you want IN the new Smash Bros

zackacloud4870d ago

How about FF and KH characters?

Redempteur4870d ago

NO .

you want cross over characters to come into a corss over game .

So you want to cross over to bring some cross over characters... well we need to go deeper than this ...

BeardyKaiji4870d ago

No, I'd rather see the rest of the Nintendo Catalogue first.

I still want my SKULL KID!

AdvanceWarsSgt4870d ago

Viewtiful Joe and Travis Touchdown

Make it happen

lizard812884870d ago (Edited 4870d ago )

I can only see Nintendo adding a few new Nintendo characters. they are running down to the wire. Krool IIRC, is now the most wanted character along with Ridley.

What i want is:

-More 3rd party characters, maybe like 3 new ones. One of them better be (Classic) megaman.

-Balance changes, Nurfs and Buffs.

-Better AI, Brawls was lame. Melee's was much better balanced.

-Final Smashes not to be a KO fest


-Better Custom level maker.

-Bring back the gumball machine for trophies

-More assist trophies. (I would like to make them throw-able instead of picking it up and activating.)

-Better Random Pokemon. Brawl's was lame. it is just the same 3 pokemon over again.

-Make tripping an option

-Arcade, Adventure, and Story mode for main single player modes.

amilio4870d ago

Melee was much better balanced!?!?!?! are u crazy!?!?!?! u shud watch some melee matches on utube. final smashes werent Ko fest except for sonic's and marth. the final smash addtions were great. i perfer melee buh by the time the years went by. the crazy thing players found was incredible.

AEtherbane4869d ago

Brawl was much more balanced than Melee, no doubt. But Melee was more faced paced had this thing called gravity. You fell like a feather in Brawl which i've still not gotten used too.

lizard812884869d ago

For the AI i should explain myself.

Brawl's AI is much harder, but Melee's is more balanced. For example, in both games, set 3 cpu on level 9 and 1 human player, and play.

In Brawl, The AI will ONLY go after you, even though you didn't set it on team. in melee, they attack each other. thats what i mean by that statement. Its very frustrating when you launch off the side of the stage and the 3 others gather by the edge and just stand there, rather than fight each other.

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Nintendo Is Reportedly Targeting AI-Generated Mario Pictures

Tracer used AI to serve takedowns "on behalf of Nintendo".

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Valkyrye1d 16h ago

Nintendo using "AI" company to take down "AI" created images is a bad sign.

Pyrofire954h ago

I hope there's a huge flood of Mario Ai pics now.


If Nintendo's new "wireless device" is for tracking movement, let's hope it's for VR

Nintendo's new 'wireless device' patent suggests it tracks movement. Could it be a precursor for VR?

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OtterX16h ago

The prospect of having a proper Nintendo VR is exciting.

I'd die for another Astrobot on PSVR2, as the Rescue Mission on PSVR1 was incredible. Sony showed how amazing platformers can be in VR, and I have no doubt Nintendo could do some equally amazing things IF they were to embrace the platform.


Nintendo To Go In 'Different Direction' To Current AI Trends, Says Miyamoto

Music to our ears.

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Jin_Sakai23h ago

“There is a lot of talk about A.I., for example. When that happens, everyone starts to go in the same direction, but that is where Nintendo would rather go in a different direction."

Good on Nintendo for not chasing the next big thing.

Aussiesummer19h ago

Well nintendo has always been about innovation so I'm not surprised.

KyRo17h ago

Always? I feel the last time off the top of my head that they were innovative was the 3DS/Wii era. They are very successful at what they do but I wouldn't say they are as innovative as they used to be.

Venoxn4g17h ago

Well, in my opinion they have popularised hybrid console which is the Switch

KyRo15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Your opinion is correct. There's no denying Nintendo's influence on the handheld market that's paved the way for the ROG, Steam Deck, MSI Claw etc but apart from the dock to get a small jump in power, it wasn't really revolutionary, even back when it launched. It was a more refined concept of the Wii U which again wasn't new or groundbreaking back then either.

Aussiesummer7h ago

What the switch wasn't innovative? Cmon.

SeTTriP4h ago

He was saying that's what they strive for and that is a fact.do they always hit the mark?. no but it's in they're design philosophy all the same.

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badz14919h ago

LOL simply because they don't want to invest in it and stick to their outdated approach. See the next pokemon game on Switch 2 will look like something that should come out during the PS3 gen

Profchaos17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

So a custom art style vs GTA trilogy style mistakes through their games

I'll take the art style thanks

WolfSeed18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

Translation: We'll wait until it's cheaper.

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